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Trns•port Software

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Trns•port?
A. Trns•port is a suite of software modules, developed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), designed to support state construction programs. Trns•port manages the construction program beginning with cost estimation through proposal preparation, bid-letting and construction and materials management. It also provides historical data collection and analysis. More than 40 states use Trns•port.

Q. What Trns•port modules are implemented and who will be impacted?
A. These are the software modules and those impacted:
  • BAMS/DSS is maintained and used by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Office of Estimating and Project Delivery Support. It is also used by the Inspector General’s staff for various management reports.
  • CES is used for cost estimation by design consultants and NJDOT in-house design teams.
  • PES is used by estimators from NJDOT’s Capital Program Management (CPM) and Operations units to generate standard reports that include the detailed estimate, the proposal estimate and the proposal.
  • Expedite is an electronic bidding system that is used for NJDOT’s Capital Program and Operations projects. Expedite consists of several components, some intended for the NJDOT and others for bidders.
  • LAS is used almost exclusively by NJDOT’s Quality Assurance and Professional Services units.
  • SiteManager will be used by NJDOT field inspectors, resident engineers, administrative and laboratory staffs after Fall 2008.
Q. Who implemented Trns•port?
A. Info Tech is the primary contractor hired by AASHTO to develop and maintain Trns•port software with NJDOT staff. The New Jersey Office of Information Technology is also involved.

Q. What systems are being replaced by Trns•port?
A. NJDOT’s construction program is supported by several IT systems that are being phased out. These include the Automated Construction Estimate System (ACES), Contractor Payment System (CPS), CPS Front End (CPSFE) and Change Order Tracking System (COTS).

Q. Who should I contact for further information?
A. NJDOT’s Trns•port team can be reached by email.

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  Last Updated:  October 11, 2006