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NIH Record

NINR Reaches Out to Minority Nurses

The National Institute of Nursing Research has intensified efforts to attract minority nurses to biomedical and behavioral research careers. It is collaborating with the National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) and the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) to inform the minority community about NINR research and research training opportunities.

"We have already begun to tap the potential of these partnerships," said Dr. Patricia Grady, NINR director. "We are broadening opportunities for minorities and helping increase the national pool of senior nursing scientists." She added, "Our joint involvement is key to finding solutions to pressing health problems, particularly for the more vulnerable populations."

Dr. Laura James, NINR health scientist administrator, and Kay Johnson, NINR's Equal Employment Opportunity officer, attended NBNA's 25th annual conference in Chicago. James found that many undergraduate and masters level nurses are interested in research projects with minority and vulnerable populations. "The benefit of having NINR as a resource is that we can support minority investigators with supplemental minority grants and facilitate their partnering with advanced level nurse researchers," she said.

Another HSA in the institute, Dr. J. Taylor Harden, attended the annual NAHN conference in New York. She copresented a workshop, "Creating Your Research Opportunities," that highlighted strategies nurses could use to develop their research interests, and to avoid pitfalls in the profession.

One of the pitfalls is becoming "place-bound," said Harden. "To benefit from a strong research mentorship program, beginning researchers may have to move from their current employment or doctoral education setting."

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