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USGS Education Map Catalog

The USGS publishes over 76,000 different maps in a wide variety of scales and themes.  

Click on any of the 12 themes or images below to browse a sample of USGS maps of that theme.


Thumbnail map depicting topography and link to Map Catalog Topography Collection Topography 

Maps showing canyons, plains, mountains, and other features resulting from erosion, deposition, mountain building, glaciation, river, and other processes.   Often show rivers, roads, railroads, towns, land ownership, and other features.

Thumbnail map depicting geology and link to Map Catalog Geology Collection Geology 

Maps showing surface or underlying rock type, their structure, and their origin.  May also show minerals, mining areas, and features such as fault lines, plate boundaries, rivers, and topography.  

Thumbnail map depicting imagery and link to Map Catalog Imagery Collection


Maps showing physical and cultural features on the land using natural color, black and white, color infrared, radar, and other types of images from satellites and aircraft.

Thumbnail map depicting culture and history and link to Map Catalog Culture and History Collection Culture and History 

Maps showing Native American Cultural Regions, physical and cultural landscape on historical editions of USGS topographic maps, the growth of the United States, historical trails and explorers, and other themes.

Thumbnail map depicting national parks and link to Map Catalog Parks Collection National Parks and Monuments

Maps showing topographic and thematic maps of selected National Parks.

Thumbnail world map and link to Map Catalog International Collection

International and World

Maps of the world, regions, and countries outside of the USA.

Thumbnail map depicting hydrographic features and link to Map Catalog Water Collection

Water Resources

Maps showing watersheds, floods, water quality, coastal features, aquifers, and other water-related issues and features.

Thumbnail map depicting planetary maps and link to Map Catalog Planetary Collection


Maps showing geology, shaded relief, and other themes in the solar system.

Thumbnail map depicting environmental data and link to Map Catalog Environmental Collection


Maps showing environmental themes and ecoregions.  

Thumbnail map depicting land cover and link to Map Catalog Land Collection

Land Status and Land Cover

Maps showing the land status, land use, and land cover of the USA and selected areas of the world. 

Thumbnail map depicting energy data and link to Map Catalog Energy Collection

Energy and Physics

Maps showing the distribution and assessment of geothermal, oil, gas, coal, hydroelectric, other energy sources, geomagnetism, and the Earth's gravity.

Thumbnail map depicting earthquakes and link to Map Catalog Hazards Collection

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Landslides

Maps showing the distribution of earthquake epicenters, volcanoes, and landslides across the USA and around the world.

To order USGS maps or other products, contact:


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or write:  US Geological Survey, Map Distribution, Denver Federal Center, Box 25286, 

               Denver, Colorado 80225-0286 USA

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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center

Last modified:  6 January 2004