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Pathobiology Laboratory


The Pathobiology Laboratory (PL) conducts a wide range of diagnostic testing services.  The laboratory provides training, proficiency testing, and lab oversight for National Animal Health Laboratory Network laboratories conducting transmissible spongiform encephalopathy testing and is the national confirmatory laboratory for diagnosis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States.  PL also performs fraudulent blood screening tests for animals being transported out of the United States.

The laboratory supports various Veterinary Services animal disease eradication/control efforts, such as bovine tuberculosis, BSE in cattle, scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease in deer and elk, and psoroptic mange in sheep.. 

The laboratory performs chemical analyses on pesticides and airline disinfectants (used to keep out foreign parasites/diseases), as well as chemical testing of veterinary biological products. In addition, support for Animal Care and Welfare (horse protection) is provided by testing for illegal chemicals applied to the limbs of horses, which might result in chemical injury. PL supports the national tick surveillance program through the identification of ticks found on imported animals and also assists with the screwworm eradication program by identifying suspected screwworm fly larvae.

PL contact information:
Director: Dr. Art Davis
Phone:  (515) 663-7526
Fax:  515-233-9197
Email: Arthur.J.Davis@aphis.usda.gov







Last Modified: October 11, 2007