Outreach and Capacity Building

Yihaw Folder 2004 demo project GBIF Participants are invited to submit tenders for the 2004 demonstration project.
Yihaw Folder Conventions
Yihaw Folder Courses, workshops, seminars...
Yihaw Folder GBIF Experts’ Meeting on biodiversity data, databases and property rights issues.
Yihaw Folder Programme Documents, working materials, discussions
Yihaw Folder Study on Data-sharing with Countries of Origin The present report is the result of a commissioned study by GBIF (OCB Work Programme - contract no. GBIFS/2003/04), to analyze experiences on data sharing with countries of origin (a.k.a. repatriation). This study was carried out by the Reference Centre on Environmental Information (CRIA). Work involved selecting and contacting institutions, developing a questionnaire, tabulating answers, analyzing the responses, and writing this report.
Yihaw HTML Document Amazon Basin Biodiversity Information Facility (ABBIF)
Yihaw URL Demonstration Project The first GBIF Demonstration Project, at GBIF Demo, provides concrete and user-friendly examples of how primary biodiversity data can effectively be used, managed, exchanged and disseminated via the Internet, for a wide public. It was prepared for GBIF by the University of Turku in association with the Peruvian Institute of Amazonian Research (IIAP). This project provides four tours that target decision-makers as well as the general public. Tour 1 deals with Neotropical species distributions, Tour 2 with multi-authored rainforest trees inventories, Tour 3 is about sub-arctic plant observations and Tour 4 focuses on planning and management of biodiversity.
Folder Ecological Niche Modelling Workshop Outreach and Capacity Building
Folder GBIF Pro Bono legal Expert Group (PROLeg) Outreach and Capacity Building
Folder GBIF/UNESCO 2004 Call for submission of pre-proposals for the GBIF/UNESCO Chairs in Biodiversity Informatics 2004
Yihaw Pointer Training

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