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NEWTON BBS Basic Information

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The NEWTON BBS, operated by the Division of Educational Programs (DEP) of Argonne National Laboratory [Argonne, Illinois which is located about 40 km (25 miles) southwest of downtown Chicago]. NEWTON BBS was started in November of 1991 to provide K-12 science, math and computer teachers (and their students) a place to practice telecommunications, to retrieve useful information in a wide variety of subjects, to contact research scientists from all over the world and to open communications between classroom teachers. NEWTON is associated with the Argonne Community of Teachers (ACT) and operated by the staff at the Division of Educational Programs.

Harold Myron Ph.D
Director of DEP
Deon Ettinger Ph.D
Program Director
System Operators

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We provide a means to have questions answered that are not going to be easily found on the web or within common references.



For assistance with NEWTON contact a System Operator, at Argonne's Division of Educational Programs

NEWTON BBS AND ASK A SCIENTIST Division of Educational Programs

Building DEP/223 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne, Illinois 60439-4845 USA

Last Update: May 2006