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On the battle field, having reliable source of power to operate the many advanced electronic devices a soldier carries is essential. But today's heavy and cumbersome batteries fall short in satisfying the military's needs. In search of both a lightweight and reliable alternative, the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed the smallest power system yet, all wrapped up in a micro-sized package. PNNL researchers, with funding from the Defense Advanced Reserach Projects Agency, have developed the world's smallest catalytic fuel processing reactor system system to provide a low-watt power source for hand-held wireless equipment, sensors and other small but essential devices required by today's troops. For more details, go to the following websites:

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory News Release "Think small when powering today's electronic soldier"

ABC News release "Power Ranger: Tiny Part for Future Soldier's Power Supply"

Science Daily "Think Small When Powering Today's Electronic Soldier"

Science Blog "Think small when powering today's electronic soldier"

E4Engineering.com "Big power from tiny device"

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