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NIH Record

Study Subjects Sought

Healthy Volunteers Wanted

The NIA Laboratory of Neurosciences is seeking healthy volunteers ages 18 and older to participate in research studies. Participation involves full medical evaluation, psychological testing, and brain scans (MRI, PET). Procedures require approximately 13 hours and participants will be paid $300 to $500 depending on time involved. For more information, call 6-4754, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday; or 6-4273, after hours.

Healthy Volunteers Needed

African American males ages 45-65 are needed to participate in a study of the causes of kidney failure. Study is looking for healthy men, taking no medicines, and takes approximately 1 hour. For more information, call 6-2711 and leave a message.

Female Volunteers Needed

The Behavioral Endocrinology Branch, NIMH, seeks female volunteers ages 18-45 to participate in a 5-month study of the effects of reproductive hormones on brain and behavior. Volunteers must have regular menstrual cycles witih no changes in mood in relationship to menses, be free of illness and not taking any hormones or medication on a regular basis. They will complete daily rating forms, be asked to participate in one of several protocols, and will be paid. Call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, 6-9576.

Long, Short Sleepers Needed

The Clinical Psychobiology Branch, NIMH, needs subjects who habitually sleep 9 hours or more, or 6 hours or less, ages 21-30, for a 5-consecutive-night sleep study. The volunteer should be very healthy, have no history of mental illness, no sleep disorders, and should not be on any medications, including over-the-counter medications and birth control. Study subjects will be paid. Contact Holly Giesen or Michael Jackson, 6-6981.

Down Syndrome Study Recruits

Adults ages 18 and older with Down syndrome are sought for memory and aging studies conducted by NIA's Laboratory of Neurosciences. For more information call 6-4754, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After hours call 6-4273.

Memory Loss Study Needs Vols

Individuals with mild to moderate memory loss who are suspected to have Alzheimer's disease are sought by NIA's Laboratory of Neurosciences. For more information, call 6-4754, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After hours call 6-4273.

Injured on the Job?

Do you have a work-related upper extremity problem or injury, i.e., carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or repetitive strain injury of the fingers, wrist, elbow or shoulder? USUHS is conducting a study that includes a $40 payment. Volunteers must be ages 20-60, seen by a physician within the past month and currently working. Call (301) 295-9659.

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