United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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You’ve Got the Power to Help!

Remarks by Thomas A. Weber, Associate Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service
at the NRCS Combined Federal Campaign Kick-Off
Washington, D.C.
November 5, 2003

Thank you Mark (Bushman), and thank you Tonya (Johnson), for that beautiful rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.” You truly have a gift.

Good morning, everyone! I’m delighted to be here for this annual kick-off of the Combined Federal Campaign! I’d like to thank Terry D’Addio and Mark Bushman for taking on the job of coordinating this year’s campaign at NRCS and for planning and organizing this kick-off.

We are also honored to have with us this morning, Patrick Clerkin, who is the Combined Federal Campaign Manager for the Department. He will be telling us more about what’s going on Department-wide later during his closing remarks. Thanks for being here with us this morning Pat.

“You’ve got the power to help!” is the theme of this year’s Combined Federal Campaign. Having been involved with CFC over the years, I understand the power of giving. I have seen firsthand how the contributions of many people can combine to a make a real difference in the ability to reach others.

Year after year, NRCS employees have shown their compassion by giving generously. I’m very proud that last year we collected almost $50 thousand in pledges and contributions. Many of you helped us achieve this milestone and I know that, together, we can do even better this year.

I especially want to thank our NRCS key workers for your commitment, dedication, and hard work. You are essential to the success of a campaign like this.

I’d like to take a minute to thank all our NRCS employees for all you did to make the past 12 months a record year for conservation on America’s private lands. I’m proud of you and your accomplishments.

Given the excellent job you’ve done over the past year, it’s is no surprise to me that it was Federal employees, just like all of you sitting here today, who originally created the Combined Federal Campaign and continue to be its most generous and enthusiastic supporters.

Federal employees like you saw the Combined Federal Campaign as a way to simplify charitable giving and to empower federal employees through individual choice. And over they years, hundreds of thousands of Federal employees have learned the secret of giving, which is that helping others is one of the most rewarding and satisfying things in life.

The Combined Federal Campaign gives you so many ways to help your neighbors and your communities. There are thousands of organizations on the list — literally something for everyone.

There are organizations that help the homeless and feed the hungry. There are research foundations devoted to finding cures for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and other diseases. There are groups that assist farmers, help students, and support soil and water conservation. And so many more.

If there’s an issue or a cause that’s close to your heart, there’s an organization in the Combined Federal Campaign that can use your help.

We are honored to have representatives from two of these many fine organizations here with us this morning.

I’d like to thank J.C. Sherrod, Jr., president and executive director of the Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation for being here. Your organization describes itself as “committed to nurturing the child, healing the family, and rebuilding the community.”

I understand that the foundation is based on the principle that in order for children to grow into successful adults, they need to be secure and develop in values, education, home, and community. These are fine principles that are the very foundation upon which this great country was built. These principles are echoed throughout our society time and again from our places of worship to the halls of Congress and the Administration.

We are also honored to have with us today Robert York from the Whitman-Walker Clinic a non-profit, community-based health organization serving the Washington, D.C., metropolitan region.

The Whitman-Walker Clinic was established to provide high quality, comprehensive, accessible health care and community services to both those infected -- and affected -- by HIV/AIDS. Robert and all the others at the Whitman Walker Clinic can be especially proud of the critically important job they are doing.

So many of the organizations in the Combined Federal Campaign rely on this annual drive to meet their fund-raising goals. Without the support of contributions from payroll deductions, many could not continue to do the great work they do in our communities.

More than three-thousand local, national, and international organizations participate in the CFC. So I encourage everyone to look through the list and find something that appeals to your heart.

As President Bush has said, “Americans are the most compassionate and generous people in the world.” And I’m proud of the fact that NRCS has some of the most compassionate and generous employees in the Federal government.

So, thank you for making NRCS such a special place, and let’s continue to spread the word that everyone has the power to help.

Thank you.