Bird Shippers of America - Who Are We?

The Constitution and the statutes enacted by our Congress guarantee and are designed to insure that postal patrons receive "prompt, reliable, and efficient" postal service "to all communities." In 2002, the Bird Shippers of America, a group of business, individuals, and allied industry was formed. The primary purpose of this organization would be to protect the right to ship live birds, of various types, through the United States Postal Service. Our membership provides the revenue to hire a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. who actively leads us through the complicated scheme of our country's politics in trying to succeed in our mission.

Spring 2008 FedEx Shipping Estimates

I received the following email from Aaron Prather, Postal Transportation Management with Federal Express. He is requesting that each shipper send an email with projected volumes of baby chicks to be shipped through the Post Office using Federal Express for the spring of 2008.

His email is

Thank you.

Bud Wood, Chair
Bird Shippers of America


It is that time of the year to start getting an idea from your member hatcheries of what volumes they are projecting for the 2008 Spring Peak for baby chicks. Last year, their forecasts allowed us to really plan out what we needed to do at are facilities in Memphis and Oakland.

Currently, we are running nearly double the Lives volume over what we did last year. So these forecasts are going to be even more important, because it is clear that the USPS is sending much more of their Live shipments via FedEx now.

So like last year, if you could send an email out to your members to send me their projections or what they shipped last year, we can start making our projections now. The earlier we get the information, the faster we can see if we need to make adjustments to the system prior to the start of Peak shipping.

Aaron Prather
Postal Transportation Management

Posted by Wood at December 5, 2007

2008 Federal Holidays Affecting Shipping

Following is the list of scheduled holidays that FedEx will be using for 2008.

2008 Federal Holidays

Tuesday, January 1 - New Year's Day

Monday, January 21 - Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, February 18 - Washington's Birthday

Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day

Friday, July 4 - Independence Day

Monday, September 1 - Labor Day

Monday, October 13 - Columbus Day

Tuesday, November 11 - Veterans Day

Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving Day

Thursday, December 25 - Christmas Day

For those of you mailing through the winter, they will not be sorting 12/24/2007, 12/25/2007, 12/31/2007 and 1/1/2008.

Bud Wood, Chair
Bird Shippers of America

Posted by Wood at November 7, 2007

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