
5188 records

Subject Scientific Name Order Family Category
armored scale Abgrallaspis degeneratus Leonardi, 1896 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Abgrallaspis gliwicensis Komosinska, 1965 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
hemlock scale Abgrallaspis ithacae (Ferris) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scales Abgrallaspis spp. Balachowsky, 1948 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
beech erineum mite Acalitus fagerinea (Keifer) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
blueberry bud mite Acalitus vaccinii (Keifer) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
long-horned beetle Acalolepta vastator (Newman) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
striped cucumber beetle Acalymma vittatum (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
issid planthopper Acanalonia bivittata Say, 1825 Hemiptera Acanaloniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
planthopper Acanalonia conica (Say) Hemiptera Acanaloniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf-footed bug Acanthocephala declivis (Say) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf-footed bug Acanthocephala femorata Fabricius, 1775 Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf-footed bug Acanthocephala terminalis (Dallas) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
timberman Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Acanthocinus nodosus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Acanthocinus obsoletus (Oliver) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
ponderosa pine bark borer Acanthocinus princeps (Walker) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
squash bug Acanthocoris scabrator (Fabricius) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine false webworm Acantholyda erythrocephala (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
web-spinning pine-sawfly Acantholyda hieroglyphica (Christ) Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Acantholyda sawflies Acantholyda spp. Costa, 1894 Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
nesting-pine sawfly Acantholyda zappei (Rohwer, 1920) Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
smaller yellow ant Acanthomyops claviger (Roger) Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
yellow ant Acanthomyops spp. Mayr, 1862 Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
honey bee mite Acarapis woodi (Rennie) Acari Tarsonemidae *Mites and Ticks
milfoil moth Acentria ephemerella (Denis & Schiffermüller) Lepidoptera Crambidae Boring Insects
rust mite Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
pecan leaf roll mite Aceria caryae (Kiefer) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Aceria fraxini (Garman) Acari Eriophyidae Gallmaker Insects
Eriophyid mite Aceria fraxinivora (Nal.) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Aceria macrochela (Nalepa, 1891) Acari Eriophyidae Gallmaker Insects
Eriophyid mite Aceria macrorrhyncha (Nal.) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Aceria macrotricha (Nal.) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
bindweed gall mite Aceria malherbae Nuzzaci Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Aceria nervisequa (Can.) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Aceria stenaspis (Nal.) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Aceria varia (Nalepa) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Japanese zelkova eriophyid mite Aceria zelkoviana Kim Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
eyespot gall Acericecis ocellaris (Osten Sacken) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
maple leaf ocellate gall maker Acericecis spp. Gagné, 1983 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
Encyrtid wasp Acerophagus papayae Noyes & Schauff Hymenoptera Encyrtidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
croton caterpillar Achaea janata (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
American house spider Achaearanea tepidariorum C.L. Koch Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
hoary edge Achalarus lyciades (Geyer) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
saddleback caterpillar Acharia stimulea (Clemens) Lepidoptera Limacodidae Chewing Insects
house cricket Acheta domesticus (Linnaeus) Orthoptera Gryllidae Nuisance Insects
long-horned beetle Achryson surinamus (Linnaeus, 1767) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
toothpick grasshopper Achurum carinatus (Walker, 1870) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
garden webworm Achyra rantalis (Guenee) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
fruit fly Acidia cognata (Wiedemann) Diptera Tephritidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
handsome fungus beetle Acinaces collaris Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Acinaces laceratus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Acinaces lebasii lebasii Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Acinaces lebasii stroheckeri Tomaszewska Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Acinaces ovatus Tomaszewska Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Acinaces pakaluki Tomaszewska Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Acinaces unicolor Tomaszewska Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Aclemmysa solarii Reitter Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
grass scales Aclerda spp. Signoret, 1874 Hemiptera Aclerdidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
grass scale Aclerda tokionis Cockerell, 1902 Hemiptera Aclerdidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
strawberry tortrix Acleris comariana (Lienig & Zeller) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
western blackheaded budworm Acleris gloverana (Walsingham) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eastern blackheaded budworm Acleris variana (Fernald) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
garden rose tortricid moth Acleris variegana (Denis & Schiffermuller) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Acmaeodera mixta LeConte Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
poplar carpenterworm Acossus centerensis (Lintner) Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
aspen carpenterworm Acossus populi (Walker) Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
Cynipid gall wasp Acraspis macrocarpae Bassett Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
walnut shoot moth Acrobasis demotella Grote Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pecan leaf casebearer Acrobasis juglandis (LeBaron) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pecan nut casebearer Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
cranberry fruitworm Acrobasis vaccinii Riley Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
leaf blotch miner moth Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Acrolepia moths Acrolepia spp. Curtis Lepidoptera Acrolepiidae Chewing Insects
green fool grasshopper Acrolophitus hirtipes (Say) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
alder moth Acronicta alni (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
American dagger moth Acronicta americana (Harris) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
noctuid moth Acronicta lanceolaria (Grote) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lobelia dagger moth Acronicta lobeliae Guenee Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
smeared dagger moth Acronicta oblinita (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
dagger moths Acronicta spp. Ochsenheimer 1816 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
noctuid moth Acronicta tritona (Hübner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lizard beetle Acropteroxys gracilis Newman, 1838 Coleoptera Languriidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
green stink bug Acrosternum hilare (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
luna moth Actias luna (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
orb weaver Aculepeira packardi (Thorell, 1875) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Eriophyid mite Aculops tetanothrix (Nalepa) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
cottonwood leaf curl mite Aculus lobulifera Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
albopicta scale Acutaspis albopicta (Cockerell) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
omnivorous tussock moth Acyphas semiochrea (Herrich-Schäffer) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
aphid Acyrthosiphon lactucae (Passerini) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
twospotted lady beetle Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
Tachinid fly Adejeania vexatrix Townsend, 1913 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
eastern spruce gall adelgid Adelges abietis (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
cooley spruce gall adelgid Adelges cooleyi (Gillette) Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
blade spruce Gall adelgid Adelges laricis Vallot Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
balsam woolly adelgid Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg) Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
spruce gall aphids Adelges spp. Vallot, 1836 Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
hemlock woolly adelgid Adelges tsugae Annand Hemiptera Adelgidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
adelgid Adelges viridis (Ratzeburg) Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
alfalfa plant bug Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Adesmus hemispilus (Germar, 1821) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
summer fruit tortrix moth Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von Roslerstamm) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
appleleaf-curling moth Adoxophyes privatana Walker Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellowfever mosquito Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
treehole mosquito Aedes triseriatus (Say) Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
long-horned beetle Aegomorphus modesta Gyllenhal Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
tupelo borer Aegomorphus morrisi (Uhler) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
stink bug Aelia acuminata L. Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Aelia americana Dallas, 1851 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stag beetle Aesalus scarabaeoides (Panzer) Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
lake darner Aeshna eremita Scudder, 1866 Odonata Aeshnidae Misc. Insects
pale juniper webworm Aethes rutilana (Hübner) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
small hive beetle Aethina tumida Murray Coleoptera Nitidulidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
handsome fungus beetle Afralexia nigra Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Afralexia rufa Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
leafhoppers Agallia spp. Curtis, 1833 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sulfur knapweed root moth Agapeta zoegana (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Cochylidae Root Feeding Insects
sweat bee Agapostemon splendens Lepeletier, 1841 Hymenoptera Halictidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
sweat bees Agapostemon spp. Guerin-Meneville, 1844 Hymenoptera Halictidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
sweat bee Agapostemon virescens (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Halictidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Agaricophilus reflexus Motschulsky Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
alligatorweed flea beetle Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt, 1971 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
larch casebearer parasitic wasp Agathis pumila (Ratzeburg) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
alder leaf beetle Agelastica alni alni (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
alder leaf beetle Agelastica alni (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
funnel web spider Agelenopsis spp. Giebel, 1869 Araneae Agelenidae Invertebrate Predators
spider wasp Agenioideus humilis (Cresson, 1867) Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
deer fly Agkistrocerus megerlei Wiedemann Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
Milbert's tortoiseshell Aglais milberti (Godart) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
defoliating hemlock moth Agonopterix alstroemeriana (Clerck) Lepidoptera Oecophoridae Foliage Feeding Insects
gorse tip moth Agonopterix nervosa (Haworth) Lepidoptera Oecophoridae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
four-dotted Agonopterix moth Agonopterix robiniella (Packard) Lepidoptera Oecophoridae Foliage Feeding Insects
gorse soft shoot moth Agonopterix ulicitella (Stainton) Lepidoptera Oecophoridae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
ground beetles Agonum spp. Bonelli Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
armored scale Agrallaspis pictor Williams Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
gulf fritillary Agraulis vanillae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spotworm borer Agrilus acutipennis Mannerheim Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
oak borer Agrilus angustulus (Illiger) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
bronze birch borer Agrilus anxius Gory Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
hickory spiral borer Agrilus arcuatus torquatus LeConte Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
rose stem girdler Agrilus aurichalceus aurichalceus Redtenbacher Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
oak splendour beetle Agrilus biguttatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
twolined chestnut borer Agrilus bilineatus (Weber) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
hawthorn agrilus Agrilus crataegi Frost Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Agrilus cyanescens Ratzeburg Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
persimmon agrilus Agrilus fuscipennis Gory Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
granulate poplar borer Agrilus granulatus granulatus (Say) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
aspen root girdler Agrilus horni Kerremans Coleoptera Buprestidae Chewing Insects
St. John's wort beetle Agrilus hyperici (Creutzer) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Agrilus lacustris LeConte, 1860 Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
bronze poplar borer Agrilus liragus Barter & Brown Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Agrilus macer LeConte, 1858 Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Agrilus obsoletoguttatus Gory Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Agrilus olivicolor Kiesenwetter Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
hickory agrilus Agrilus otiosus Say Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Agrilus populneus (Schaefer) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
rednecked cane borer Agrilus ruficollis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetles Agrilus spp. Curtis Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
beech splendour beetle Agrilus viridis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Agrilus vittaticollis Randall Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
click beetle Agriotes bicolor (Goeze) Coleoptera Elateridae Root Feeding Insects
lined click beetle Agriotes lineatus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Elateridae Root Feeding Insects
click beetle Agriotes obscurus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Elateridae Root Feeding Insects
sweetpotato hornworm Agrius cingulata (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafminer fly Agromyza abiens Zetterstedt Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Agromyza alnibetulae Hendel Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
alfalfa blotch leafminer Agromyza frontella (Rondani) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Agromyza nana Meigen Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
corn blotch leafminer Agromyza parvicornis Loew Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Agromyza potentillae (Kaltenbach) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
oak shothole leafminer Agromyza viridula (Coquillett, 1902) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafhopper Agrosoma placetis Medler, 1960 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pale western cutworm Agrotis orthogonia Morrison Lepidoptera Noctuidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
turnip moth Agrotis segetum Schiffermuller Lepidoptera Noctuidae Root Feeding Insects
granulate cutworm Agrotis subterranea (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
foreign grain beetle Ahasverus advena (Waltl) Coleoptera Silvanidae Stored Food Pests
cotton leafworm Alabama argillacea (Hubner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
click beetle Alaus myops (Fabricius, 1791) Coleoptera Elateridae Invertebrate Predators
eastern eyed click beetle Alaus oculatus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Elateridae Invertebrate Predators
Virginia creeper clearwing Albuna fraxini (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Boring Insects
leafhoppers Alebra spp. Fieber, 1872 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Tortricid moth Aleimma loeflingiana (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Braconid wasp Aleiodes indiscretus (Reardon) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
orange spiny whitefly Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
citrus blackfly Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spiraling whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus Russell Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant whitefly Aleurodicus dugesii Cockerell Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
whitefly Aleuroglandulus malangae Russell Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
manzanita whitefly Aleuroparadoxus arctostachyli Russel Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
whitefly Aleurotithius timberlakei Quaintance & Baker Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
kiawe bean weevil Algarobius bottimeri Kingsolver Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
hover fly Allograpta obliqua (Say) Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
kermes scale Allokermes brangiani (King, 1914) Hemiptera Kermesidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
kermes scale Allokermes essigii (King, 1913) Hemiptera Kermesidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
kermes scale Allokermes gillettei (Cockerell) Hemiptera Kermesidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
large red velvet mite Allothrombium mitchelli Davis Acari Trombidiidae *Mites and Ticks
bark beetles Alniphagus spp. Swaine, 1918 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
aloe vera aphid Aloephagus myersi Essig Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Alosternida chalybea Haldeman Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
lesser mealworm Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Stored Food Pests
black fungus beetle Alphitobius laevigatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Stored Food Pests
March moth Alsophila aescularia (Denis & Schiffermuller) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
fall cankerworm Alsophila pometaria (Harris) Lepidoptera Geometridae Chewing Insects
alder flea beetle Altica ambiens (LeConte) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
elm flea beetle Altica carinata (Germar) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
grape flea beetle Altica chalybea Illiger Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
apple flea beetle Altica foliaceae LeConte Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oak flea beetle Altica quercetorum Foudras Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flea beetles Altica spp. Miller, 1764 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
twenty-plume moth Alucita hexadactyla Linnaeus Lepidoptera Alucitidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
moth Alucita spp. Linnaeus Lepidoptera Alucitidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
broadheaded bug Alydus pilosulus Herrich-Schäffer Hemiptera Alydidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
eightspotted forester Alypia octomaculata (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
forester caterpillars Alypia spp. Hübner, 1818 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
stink bug Amaurochrous magnus Barber and Sailer, 1953 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafminer fly Amauromyza flavifrons (Meigen) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Amauromyza labiatarum Hendel Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafhopper Amblycellus curtisii (Fitch) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lone star tick Amblyomma americanum (Linnaeus) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
cayenne tick Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Madagascar tortoise tick Amblyomma chaubaudi Rageau, 1964 Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
East African buffalo tick Amblyomma cohaerens Donitz Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma geomydae Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
bont tick Amblyomma hebraeum Koch Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
imitator tick Amblyomma imitator Kohls Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma inornatum (Banks) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
gulf coast tick Amblyomma maculatum Koch Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
African tortoise tick Amblyomma marmoreum Koch Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma pomposum Donitz Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma rhinocerotis De Geer Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma splendidum Giebel Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma supinoi Neumann Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma tholloni Neumann Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Ixodid tick Amblyomma tigrinum Koch Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
lace-winged roadside-skipper Amblyscirtes aesculapius (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
dusky roadside-skipper Amblyscirtes alternata (Grote & Robinson) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Bell's roadside-skipper Amblyscirtes belli Freeman Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Carolina roadside-skipper Amblyscirtes carolina (Skinner) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pepper and salt skipper Amblyscirtes hegon (Scudder) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
reversed roadside-skipper Amblyscirtes reversa Jones Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common roadside-skipper Amblyscirtes vialis (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ambrosia beetle Ambrosiodmus funereus (Lea) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Ambrosiodmus lecontei Hopkins, 1915 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Ambrosiodmus obliquus LeConte, 1878 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Ambrosiodmus rubricollis Eichhoff, 1875 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetles Ambrosiodmus spp. Hopkins, 1915 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Soft-winged flower beetle Amecocerus senilis (Leconte, 1852) Coleoptera Melyridae Invertebrate Predators
magnetic termite Amitermes meridionalis (Froggatt, 1898) Isoptera Termitidae Saproxylic Insects
Sphecid wasp Ammophila spp. Kirby, 1798 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
Hunting wasp Ammophila zanthoptera (Cameron, 1888) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
white-lined leafroller Amorbia humerosana Clemens Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
large oak-apple gall Amphibolips confluenta (Harris) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
acorn-plum gall Amphibolips quercusjuglans (Osten Sacken) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
oak apple gall Amphibolips spp. Reinhard, 1865 Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
powderpost bostrichid Amphicerus cornutus (Pallas) Coleoptera Bostrichidae Wood Product Pests
ambrosia beetle Amphicranus cordatus (Bright) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
nessus sphinx Amphion floridensis B.P. Clark Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Noctuid moth Amphipyra pyramidea (Linnaeus, 1758) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
copper underwing Amphipyra pyramidoides Guenee Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus caudatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus corallifer Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus eruptus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus mucronatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus nanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus tuberculatus Germar Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus verrucosus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphisternus vomeratus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix apicalis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix archetypus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix auratus (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix auratus violaceus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix aurichalceus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix auronitescens (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix batesii Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix cincta (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix circumcinctus (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix colon (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix coriaceus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix csikii Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix dentatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix discoideus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix diversipes diversipes Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix diversipes pallidipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix elegans (Csiki) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix felix (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix femoralis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix humeralis (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix inhumeralis reductus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix laetus (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix laevigatus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix lividus (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix maracapatae (Csiki) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix marginatus ferrugineus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix marginatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix maximus (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix nigripennis (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix obsti Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix paroecus (Csiki) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix perforatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix peruvianus (Csiki) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix politus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix punctatus (Csiki) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix quadriplagiatus (Bates) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix reticulatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix ruficornis cruciatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix rufipennis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix separandus (Kirsch) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix singularis Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix sinuatipes perpulcher Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix sinuatipes sinuatipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetles Amphix spp. Castelnau Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix subcordatus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix tarsatus (Erichson) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix vestitus cinctus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix vestitus vestitus (Voet) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Amphix vexillanius (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
leafhopper Amplicephalus sonorus Bell, 1900 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
alligatorweed thrips Amynothrips andersoni O'Neill Thysanoptera Phlaeothripidae Rasping insects
exotic baridine weevil of Amaryllidaceae An undescribed species Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Gelechiid moth Anacampsis populella (Clerck, 1759) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mountain mahogany looper Anacamptodes clivinaria profanata (Barnes & McDunnough) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
cypress looper Anacamptodes pergracilis (Hulst) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
large purplish gray Anacamptodes vellivolata (Hulst) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafhoppers Anaceratagallia spp. Zachvatkin, 1946 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Nymphalid butterfly Anaea spp. Hubner Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Anagaricophilus concinnus Vinson Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anagaricophilus nitidus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anagaricophilus octospilotus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anagaricophilus rugosus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anagaricophilus stillifer Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anagaricophilus vinsoni Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Encyrtid wasp Anagyrus kamali Moursi Hymenoptera Encyrtidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
handsome fungus beetles Anamorphus spp. LeConte & Horn Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
grass thrips Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
peach twig borer Anarsia lineatella Zeller Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Chewing Insects
banded peacock Anartia fatima (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white peacock butterfly Anartia jatrophae (Johansson) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
horned squash bug Anasa armigera (Say) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
squash bug Anasa tristis (De Geer) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bee flies Anastoechus spp. Osten Sacken, 1877 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
schoepfia fruit fly Anastrepha interrupta Stone, 1942 Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (Loew) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
fruit flies Anastrepha spp. Schiner, 1868 Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Caribbean fruit fly Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
lady beetle Anatis lecontei Casey, 1899 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
eye-spotted lady beetle Anatis mali Say Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
common green darner Anax junius (Drury) Odonata Aeshnidae Misc. Insects
scarab Ancognatha scarabaeoides Erichson, 1847 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
strawberry leafroller Ancylis comptana (Frolich) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
sycamore leaf-folder moth Ancylis platanana (Clemens) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus bisignatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus ceylonicus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus conjunctus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus ferrugineus Weise Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus glaberrimus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus leleupi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus madecaccus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus melanocephalus (Olivier) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus meridionalis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus natalensis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus phungi borealior Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus phungi phungi Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus pictus asiaticus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus pictus indianus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus pictus papuanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus pictus pictus (Wiedemann) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus pictus plicatus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus pulcher Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ancylopus rufipes Achard Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetles Ancylopus spp. Costa Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
least skipper Ancyloxypha numitor (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
armored scale Andaspis punicae (Laing, 1929) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
predatory stink bug Andrallus spinidens Fabricius, 1787 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Invertebrate Predators
Andrenid bee Andrena maderensis Cockerell Hymenoptera Andrenidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Andrenid bees Andrena spp. (Fabricius, 1775) Hymenoptera Andrenidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Andrenid bee Andrena wollastoni Cockerell Hymenoptera Andrenidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Cynipid gall wasp Andricus caputmedusae (Hartig) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
Cynipid gall wasp Andricus ignotus (Bassett) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
marble gall Andricus kollari (Hartig) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
oak saucer gall Andricus parmula Bassett, 1900 Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis (Burgsdorf) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
oak stem borer Aneflomorpha subpubescens (LeConte) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
oak twig pruners Anelaphus spp. Linsley Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
southeastern gray twig pruner Anelaphus villosus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus amazonicus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus arrowi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus atratulus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus batesi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus bechyneorum Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus cardisoma Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus compactus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus concolor Kirsch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus consobrinus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus contractus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus cupreatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus decoratus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus ephippium Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus fuscus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus gerstaeckeri Kirsch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus glaber Kirsch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus grandis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus guatemalae Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus helvolus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus humerosus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus kirschi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus latus (Chevrolat) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus lugubris Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus mexicanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus nigricans (Dejean) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus ovatulus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus porcus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus quadripunctatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetles Anidrytus spp. Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus stenus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus tenuipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus triniitis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Anidrytus unicolor Kirsch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
mealybug Anisococcus ephedrae Coquillett, 1890 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Anisococcus oregonensis Ferris, 1950 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Anisococcus quercus Ehrhorn, 1900 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
twostriped walkingstick Anisomorpha buprestoides (Stoll) Phasmatoptera Pseudophasmatidae Foliage Feeding Insects
walkingstick Anisomorpha spp. Brunner Phasmatoptera Pseudophasmatidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Peigler's oakworm moth Anisota peigleri Riotte Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
orangestriped oakworm Anisota senatoria (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spiny oakworm Anisota stigma (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pinkstriped oakworm Anisota virginiensis (Drury) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
furniture beetle Anobium punctatum (De Geer) Coleoptera Anobiidae Wood Product Pests
pine chafer Anomala oblivia Horn Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
claycolored leaf beetle Anomoea laticlavia (Forster) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mosquito Anopheles spp. Meigen, 1818 Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
spider wasp Anoplius spp. Dufour, 1834 Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
longlegged ant Anoplolepis gracilipes (Smith) Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
citrus long-horned beetle Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Asian long-horned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
white-spotted longhorn beetle Anoplophora malasiaca Thompson Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetles Anoplophora spp. Hope, 1839 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
mealy flatid Anormenis septentrionalis (Spinola) Hemiptera Flatidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
moth Antaeotricha spp. Zeller 1854 Lepidoptera Oecophoridae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellow angled-sulphur Anteos maerula (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Anthaxia hungarica Scopoli Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Anthaxia manca (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
pasture splendour beetle Anthaxia salicis Fabricius Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetles Anthaxia spp. Eschscholtz, 1829 Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
polyphemus moth Antheraea polyphemus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafcutting bee Anthidium perplexum Smith, 1854 Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
leafcutting bees Anthidium spp. Fabricius, 1804 Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
minute pirate bug Anthocoris tomentosus Pericart Hemiptera Anthocoridae Invertebrate Predators
strawberry weevil Anthonomus bisignifer (Schenkling) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
cherry curculio Anthonomus consors Dietz Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
pepper weevil Anthonomus eugenii Cano Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
boll weevil Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
boll weevil Anthonomus grandis Boheman Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
apple blossom weevil Anthonomus pomorum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
strawberry bud weevil Anthonomus signatus Say Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
flower-bud weevil Anthonomus tenebrosus (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bee Anthophora abrupta Say Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
digger bee Anthophora sp. Latreille 1803 Hymenoptera Apidae Misc. Insects
bee Anthophora ursina Cresson Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bee fly Anthrax argyropyga Wiedemann, 1828 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
furniture carpet beetle Anthrenus flavipes LeConte Coleoptera Dermestidae Fabrics and Clothing Pests
carpet beetle Anthrenus scrophulariae (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Dermestidae Fabrics and Clothing Pests
varied carpet beetle Anthrenus verbasci (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Dermestidae Stored Food Pests
velvetbean caterpillar Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
shield bearer moth Antispila isabella Clemens Lepidoptera Heliozelidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
tupelo leafminer Antispila nysaefoliella Clemens Lepidoptera Heliozelidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
shield bearer moth Antispila treitschkeella Fischer v. Roslerstamm Lepidoptera Heliozelidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
mealybug Antonina pretiosa Ferris, 1953 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
yellow scale Aonidiella citrina (Coquillett) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Aonidiella mesembryanthemi Vallot, 1829 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Oriental scale Aonidiella orientalis (Newstead) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scales Aonidiella spp. Berlese & Leonardi, 1896 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Aonidiella taxus Leonardi, 1905 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Aonidomytilus ceanothi Ferris, 1919 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Aonidomytilus concolor Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Aonidomytilus solidaginis Hoke, 1927 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
glassy cutworm Apamea devastator (Brace) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
predacious stink bug Apateticus cynicus (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Invertebrate Predators
aphid parasite Aphelinus spp. Dalman, 1820 Hymenoptera Aphelinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
long-horned beetle Aphelocnemia nebulosa (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Braconid wasp Aphidius colemani Viereck, 1912 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
predatory midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Invertebrate Predators
cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bean aphid Aphis fabae Scopoli Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soybean aphid Aphis glycines Matsumura Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sunflower aphid Aphis helianthi Monell Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
aphid Aphis lutescens Monell Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oleander aphid Aphis nerii Fonscolombe Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
apple aphid Aphis pomi De Geer Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spirea aphid Aphis spiraecola Patch Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
scarab beetle Aphodius omissus omissus LeConte Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
Oklahoma brown tarantula Aphonopelma hentzi (Girard, 1852) Araneae Theraphosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
handsome fungus beetle Aphorista laeta (LeConte) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Aphorista morosa (LeConte) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Aphorista vittata (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
leafhoppers Aphrodes spp. Curtis, 1829 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine spittlebug Aphrophora cribrata (Walker) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine spittlebug Aphrophora parallela (Say) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spittlebug Aphrophora salicina (De Geer) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Saratoga spittlebug Aphrophora saratogensis (Fitch) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
minute spurge flea beetle Aphthona abdominalis Duftschmidt Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
root feeding flea beetle Aphthona chinchihi Chen Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
brown dot leafy spurge flea beetle Aphthona cyparissiae (Koch) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black leafy spurge flea beetle Aphthona czwalinae Weise Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
copper leafy spurge flea beetle Aphthona flava Guillebeau Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
brown-legged spurge flea beetle Aphthona lacertosa (Rosenhauer) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black dot spurge flea beetle Aphthona nigriscutis Foudras Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flea beetle Aphthona seriata Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flea beetles Aphthona spp. Chevrolat, 1836 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Reduviid bug Apiomerus crassipes (Fabricius, 1803) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
bee assassin bug Apiomerus spissipes Say, 1825 Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
seed weevil Apion godmani Wagner, 1912 Coleoptera Brentidae *Weevils
honey bee Apis mellifera Linnaeus Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Africanized honey bee Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier Hymenoptera Apidae Nuisance Insects
St. John's Wort Inchworm Aplocera plagiata (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
cucurbit longicorn Apomecyna saltator (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
snailcase bagworm Apterona helix (Siebold) Lepidoptera Psychidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
thrips Apterothrips seticornis (Trybom) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
red grass thrips Aptinothrips rufus (Haliday) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
painted tiger moth Arachnis picta (Packard, 1864) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Aradid bugs Aradus spp. Fabricius, 1803 Hemiptera Aradidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
koa haole seed weevil Araecerus levipennis Jordan Coleoptera Anthribidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
southern pinelands orb weaving spider Araneus bicentenarius (McCook, 1888) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
cat-faced spider Araneus gemmoides (Chamberlain & Ivie) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
marbled orbweaver Araneus marmoreus Clerck, 1757 Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
orb weaver Araneus spp. Simon, 1895 Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
shamrock orb weaver Araneus trifolium (Hentz, 1847) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
handsome fungus beetle Archipines apicicornis (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Archipines championi (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Archipines exsanguis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Archipines flavida (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Archipines grandis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Archipines intricata (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Archipines pictipennis (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Archipines variegatus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
fruittree leafroller Archips argyrospila (Walker) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
uglynest caterpillar Archips cerasivorana (Fitch) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
brown oak Tortrix Archips crataegana (Hübner) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
oak webworm Archips fervidana (Clemens) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
apple tortrix Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
baldcypress leafroller Archips goyerana Kruse Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
boxelder defoliator Archips negundanus (Dyar) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tortricid moth Archips rosana (Linnaeus, 1758) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oak leafroller Archips semiferana (Walker) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
Tachinid fly Archytas apicifer (Walker) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid fly Archytas marmoratus (Townsend) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
alligatorweed stem borer Arcola malloi (Pastrana) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
garden tiger moth Arctia caja (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Syrphid fly Arctophila superbiens (Müller) Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
leaf beetle Arescus spp. Perty, 1832 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
soft tick Argas cooleyi Acari Argasidae *Mites and Ticks
birch sawfly Arge pectoralis (Leach) Hymenoptera Argidae Foliage Feeding Insects
willow oak sawfly Arge quidia Smith Hymenoptera Argidae Foliage Feeding Insects
elm argid sawfly Arge scapularis (Klug) Hymenoptera Argidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blue-fronted dancer Argia apicalis (Say) Odonata Coenagrionidae Invertebrate Predators
powdered dancer Argia moesta Hagen Odonata Coenagrionidae Invertebrate Predators
short-stalked damselflies Argia spp. Rambur, 1842 Odonata Coenagrionidae Invertebrate Predators
silver argiope Argiope argentata (Fabricius) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
yellow garden spider Argiope aurantia Lucas Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
garden spider Argiope spp. Audouin, 1826 Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
whitebacked garden spider Argiope trifasciata (Forskal) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
cedar leafminer Argyresthia canadensis (Freeman) Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
apple fruit moth Argyresthia conjugella Zeller Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
arborvitae leafminer Argyresthia thuiella (Packard) Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Tachinid parasitoids Argyrophylax spp. Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
leafroller Argyrotaenia dorsalana Dyar Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
leafroller Argyrotaenia occultana Freeman Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
lodgepole needletier Argyrotaenia tabulana Freeman Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
redbanded leafroller Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
burnt pine longhorn beetle Arhopalus ferus (Mulsant) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
new house borer Arhopalus productus (LeConte) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Arhopalus rusticus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Arhopalus spp. Serville, 1834 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
scentless plant bug Arhyssus parvicornis (Signoret) Hemiptera Rhopalidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
wheel bug Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
bark beetle Arixyleborus canaliculatus (Eggers) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Arixyleborus spp. Hopkins, 1915 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
pill bug Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804) Isopoda Armadillidiidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
musk beetle Aromia moschata (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
oak timberworm Arrhenodes minutus (Drury) Coleoptera Brentidae Boring Insects
little leaf notcher Artipus floridanus Horn Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
black witch Ascalapha odorata (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
great southern white Ascia monuste (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
black spruce borer Asemum striatum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
shining flea beetle Asphaera lustrans (Crotch) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gall fly Asphondylia capsici Barnes, 1932 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
armored scale Aspidaspis arctostaphyli Cockerell & Robbins, 1909 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armoured scale Aspidiella sacchari Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cryptomeria scale Aspidiotus cryptomeriae Kuwana Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
coconut scale Aspidiotus destructor Signoret Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oleander scale Aspidiotus nerii Bouché Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tortoise beetle Aspidomorpha miliaris (F.) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tortoise beetles Aspidomorpha spp. Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Sphecid wasp Astata occidentalis Cresson, 1881 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
hackberry emperor Asterocampa celtis (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tawny emperor Asterocampa clyton (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
golden oak scale Asterodiaspis variolosa (Ratzeburg) Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pit scale Asterolecanium agavis Russell, 1941 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pit scale Asterolecanium arabidis Signoret, 1876 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft bamboo scale Asterolecanium bambusae Boisduval, 1869 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pit scale Asterolecanium epidendri Bouche, 1833 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pit scale Asterolecanium inlabefactum Russell, 1941 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pit scale Asterolecanium miliaris Boisduval, 1869 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oak pit scale Asterolecanium minus Lindinger Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oleander pit scale Asterolecanium pustulans (Cockerell) Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pit scales Asterolecanium spp. Targioni Tozzetti, 1868 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
golden oak scale Asterolecanium variolosum (Ratzeburg) Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Asymbius formosanus Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Asymbius gigas Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Asymbius minutus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Asymbius rufus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Asymbius sinensis Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
gall midges Asynapta spp. Loew, 1850 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
black turfgrass ataenius Ataenius spretulus (Haldeman) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
sachem Atalopedes campestris (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Braconid wasp Atanycolus comosifrons Shenefelt Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Atanycolus hicoriae Shenefelt, 1943 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasps Atanycolus spp. Forster, 1862 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
long-horned beetle Ataxia hubbardi Fisher Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
cabbage sawflies Athalia spp. Leach, 1817 Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafhopper Athysanus argentarius Metcalf Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
great purple hairstreak Atlides halesus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
argos skipper Atrytone arogos (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Delaware skipper Atrytone logan (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
dusted skipper Atrytonopsis hianna (Scudder) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Loammi skipper Atrytonopsis loammi (Whitney) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
forest bachac Atta cephalotes (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Formicidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
leafcutting ant(s) Atta spp. Fabricius, 1804 Hymenoptera Formicidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Texas leafcutting ant Atta texana (Buckley) Hymenoptera Formicidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
atlas moth Attacus atlas (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black carpet beetle Attagenus unicolor (Brahm) Coleoptera Dermestidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
leaf rolling weevils Attelabus spp. Linnaeus Coleoptera Attelabidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
leafhopper Attenuipyga knulli Sanders & DeLong, 1923 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
ailanthus webworm Atteva punctella (Cramer) Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Chewing Insects
deer fly Atylotus ohioensis Hine Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
rose scale Aulacaspis rosae (Bouché) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mango scale Aulacaspis tubercularis (Newstead) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cycad aulacaspis scale Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi, 1977 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pumpkin beetle Aulacophora flavomarginata Duvalier Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pumpkin beetle Aulacophora similis (Olivier) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
foxglove aphid Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafminer fly Aulagromyza fulvicornis (Hendel) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
bigheaded grasshopper Aulocara elliotti (Thomas) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
cylindrical bark beetles Aulonuim spp. Erichson Coleoptera Colydiidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
spider wasp Auplopus spp. Spinola, 1841 Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
handsome fungus beetle Austroclemmus bonariensis (Steinheil) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Austroclemmus bruchi (Weise) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Austroclemmus saltensis (Weise) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Australian pyralid moth Austromusotima camptozonale (Hampson) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
alfalfa looper Autographa californica (Speyer) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
silvery moth Autographa gamma (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
io moth Automeris io io (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
io moth Automeris io (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bean leafskeletonizer Autoplusia egena (Guenée) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Avencymon ruficephalus (Ohta) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Carambola fly Bactrocera carambolae Drew & Hancock Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
guava fruit fly Bactrocera correcta (Bezzi) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Malaysian fruit fly Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
fruit flies Bactrocera spp. Marquart, 1835 Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
peach fruit fly Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
handsome fungus beetle Baeochelys humicola Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Baeochelys plagiatus Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Baeochelys umbrosus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Hydrilla tuber weevil Bagous affinis Hustache Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Hydrilla stem weevil Bagous hydrillae O'Brien Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
stink bugs Bagrada spp. Stal Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Balanococcus diminutus (Leonardi, 1918) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
little green leafhopper Balclutha incisa hospes (Kirkaldy) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Balclutha neglecta DeLong & Davidson, 1933 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
basswood leafminer Baliosus nervosa (Panzer) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
stink bug Banasa calva (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
banasa stink bug Banasa dimiata (Say, 1832) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Banasa euchlora Stal Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
broad-nosed knapweed seedhead weevil Bangasternus fausti Reitter Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
yellow starthistle bud weevil Bangasternus orientalis (Capiomont) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
weevil Baris interstitialis Say, 1824 Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
sunflower root weevil Baris strenua (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pipevine swallowtail Battus philenor (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
polydamas swallowtail Battus polydamas (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Batyle suturalis pearsalli (Bland, 1862) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola coccinella Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola fulgurata Chujo Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola laeta (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola longicornis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola major Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola orca (Heller) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola ovata (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola overbecki Gunther Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola papuensis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola petiginosa Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola selene Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Beccariola wallacei Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
pickerelweed borer Bellura densa (Walker) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned grasshopper Belocephalus subapterus Scudder, 1875 Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Misc. Insects
Tachinid fly Belvosia spp. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid fly Belvosia townsendi Aldrich, 1928 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Sphecid wasp Bembecinus quinquespinosus (Say, 1823) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
Sphecid wasps Bembecinus spp. (Costa, 1859) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
Sphecid wasp Bembix palmata Smith, 1856 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
Sphecid wasp Bembix pruinosa Fox, 1895 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
silverleaf whitefly Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
March flies Bibio spp. Geoffroy, 1762 Diptera Bibionidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
thread-waisted wasp Bicyrtes quadrifasciata (Say) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
oak apple gall wasp Biorhiza pallida (Olivier) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
Braconid wasp Biosteres arisanus Sonan Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
stink bug Biprorulus bibax Breddin, 1900 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
peppered moth Biston betularia (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
apple pith moth Blastodacna atra (Haworth) Lepidoptera Agonoxenidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis Linnaeus Blattodea Blattidae Nuisance Insects
Asian cockroach Blattella asahinai Mizukubo Blattodea Blattellidae Nuisance Insects
German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linnaeus) Blattodea Blattellidae Nuisance Insects
sumac flea beetle Blepharida rhois Forster Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tachinid fly Blepharipa schineri (Mesnil, 1939) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
chinch bug Blissus leucopterus leucopterus (Say) Hemiptera Blissidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
western boxelder bug Boisea rubrolineata (Barber) Hemiptera Rhopalidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
boxelder bug Boisea trivittata (Say) Hemiptera Rhopalidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
earth-boring dung beetle Bolbocerosoma tumefactus Beauvois Coleoptera Geotrupidae Boring Insects
handsome fungus beetle Bolbomorphus gibbosus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bolbomorphus quadriguttatus Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bolbomorphus sexpunctatus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bolbomorphus theryi Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bolbomorphus undulatus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Bolbophorus fluke Bolbophorus spp. Dubois, 1935 Strigeatida Diplostomatidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
horned fungus beetle Bolitotherus cornutum Panzer Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
bumble bee Bombus ashtoni (Cresson, 1864) Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bumble bee Bombus dahlbomi Guerin-Meneville, 1835 Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
golden northern bumble bee Bombus fervidus (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bumble bee Bombus impatiens Cresson Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bumble bee Bombus maderensis Erlandsson Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bumble bee Bombus nevadensis Cresson, 1874 Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
large garden bumble bee Bombus ruderatus (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bumble bees Bombus spp. Latreille, 1802 Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
red-tailed bumble bee Bombus ternarius Say Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
wandering bumblebee Bombus vagans Smith Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bee fly Bombylius major Linnaeus 1758 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
bee flies Bombylius spp. Linnaeus 1758 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
silkworm Bombyx mori (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Bombycidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cattle tick Boophilus annulatus (Say) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
southern cattle tick Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
melaleuca psyllid Boreioglycaspsis melaleucae Moore Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
dung beetle Boreocanthon praticola LeConte Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Dung Feeding Insects - Coprophagus
Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi Johnson Spirochaetales Spirochaetaceae *Mites and Ticks
hooded capuchin Bostrichus capucinus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Bostrichidae Boring Insects
ragwort seed fly Botanophila seneciella (Meade) Diptera Anthomyiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
darkling beetle Bothrotes plumbeus LeConte Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
sweet potato leafrollers Brachmia spp. Hübner, 1825 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
leafcurl plum aphid Brachycaudus helichrysi (Kaltenbach) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
asparagus aphid Brachycorynella asparagi (Mordvilko) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Arborvitae Japanese weevil Brachyderes incanus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
antlions Brachynemurus spp. Hagen, 1888 Neuroptera Myrmeleontidae Invertebrate Predators
toadflax flower-eating beetle Brachypterolus pulicarius (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Brachypteridae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
plains lubber grasshopper Brachystola magna (Girard) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Brachytrycherus madurensis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
darkwinged fungus gnats Bradysia spp. Winnertz, 1867 Diptera Sciaridae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Western Pygmy-Blue Brephidium exilis (Boisduval, 1852) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mealybug Brevennia rehi (Lindinger, 1943) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
red and black flat mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) Acari Tenuipalpidae *Mites and Ticks
flat mite Brevipalpus spp. Acari Tenuipalpidae *Mites and Ticks
rough stink bug Brochymena quadripustulata (Fabricius) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bugs Brochymena spp. Amyot & Serville, 1843 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rough stink bug Brochymena sulcata Van Duzee, 1918 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pea weevil Bruchus pisorum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
threestriped lady beetle Brumoides suturalis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
clover mite Bryobia praetiosa Koch Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
oak skeletonizer Bucculatrix ainsliella Murtfeldt Lepidoptera Bucculatricidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
oak ribbedcase maker Bucculatrix albertiella Busck Lepidoptera Bucculatricidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
birch skeletonizer Bucculatrix canadensisella Chambers Lepidoptera Bucculatricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cottonwood leafminers Bucculatrix spp. Zeller, 1839 Lepidoptera Bucculatricidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
pine looper moth Bupalus piniaria Linnaeus Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
turpentine borer Buprestis apricans Herbst Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
golden buprestid Buprestis aurulenta Linnaeus Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Buprestis confluenta Say, 1823 Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Buprestis consularis Gory Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Buprestis cupressi Germar Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Buprestis fasciata Fabricius Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Buprestis lineata Fabricius Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Buprestis novemmaculata Linnaeus Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Buprestis rufipes Olivier Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
hazel leaf-roller Byctiscus betulae (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Attelabidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
leaf rolling weevil Byctiscus populi (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Attelabidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
handsome fungus beetle Bystodes africanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystodes angustus Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystodes ceylonicus (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystodes hesperus (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystodes lugubris Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystodes paulus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus apicalis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus coccinelloides Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus decoratus Leschen & Carlton Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus drakei (Weise) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus fibulatus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus foveatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus hemisphaericus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus hirtulus (Kirsch) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus limbatus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus pallidulus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus piceus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus rhizobioides (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus rufus (Weise) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus ulkei (Crotch) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Bystus vestitus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
cactus dodger Cacama valvata (Uhler, 1888) Hemiptera Cicadidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon aculeatus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon armatus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon arrowi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon auriculatus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon bakeri (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon bellicosus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon borneensis (Frivaldsky) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon freudei (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon gerstaeckeri (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon gracilis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon hamatus acuminatus (Achard) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon hamatus hamatus (Guerin) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon hystricosus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon proavus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon satanas (Thomson) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon spinicollis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cacodaemon spinosus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Mediterranean carnation leafroller Cacoecimorpha pronubana Hübner Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
boxwood psyllid Cacopsylla buxi (Forster) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
boxelder psyllid Cacopsylla negundinis (Mally) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pear psylla Cacopsylla pyricola (Forster) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
prickly pear moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bark beetles Cactopinus spp. Schwarz, 1899 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Pelargonium butterfly Cacyreus marshalli Butler Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
almond moth Cadra cautella (Walker) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Stored Food Pests
clover looper Caenurgina crassiuscula (Haworth) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
owl butterflies Caligo spp. Hubner 1819 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
owl butterfly Caligo telamonius memnon (C. & R. Felder) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bean thrips Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
oak slug sawfly Caliroa annulipes (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pear sawfly Caliroa cerasi (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Chewing Insects
sawfly Caliroa cinxia (Klug 1816) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pin oak sawfly Caliroa liturata MacGillivray Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oak sawfly Caliroa petiolata Smith Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
scarlet oak sawfly Caliroa quercuscoccineae (Dyar) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sawflies Caliroa spp. A. Costa, 1859 Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ground beetles Calleida spp. Sodoffsky, 1837 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
Japanese cedar longhorn beetle Callidiellum rufipenne (Motschulsky) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
blackhorned pine borer Callidium antennatum hesperum Casey Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
violet tanbark beetle Callidium violaceum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
dogwood calligrapha beetle Calligrapha philadelphica Linnaeus Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Calligrapha spiraeae Say Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa afra (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa bivittata (Percheron) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa crassus (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa hova (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa nigrescens (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa nigrofusca (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa oblungulus (Fairmaire) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa obscurus (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa percheroni (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa pici (Villiers) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa pusilla (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa rufocinctus (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa saegeri (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetles Callimodapsa spp. Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Callimodapsa unicolor (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
bottle fly Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Diptera Calliphoridae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
blue bottle fly Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus) Diptera Calliphoridae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
horned oak gall Callirhytis cornigera (Osten Sacken) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
stony gall Callirhytis fructuosa Weld Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
pip gall wasp Callirhytis operator (Osten Sacken) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
gouty oak gall Callirhytis quercuspunctata (Bassett) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
wool sower gall maker Callirhytis seminator (Harris) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
cynipid gall wasp Callirhytis spp. Förster, 1869 Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
Branch borer of coigue Callisphyris leptopus Philippi Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
pale tussock moth Calliteara pudibunda (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hacklemesh weaver spider Callobius bennetti (Blackwall, 1846) Araneae Amaurobiidae Invertebrate Predators
tuliptree silkmoth Callosamia angulifera (Walker) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
promethea moth Callosamia promethea (Drury) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius, 1775) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
imported longhorned weevil Calomycterus setarius Roelofs Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Toadflax Brocade Calophasia lunula (Hufnagel) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Sumac Psyllid Calophya triozomima Schwarz Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
banded netwing beetle Calopteron reticulatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Lycidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
black-winged damselfly Calopteryx maculata (Beauvois) Odonata Calopterygidae Invertebrate Predators
banded demoiselle Calopteryx splendens (Harris) Odonata Calopterygidae Invertebrate Predators
broad-winged damselflies Calopteryx spp. Leach, 1815 Odonata Calopterygidae Invertebrate Predators
azalea leafminer Caloptilia azaleella (Brants) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moths Caloptilia spp. Hubner 1825 Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
lilac leafminer Caloptilia syringella (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
ground beetle Calosoma frigidum Kirby Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Calosoma inquisitor (Linnaeus, 1758) Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground and tiger beetles Calosoma spp. Weber, 1801 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Calosoma sycophanta (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Calosoma wilcoxi LeConte Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
larger canna leafroller Calpodes ethlius (Stoll) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cream spotted lady beetle Calvia quatuordecimguttata (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
red-banded hairstreak Calycopis cecrops (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bark boring beetle of dead and dying coigue Calydon submetallicum (Blanchard) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
solitary oak leafminer Cameraria hamadryadella (Clemens) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella (Deshka & Dimic) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
oak leafminers Cameraria spp. Chapman 1902 Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
clearwinged grasshopper Camnula pellucida (Scudder) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
pale beauty Campaea perlata (Guenée) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Ichneumonid wasp Campoletis sonorensis (Cameron) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
reddish carpenter ant Camponotus castaneus (Latrielle) Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
red carpenter ant Camponotus chromaiodes Bolton Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
black carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus (De Geer) Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
carpenter ants Camponotus spp. Mayr, 1861 Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
Hawaiian carpenter ant Camponotus variegatus (Smith) Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
Scoliid wasp Campsomeris plumipes (Drury) Hymenoptera Scoliidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
gall midge Camptomyia spp. Kieffer Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
Mullein plant bug Campylomma verbasci (Meyer-Dur) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
solider beetle Cantharis fusca Linnaeus Coleoptera Cantharidae Invertebrate Predators
soldier beetle Cantharis rufa Linnaeus Coleoptera Cantharidae Invertebrate Predators
dung beetle Canthon imitator (Brown, 1946) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
peach capnodis Capnodis tenebrionis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
golden ground beetle Carabus auratus Linnaeus Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Carabus nemoralis Müller Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
Tachinid fly Carcelia yalensis Sellers Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
red-tailed wasp Cardiochiles nigriceps Viereck Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
ant Cardiocondyla venustula Wheeler, 1908 Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
Geometrid moth Caripeta angustiorata Walker Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
gray forest looper Caripeta divisata Walker Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
northern pine looper Caripeta piniata (Packard) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
clearwing borer Carmenta mimuli (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Carphoborus bicornus Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Carphoborus bifurcus Eichhoff, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Carphoborus spp. Eichhoff, 1864 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
dusky sap beetle Carpophilus lugubris Murray Coleoptera Nitidulidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
peach fruit moth Carposina niponensis Walsingham Lepidoptera Carposinidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
jumping spider Carrhotus barbatus Karsch, 1880 Araneae Salticidae Invertebrate Predators
arctic skipper Carterocephalus palaemon (Pallas) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
plaster beetle Cartodere constricta (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Latridiidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
juniper scale Carulaspis juniperi (Bouché) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bermuda cedar scale Carulaspis minima Borchsenius, 1949 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
thistle tortoise beetle Cassida rubiginosa Müller Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tortoise beetles Cassida spp. Linnaeus Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tortoise beetle Cassida vibex Linnaeus, 1767 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mealybug Cataenococcus olivaceus Cockerell, 1896 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Catapotia kuhneli (Mader) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Catapotia laevissima Thomson Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Catapotia schwabi (Mader) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
sweetheart underwing moth Catocala amatrix (Hübner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
darling underwing Catocala cara carissima (Hulst) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ilia underwing Catocala ilia (Cramer) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellow-gray underwing Catocala retecta Grote Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pecan catocala Catocala spp. Schrank 1802 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
parasitic flat bark beetle Catogenus rufus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Passandridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Parasites Catolaccus grandis (Burks) Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
weevil parasitoid Catolaccus hunteri Crawford Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
maple petiole borer Caulocampus acericaulis (MacGillivray) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Chewing Insects
willow carrot aphid Cavariella aegopodii (Scopoli) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
southern cone gall midge Cecidomyia bisetosa Gagne Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
gall midge Cecidomyia pini (DeGeer) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
gouty pitch midge Cecidomyia piniinopis Osten Sacken Diptera Cecidomyiidae Boring Insects
jack pine resin midge Cecidomyia resinicola (Osten Sacken) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Boring Insects
pine resin midges Cecidomyia spp. Meigen, 1803 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Boring Insects
sorghum webworm Celama sorghiella (Riley) Lepidoptera Nolidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
spring azure Celastrina ladon (Cramer) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Amanda's pennant Celithemis amanda (Hagen, 1861) Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
calico pennant Celithemis elisa (Hagen, 1861) Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
halloween pennant Celithemis eponina Drury, 1773 Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
common streaky-skipper Celotes nessus (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Cenocoelius nigrisoma Cenocoelius nigrisoma (Rohwer) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
maple-basswood leafroller Cenopis pettitana Robinson Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
long-horned beetle Centrodera decoloratum Harris Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Centrotrus cornutus Centrotus cornutus (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Membracidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
common striped scorpion Centruroides vittatus (Say, 1821) Scorpiones Buthidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
spruce webworm Cephalcia abietis (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
webspinning sawfly Cephalcia arvensis Panzer Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Cephalcia falleni Cephalcia falleni Dalman Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European web-spinning larch sawfly Cephalcia lariciphila (Wachtl) Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Cephaloleia spp. Chevrolat Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
wheat stem sawfly Cephus cinctus Norton Hymenoptera Cephidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
long-horned beetle Cerambyx carinatus Kuster Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
great capricorn beetle Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
great capricorn beetle Cerambyx heros Scopoli Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
capricorn beetle Cerambyx scopolii Fuessly Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Mediterranean fruit fly, Medfly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
leaf beetle Ceratoma ruficornis (Olivier) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
elm sphinx Ceratomia amyntor (Geyer) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
catalpa sphinx Ceratomia catalpae (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
waved sphinx Ceratomia undulosa (Walker) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
dandelion thrips Ceratothrips frici (Uzel) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
Sphecid wasp Cerceris spp. Latreille, 1803 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
froghopper Cercopis sanguinolenta (Scopoli) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
froghopper Cercopis spp. Fabricius, 1775 Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
froghopper Cercopis vulnerata Rossi Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
small wood nymph Cercyonis oetus (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common wood nymph Cercyonis pegala alope (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
grenade scale Cerococcus deklei Kosztarab & Vest Hemiptera Cerococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Ceroplastes ceriferus Fabricius, 1798 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Ceroplastes cistudiformis Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft wax scale Ceroplastes destructor Newstead Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Ceroplastes dugesii Lichtenstein, 1885 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Florida wax scale Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Ceroplastes irregularis Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Japanese wax scale Ceroplastes japonicus Green Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
red wax scale Ceroplastes rubens Maskell Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scale Ceroplastes sinensis Del Guercio, 1900 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scales Ceroplastes spp. Gray, 1828 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scales Ceroplastodes spp. Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sawfly Cerospastus volupis Konow Hymenoptera Pergidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bean leaf beetle Cerotoma trifurcata (Forster) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
black-etched prominent Cerura scitiscripta Walker Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cabbage seedpod weevil Ceutorhynchus assimilis (Paykull) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
univoltine weevil Ceutorhynchus constrictus (Marsham) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Canada thistle stem mining weevil Ceutorhynchus litura (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
rape stem weevil Ceutorhynchus napi (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
univoltine weevil Ceutorhynchus roberti Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
univoltine root mining weevil Ceutorhynchus scrobicollis Nerensheimer & Wagner Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
corn flea beetle Chaetocnema pulicaria Melsheimer Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flea beetles Chaetocnema spp. Stephans, 1831 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bamboo mealybug Chaetococcus bambusae (Maskell) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
legless reed mealybug Chaetococcus phragmitis (Marchal) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mountain mahogany bark beetle Chaetophloeus heterodoxus (Casey) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Chaetophloeus insularis Blackman, 1940 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Chaetophloeus mexicanus Blackman, 1930 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Chaetophloeus spp. LeConte, 1876 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
knapweed peacock fly Chaetorellia acrolophi White & Marquardt Diptera Tephritidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
peacock fly Chaetorellia australis Hering Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
poplar leaf aphid Chaitophorus populicola Thomas Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
little black and green willow aphid Chaitophorus viminalis Monell, 1879 Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cowpea curculio Chalcodermus aeneus Boheman Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
pine borer Chalcophora mariana (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetles Chalcophora spp. Soiler Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
large flat-headed pine heartwood borer Chalcophora virginiensis (Drury) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
scarab beetles Chalepides spp. Casey, 1915 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
clearwing moth Chamaesphecia crassicornis Bartel Lepidoptera Sesiidae Root Feeding Insects
Hungarian clearwing moth Chamaesphecia hungarica (Tomala) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Root Feeding Insects
clearwing moth Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis (Denis & Schiffermüller) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Root Feeding Insects
golden tortoise beetle Charidotella sexpunctata (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pilose checkered beetle Chariessa pilosa (Forst.) Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
Coreid bug Chariesterus antennator (Fabricius, 1803) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Ichneumonid wasp Charops brachypterum (Cameron) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
solider beetle Chauliognathus marginatus (Fabricius, 1775) Coleoptera Cantharidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
solider beetle Chauliognathus pensylvanicus (De Geer) Coleoptera Cantharidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Cantharid beetle Chauliognathus spp. Hentz, 1830 Coleoptera Cantharidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
musk thistle flower fly Cheilosia corydon (Harris) Diptera Syrphidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
yellow sac spider Cheiracanthium inclusum (Hentz) Araneae Clubionidae Invertebrate Predators
opuntia bug Chelinidea vittiger Uhler Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wood borer of coigue Cheloderus childreni Gray Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Tachinid fly Chetogena floridensis Townsend, 1892 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
handsome fungus beetle Chetryrus diversefasciatus (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chetryrus rugicollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chetryrus seydeli Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
carpenter worm Chilecomadia valdiviana (Philippi) Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
rice stalk borer Chilo plejadellus Zincken Lepidoptera Crambidae Boring Insects
Asiatic rice borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker) Lepidoptera Crambidae Boring Insects
kidney-spot lady beetle Chilocorus renipustulatus (Scriba) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
twicestabbed lady beetle Chilocorus stigma (Say) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
white-striped longtail Chiodes albofasciatus (Hewitson) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
armored scale Chionaspis etrusca Leonardi, 1908 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
scurfy scale Chionaspis furfura (Fitch) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Chionaspis heterophyllae Cooley Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Chionaspis nyssae Comstock, 1881 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Chionaspis ortholobis Comstock, 1881 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine needle scale Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
willow scale Chionaspis salicis (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Chionaspis sassceri Cockerell & Robbins, 1909 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scales Chionaspis spp. Signoret, 1868 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Chionaspis wistariae Cooley, 1897 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
thrips Chirothrips aculeatus (Bagnall) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
ground beetle Chlaenius bimaculatus Dejean Casuarinales Casuarinaceae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetles Chlaenius spp. Bonelli Casuarinales Casuarinaceae Invertebrate Predators
stink bug Chlorochroa faceta (Say, 1825) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
conchuela Chlorochroa ligata (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Say stink bug Chlorochroa sayi (Stål) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bamboo borer Chlorophorus annularis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
pine cone cerambycid Chlorophorus strobilicola Champion Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
green horse fly Chlorotabanus crepuscularis (Bequaert) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
Gorgone checkerspot Chlosyne gorgone (Hübner) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Chondria agilis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria angusticollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria apicalis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria armipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria auritarsis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria cardiaca Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria chrysoptera Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria elegans Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria furva Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria minima Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria montislinae Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria nigra Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria nigricollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria nigropectus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria nigropunctata Nakane Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria nitida Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria parallela Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria plagiata Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria rhipiphora Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria rhodura Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria triplex Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria truncata Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Chondria xanthomata Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
large aspen tortrix Choristoneura conflictana (Walker) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sugar pine tortrix Choristoneura lambertiana (Busck), Powell Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
budworm Choristoneura murinana Hbn. Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
western spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce budworm Choristoneura orae Freeman Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Jack pine budworm Choristoneura pinus maritima T.N. Freeman Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
jack pine budworm Choristoneura pinus Freeman Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
obliquebanded leafroller Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
budworms Choristoneura spp. (Powell) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mealybug Chorizococcus abroniae McKenzie, 1960 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Bermuda grass mealybug Chorizococcus rostellum Lobdell, 1930 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetle Chramesus chapuisi LeConte, 1876 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Chramesus hicoriae LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Chramesus pumilus (Chapuis) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Chramesus spp. LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Chramesus xalapae Atkinson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Chromatomyia gentianae Chromatomyia gentianae (Hendel) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
pea leafminer Chromatomyia HORTICOLA (Goureau 1851) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
chrysanthemum leafminer Chromatomyia syngenesiae Hardy Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
bee flies Chrysanthrax spp. Osten Sacken, 1886 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
cuckoo wasp Chrysis ignita (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Chrysididae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
cuckoo wasps Chrysis spp. Linnaeus, 1761 Hymenoptera Chrysididae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Gold pit oak splendour beetle Chrysobothris affinis Fabricius Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Chrysobothris brevilova Fall, 1910 Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Chrysobothris chlorocephala Gory Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
flatheaded appletree borer Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
Pacific flatheaded borer Chrysobothris mali Horn Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Chrysobothris sexsignata Say Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
dogbane leaf beetle Chrysochus auratus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tomato looper Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Gelechiid moth Chrysoesthia sexguttella (Thunberg) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
klamath weed beetle Chrysolina hyperici (Forster) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
klamathweed beetle Chrysolina quadrigemina (Suffrian) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Chrysomela knabi Brown, 1956 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
poplar leaf beetle Chrysomela populi Linnaeus Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cottonwood leaf beetle Chrysomela scripta Fabricius Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
cotton wood leaf beetles Chrysomela spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
willow leaf beetle Chrysomela vigintipunctata Sc. Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Florida red scale Chrysomphalus aonidum (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Chrysomphalus bifasciculatus Ferris, 1938 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
hairy maggot blow fly Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) Diptera Calliphoridae Myiasis Insects
goldeneyed lacewing Chrysopa oculata Say Neuroptera Chrysopidae Invertebrate Predators
green lacewings Chrysopa spp. Leach Neuroptera Chrysopidae Invertebrate Predators
green lacewing Chrysoperla rufilabris (Burmeister, 1839) Neuroptera Chrysopidae Invertebrate Predators
green lacewings Chrysoperla spp. Steinmann, 1964 Neuroptera Chrysopidae Invertebrate Predators
buprestid beetle Chrysophana placida (Leconte, 1854) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
golden-backed snipe fly Chrysopilus thoracica Fabricius Diptera Rhagionidae Root Feeding Insects
deer fly Chrysops atar Macquart Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops atlanticus Pechuman, 1949 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops brimleyi Hine Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops callidus Osten Sacken, 1875 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops cincticornis Walker, 1848 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops cincticornis nigropterus Fairchild, 1937 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops dimmocki Hine, 1905 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops flavidus Wiedemann Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops fuliginosus Wiedemann Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops fulvaster Osten Sacken, 1875 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops indus Osten Sacken Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops montanus Osten Sacken Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops niger Macquart Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops pikei Whitney Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops reicherti Fairchild Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer flies Chrysops spp. Meigen, 1803 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops univittatus Macquart Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops upsilon Philip Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
deer fly Chrysops vittatus Wiedemann, 1821 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
cranberry girdler Chrysoteuchia topiaria (Zeller) Lepidoptera Crambidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
cream edged tiger beetle Cicindela circumpicta (Laferte, 1841) Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
crimson salt flat tiger beetle Cicindela fulgida Say, 1823 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
large grassland tiger beetle Cicindela obsoleta Say, 1823 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
beautiful tiger beetle Cicindela pulchra Say, 1823 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
sidewalk tiger beetle Cicindela punctulata Olivier Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
cow path tiger beetle Cicindela purpurea cimarrona LeConte Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
tiger beetle Cicindela scutelaris Say, 1823 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
six-spotted tiger beetle Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
tiger beetles Cicindela spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
elm sawfly Cimbex americana Leach Hymenoptera Cimbicidae Foliage Feeding Insects
button horn sheet wasp Cimbex femorata Linnaeus Hymenoptera Cimbicidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bed bug Cimex lectularius Linnaeus Hemiptera Cimicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
bed bug Cimex pilosellus (Horvath, 1910) Hemiptera Cimicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
bed bugs Cimex spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Hemiptera Cimicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
cypress aphid Cinara cupressivora Watson & Vogtlin Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spruce shoot aphid Cinara pilicornis (Hartig) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
powdery juniper aphid Cinara pulverulens Gillette & Palmer Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant conifer aphids Cinara spp. Curtis, 1835 Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
white pine aphid Cinara strobi (Fitch) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
chainspotted geometer Cingilia catenaria (Drury) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellow-collared scape moth Cisseps fulvicollis Hübner Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hickory horned devil Citheronia regalis (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine devil moth Citheronia sepulcralis Grote & Robinson Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellowlined forest looper Cladara limitaria (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Rose shoot sawfly Cladardis elongulata (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bark beetle Cladoctonus cubensis Wood, 1961 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
pecan spittlebug Clastoptera achatina Germar Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
juniper spittlebug Clastoptera juniperina Ball Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oak spittlebugs Clastoptera spp. Germar, 1839 Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Clemmus minor (Crotch) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Clemmus troglodytes Hampe Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
sugar beet curculio Cleonis punctiventris (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Misc. Insects
weevil Cleonis spp. (Dejean, 1821) Coleoptera Curculionidae Misc. Insects
checkered beetle Clerus mutillarius Fabricius Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
mantidfly Climaciella brunnea Say, 1824 Neuroptera Mantispidae Invertebrate Predators
Poplar tip moth Clostera anastomosis (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
poplar tentmaker Clostera inclusa (Hubner) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Sphecid wasp Clypeadon laticinctus (Cresson, 1865) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
bark beetles Cnemonyx spp. Eichhoff, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Cnesinus noguerae Atkinson Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
twig beetle Cnesinus setulosus Blandford Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Cnesinus spp. LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Cnesinus strigicollis LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
lady beetle Coccidophilus atronitens Casey, 1899 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Coccinella monticola Mulsant Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
sevenspotted lady beetle Coccinella septempunctata (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
transverse lady beetle Coccinella transversalis Fabricius Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
transverse lady beetle Coccinella transversoguttata (Falderman) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
bark beetle Coccotrypes advena Blandford, 1894 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Coccotrypes carpophagus Hornung, 1842 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Coccotrypes dactyliperda Fabricius, 1801 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Coccotrypes spp. Eichhoff, 1878 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
soft scale Coccus capparidis Green, 1904 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
citricola scale Coccus pseudomagnoliarum (Kuwana) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lecanium scales Coccus spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
green scale Coccus viridis (Green) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) Diptera Calliphoridae Myiasis Insects
secondary screwworm Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) Diptera Calliphoridae Myiasis Insects
Braconid wasp Coeloides pissodis (Ashmead) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
common Australian lady beetle Coelophora inaequalis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
pine colaspis Colaspis pini Barber Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oval leaf beetles Colaspis spp. Fabricius, 1801 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pink spotted lady beetle Coleomegilla maculata (De Geer) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
larch casebearer Coleophora laricella (Hubner) Lepidoptera Coleophoridae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
pecan cigar casebearer Coleophora laticornella Clemens Lepidoptera Coleophoridae Foliage Feeding Insects
oak casebearer Coleophora lutipennella Zll. Lepidoptera Coleophoridae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
casebearer moth Coleophora palliatella (Zincken) Lepidoptera Coleophoridae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
casebearer moth Coleophora spiraeella Rebel Lepidoptera Coleophoridae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
casebearer moths Coleophora spp. Hubner, 1822 Lepidoptera Coleophoridae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
baldcypress webworm Coleotechnites apicitripunctella (Clemens) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
common juniper leafminer Coleotechnites gibsonella (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
orange larch tubemaker Coleotechnites laricis (Freeman) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
brown hemlock needleminer Coleotechnites macleodi (Freeman) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
lodgepole needleminer Coleotechnites milleri (Busck) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
ponderosa pine needleminer Coleotechnites moreonella (Heinrich) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
orange spruce needleminer Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Gelechiid moths Coleotechnites spp. Chambers, 1880 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer Coleotechnites thujaella (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf beetle Coleothorpa axillaris LeConte Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Coleothorpa dominicana Fabricius, 1801 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Coleothorpa vittigera LeConte Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
koa bug Coleotichus blackburniae White Hemiptera Scutelleridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
orange sulphur Colias eurytheme Boisduval Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
clouded sulfur Colias philodice Godart Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Collops beetle Collops punctatus LeConte, 1852 Coleoptera Melyridae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Colluris pensylvanicus Linnaeus Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
dirce beauty Colobura dirce dirce (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
grape erineum mite Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
elm cockscombgall aphid Colopha ulmicola (Fitch) Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
pandora moth Coloradia pandora Blake Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Geometrid moth Colotois pennaria (Linnaeus, 1761) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Eulophid wasp Colpoclypeus florus (Walker) Hymenoptera Eulophidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
cylindrical bark beetle Colydium lineola Say Coleoptera Colydiidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
palmetto scale Comstockiella sabalis Comstock, 1883 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
orchid scale Conchaspis angraeci Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Conchaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Conobathra moth Conobathra repandana (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Foliage Feeding Insects
click beetles Conoderus spp. Eschscholtz, 1829 Coleoptera Elateridae Root Feeding Insects
tobacco wireworm Conoderus vespertinus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Elateridae Root Feeding Insects
jack pine tip beetle Conophthorus banksianae McPherson Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
cone beetle Conophthorus conicolens Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
white pine cone beetle Conophthorus coniperda (Schwarz) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
lodgepole cone beetle Conophthorus ponderosae Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Monterey pine cone beetle Conophthorus radiatae Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
red pine cone beetle Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
cone beetles Conophthorus spp. Hopkins, 1915 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
hickory shoot curculio Conotrachelus aratus (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
hickory nut curculio Conotrachelus hicoriae Schoof Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
plum curculio Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
guava weevil Conotrachelus psidii Marshal, 1922 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
ash midribgall midge Contarinia canadensis Felt Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
pine budgall midge Contarinia coloradensis Felt Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
beech bud gall midge Contarinia fagi Rübsaamen Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
swede midge Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
douglas-fir needle midge Contarinia pseudotsugae Condrashoff Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
sorghum midge Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillett) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
chokecherry midge Contarinia virginianae (Felt) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
southern skipperling Copaeodes minima (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Encyrtid wasp Copidosoma spp. Ratzeburg, 1844 Hymenoptera Encyrtidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
leaf worm Copitarsia spp. Hampson 1906 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black stink bug Coptosoma xanthogramma (White) Hemiptera Plataspidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki) Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Boring Insects
plant bug Coquillettia insignis Uhler, 1890 Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rice moth Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Stored Food Pests
ambrosia beetle Corthylocurus aguacatensis (Schedl) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Columbian timber beetle Corthylus columbianus Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Corthylus detrimentosus Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
pitted ambrosia beetle Corthylus punctatissimus (Zimmermann) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetles Corthylus spp. Erichson, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
darkling beetle Corticeus parallelus (Melsheimer) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Invertebrate Predators
darkling beetles Corticeus spp. Pillar & Mitterpacher, 1783 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Invertebrate Predators
dobsonfly Corydalus cornutus (Linnaeus) Neuroptera Corydalidae Misc. Insects
handsome fungus beetle Coryphus biroi (Csiki) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Coryphus clavatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sycamore lace bug Corythucha ciliata (Say) Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cotton lace bug Corythucha gossypii (Fabricius) Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
chrysanthemum lace bug Corythucha marmorata (Uhler) Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
birch lace bug Corythucha pallipes Parshley Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lace bugs Corythucha spp. Stahl, 1873 Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
twice-stabbed stink bug Cosmopepla lintneriana Kirkaldy, 1909 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
banana root borer Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
weevil Cossonus corticola Say Coleoptera Curculionidae Saproxylic Insects
pecan carpenterworm Cossula magnifica (Strecker) Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
European goat moth Cossus cossus Linnaeus Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
goldsmith beetle Cotalpa lanigerus Linnaeus, 1764 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
goldsmith beetles Cotalpa spp. Burmeister, 1844 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
Braconid wasp Cotesia congregata (Say) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Cotesia glomeratus (Linnaeus ) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasps Cotesia spp. Cameron, 1891 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
green June beetle Cotinis nitidus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
Sphecid wasp Crabro monticola (Packard, 1867) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
snout moth Crambus saltuellus Zeller Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
grape curculio Craponius inaequalis (Say) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
armored scale Crassaspis multipora (Ferris, 1919) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
arboreal ant Crematogaster ashmeadi Mayr Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
valentine ant Crematogaster laeviuscula Mayr Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
armored scale Crenulaspidiotus dicentron Miller & Davidson Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
hairy rove beetle Creophilus maxillosus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Staphylinidae Invertebrate Predators
asparagus beetle Crioceris asparagi (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
spotted asparagus beetle Crioceris duodecimpunctata (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
mealybug Crisicoccus pini Kuwana, 1902 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cabbage cluster caterpillar Crocidolomia pavonana (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oak leaftier Croesia semipurpurana (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
dusky birch sawfly Croesus latitarsus Norton Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Crossidius discoideus (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Crossotarsus minusculus Chapuis Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Cryphalus asperatus Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Cryphalus intermedius Ferrari Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
fir bark beetle Cryphalus piceae Ratzeburg Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Cryphalus spp. Erichson, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Cryptocephalus incertus Olivier, 1808 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Cryptocephalus irroratus Suffrian Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
leaf wood beetle Cryptocephalus pini (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Cryptocephalus tristiculus Weise Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
beech scale Cryptococcus fagisuga Lindinger Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug destroyer Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
flat grain beetle Cryptolestes pusillus (Schönherr) Coleoptera Laemophloeidae Stored Food Pests
grain beetles Cryptolestes spp. Ganglbauer, 1899 Coleoptera Laemophloeidae Stored Food Pests
currant aphid Cryptomyzus ribis (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
poplar-and-willow borer Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
west indian powderpost drywood termite Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) Isoptera Kalotermitidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Crypturgus pusillus (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Crypturgus spp. Erichson, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Ctenarytaina spatulata Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
dog flea Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) Siphonaptera Pulicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
cat flea Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché) Siphonaptera Pulicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
cat and dog fleas Ctenocephalides spp. Stiles & Collins Siphonaptera Pulicidae Nuisance Insects
soft scale Ctenochiton eucalypti Maskell, 1895 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sharp-stigma looper moth Ctenoplusia oxygramma (Geyer) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Ctenuchid moths Ctenucha spp. Kirby, 1837 Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ctenuchid moth Ctenucha virginica (Esper) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flat bark beetle Cucujus clavipes Fabricius Coleoptera Cucujidae Invertebrate Predators
mealybug Cucullococcus vaccinii Ferris, 1941 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
juniper budworm Cudonigera houstonana Grote, 1873 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
sharpshooter Cuerna costalis (Fabricius) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Cuerna septentrionalis (Walker, 1858) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Cuerna striata (Walker, 1851) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mosquito Culex nigripalpus Theobald, 1901 Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
northern house mosquito Culex pipiens Linnaeus Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
biting midge Culicoides sonorensis Wirth & Jones Diptera Ceratopogonidae Nuisance Insects
armored scale Cupidaspis cupressi Coleman, 1903 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Cupressaspis shastae (Coleman) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pecan weevil Curculio caryae (Horn) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
large chestnut weevil Curculio caryatrypes (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
chestnut weevil Curculio elephas (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
weevil Curculio glandium Marsham Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
snout weevil Curculio longidens Chittendon Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
acorn weevil Curculio nucum Linnaeus Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
weevil Curculio pardalis (Chittenden) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
weevil Curculio proboscideus Fabricius Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
acorn and nut weevils Curculio spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
rodent bot fly Cuterebra fontinella Clark, 1827 Diptera Oestridae Myiasis Insects
scale picnic beetle Cybocephalus nipponicus Endrödy-Younga Coleoptera Nitidulidae Invertebrate Predators
northern masked chafer Cyclocephala borealis Arrow Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
southwestern masked chafer Cyclocephala hirta LeConte Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
red lady beetle Cycloneda munda (Say) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
handsome fungus beetle Cyclotoma acleta Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cyclotoma borneensis (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cyclotoma cingalensis (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cyclotoma coccinellina (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cyclotoma indiana Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cyclotoma testudinaria Mulsant Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cyclotoma unidecimnotata Frovaldzsky Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
dogbane tiger moth Cycnia tenera Hubner Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
slash pine seedworm Cydia anaranjada (Miller) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
hickory shuckworm Cydia caryana (Fitch) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
longleaf pine seedworm Cydia ingens (Heinrich) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
filbertworm Cydia latiferreana (Walsingham) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
larch gall moth Cydia milleniana (Adam.) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
nut fruit tortrix, chestnut tortix Cydia splendana (Hubner) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
spruce seed moth Cydia strobilella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
eastern pine seedworm Cydia toreuta (Grote) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
spruce seed moth Cydia youngana Kearfott Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers) Coleoptera Brentidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius (Fabricius, 1798) Coleoptera Brentidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
sunflower stem weevil Cylindrocopturus adspersus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pine reproduction weevil Cylindrocopturus eatoni Buchanan Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Douglas-fir twig weevil Cylindrocopturus furnissi Buchanan Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Tachinid fly Cylindromyia fumipennis (Bigot, 1878) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
gemmed satyr Cyllopsis gemma (Hübner) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Cymbachus bimaculatus (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymbachus excisipes (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymbachus humerosus Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymbachus quadrimaculatus (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones atroclavatus (Fairmaire) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones extensus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones haplosceloides Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones helopioides Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones humerosus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones perrieri (Fairmaire) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones rufus (Fairmaire) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Cymones tenuipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Cynipid gall wasp Cynips divisa Hartig, 1840 Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
Cynipid gall wasp Cynips glutinosa Giraud Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
knapweed root weevil Cyphocleonus achates (Fahraeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
metalic wood-boring beetles Cypriacis spp. Casey, 1909 Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
Asiatic oak weevil Cyrtepistomus castaneus (Roelofs) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
salvinia weevil Cyrtobagous salviniae Calder & Sands Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
bark beetle Cyrtogenius brevior (Eggers) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
handsome fungus beetle Cyrtomychus coccinelloides Kolbe Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Cyrtophorus verrucosum Cyrtophorus verrucosum Olivier Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
skeletonweed gall midge Cystiphora schmidti (Rubsaamen) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
Tachinid fly Cyzenis albicans (Fallén) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
spiny chrysomelids Dactylispa spp. Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cochineal insect Dactylopius coccus Costa Hemiptera Dactylopiidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cochineal scale Dactylopius confusus Cockerell Hemiptera Dactylopiidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cochineal scale Dactylopius tomentosus Lamarck, 1801 Hemiptera Dactylopiidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetle Dactylotrypes longicollis (Wollaston 1864) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Dactylozodes conjunta Chevrolat Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Dactylozodes picta (Laporte & Gory, 1839) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
greater pumpkin fruit fly Dacus bivittatus Bigot, 1858 Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Ethiopian fruit fly Dacus ciliatus Loew Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
black-winged Dahana Dahana atripennis Grote Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sawfly parasitic wasp Dahlbominus fuscipennis (Zetterstedt) Hymenoptera Eulophidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Great Plains camel cricket Daihinia brevipes (Haldeman, 1850) Orthoptera Rhaphidophoridae Misc. Insects
gaint sand treader cricket Daihinibaenetes giganteus Tinkham, 1962 Orthoptera Rhaphidophoridae Misc. Insects
grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Gallmaker Insects
handsome fungus beetle Danae abdominalis Weise Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae aetha Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae androgyna Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae angusticlava Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae armata Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae ascipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae borneensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae bulbifera Weise Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae caprella Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae chinensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae compressa Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae compsa Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae curvicrus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae curvipes Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae cylindrica Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae damnifica Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae denticornis (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae difficilis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae exhauriens Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae femoralis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae foveata Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae gestroi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae gracilis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae gracillima Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae hirsutipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae incerta Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae incisa Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae lenona Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae longa Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae macra Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae masculina Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae microdera Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae natalensis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae nigrosignata Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae orientalis (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae ovata Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae parallela Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae parvidens Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae pulchella Gestro Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae pusilla Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae recta Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae rufula Reiche Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae seminicornis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae senegalensis (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae simplicicollis Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae taiwana Chujo Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae testacea (Ziegler) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae trigona Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae turneri Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Danae valga Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa barbara Lucas Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa denticollis (Germar) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa edentata Wollaston Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa horvathi Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa opunticae Reitter Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa pallescens Marseul Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa scupturata Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa spinicollis Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Dapsa trimaculata Motschulsky Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
virginiacreeper sphinx Darapsa myron (Cramer) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gall midge Dasineura capsulae (Kieffer) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
gouty vein midge Dasineura communis Felt Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
honeylocust pod gall midge Dasineura gleditchiae (Osten Sacken) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
leafcurl midges Dasineura spp. Rondani, 1840 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce bud midge Dasineura swainei (Felt) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Tabanid flies Dasybasis spp. Macquart, 1847 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
pine tussock moth Dasychira grisefacta (Dyar) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tussock moth Dasychira mescalera (Ferguson, 1978) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine tussock moth Dasychira pinicola (Dyar) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
northern pine tussock moth Dasychira plagiata (Walker) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tussock moths Dasychira spp. Huebner 1802 Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
velvet ant Dasymutilla occidentalis Linnaeus Hymenoptera Mutillidae Misc. Insects
velvet ants Dasymutilla spp. Ashmead, 1899 Hymenoptera Mutillidae Misc. Insects
walnut caterpillar Datana integerrima Grote & Robinson Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
azalea caterpillar Datana major Grote & Robinson Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellownecked caterpillar Datana ministra (Drury) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetles Dectes spp. LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
soybean stem borer Dectes texanus LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
lettered sphinx moth Deidamia inscriptum (Harris) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
seedcorn maggot Delia platura (Meigen) Diptera Anthomyiidae Chewing Insects
cabbage maggot Delia radicum (Linnaeus) Diptera Anthomyiidae Root Feeding Insects
Anthomyiid flies Delia spp. Robineu-Desvoidy Diptera Anthomyiidae Root Feeding Insects
mottled tortoise beetle Deloyala guttata (Olivier) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellow and black potter wasp Delta campaniforme campaniforme (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
orangetailed potter wasp Delta latreillei petiolare (Schulz) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
leafhopper Deltocephalus pulicaris (Fallen, 1806) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetle Dendrocranulus curcubitae LeConte, 1879 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
roundheaded pine beetle Dendroctonus adjunctus Blandford Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
western pine beetle Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
southern pine beetle Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Jeffery pine beetle Dendroctonus jeffreyi Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
great spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Douglas-fir beetle Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
spruce beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kirby) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
eastern larch beetle Dendroctonus simplex LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Dendroctonus spp. Erichson, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
black turpentine beetle Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
red turpentine beetle Dendroctonus valens LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
mite Dendrolaelaps neodisetus Hurlbutt Acari Digamasellidae *Mites and Ticks
Pine-tree lappet Dendrolimus pini (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine caterpillar Dendrolimus punctatus (Walker) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Siberian silk moth Dendrolimus superans sibiricus Tschetverikov Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Chewing Insects
bark beetle Dendrosinus bourreriae Schwarz, 1920 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Dendrosinus spp. Chapuis, 1869 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Braconid wasp Dendrosoter sulcatus Muesebeck Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
post oak grasshopper Dendrotettix quercus Packard, 1890 Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
privet thrips Dendrothrips ornatus (Jablonowski) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
Deraeocoris brevis Deraeocoris brevis (Uhler) Hemiptera Miridae Invertebrate Predators
white fern winter tick Dermacentor albipictus (Packard) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Rocky Mountain wood tick Dermacentor andersoni Stiles Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
elephant dermacentor Dermacentor circumgutattus Neumann, 1897 Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
sheep tick Dermacentor marginatus (Sulzer, 1776) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
black fern winter tick Dermacentor nigrolineatus Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
tropical horse tick Dermacentor nitens Neumann Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
Pacific Coast tick Dermacentor occidentalis Marx Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
rabbit dermacentor Dermacentor parumapertus Neumann Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
rhinoceros dermacentor Dermacentor rhinocerinus (Denny, 1843) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
American dog tick Dermacentor variabilis (Say) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
larder beetle Dermestes lardarius Linnaeus Coleoptera Dermestidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
hide beetles Dermestes spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Coleoptera Dermestidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
grape leaffolder Desmia funeralis (Hübner) Lepidoptera Crambidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
elder borer Desmocerus palliatus (Forster) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
giant coccids Desmococcus captivus McKenzie, 1942 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
banded cucumber beetle Diabrotica balteata LeConte Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
northern corn rootworm Diabrotica barberi Smith & Lawrence Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
southern corn rootworm Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spotted cucumber beetle Diabrotica undecimpunctata Mannerheim Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera LeConte Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
horse fly Diachlorus ferrugatus Fabricius Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
bronze leaf beetle Diachus auratus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
digger bees Diadasia spp. Patton, 1879 Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Ichneumonid parasitoid wasp Diadegma semiclausum Helle´n Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Ichneumonid parasitoid wasp Diadromus collaris (Gravenhorst) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Diaeretiella rapae M'Intosh Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
handsome fungus beetle Dialexia thoracicus Weise Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Ichneumonid wasp Diaparsis jucunda (Holmgren) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Ichneumonid wasp Diapetimorpha introitus Cresson, 1872 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
melonworm Diaphania hyalinata (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pickleworm Diaphania nitidalis (Stoll) Lepidoptera Crambidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
pickle and melonworms Diaphania spp. Hubner, 1818 Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
walkingstick Diapheromera femorata (Say) Phasmatoptera Phasmatidae Chewing Insects
honeylocust plant bug Diaphnocoris chlorionis (Say) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Diaprepes root weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
armored scale Diaspidiotus aesculi Johnson, 1896 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
putnam scale Diaspidiotus ancylus (Putnam) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
orchid scale Diaspidiotus angraeci Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Diaspidiotus ehrhorni Coleman, 1903 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
poplar scale Diaspidiotus gigas (Thiem & Gerneck) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
walnut scale Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (Comstock) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sweetgum scale Diaspidiotus liquidambaris Kotinsky, 1903 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
European fruit scale Diaspidiotus ostreaeformis (Curtis) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
San Jose scale Diaspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Boisduval scale Diaspis boisduvalii Signoret Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pineapple scale Diaspis bromeliae (Kerner) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Diaspis chilensis Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Diaspis dignus Hoke, 1928 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cactus scale Diaspis echinocacti (Bouché) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Diaspis gilloglyi McKenzie, 1963 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Diaspis manzanitae Whitney, 1913 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Diaspis parasiti McKenzie, 1947 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
southern corn stalk borer Diatraea crambidoides (Grote) Lepidoptera Crambidae Boring Insects
southwestern corn borer Diatraea grandiosella Dyar Lepidoptera Crambidae Boring Insects
sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Crambidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Dicerca divaricata Say Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetles Dicerca spp. Eschscholtz Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
stink bug Dichelops furcatus (F.) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
palmerworm Dichomeris ligulella Hübner Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
juniper webworm Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
seed bug Dieuches armatipes (Walker, 1872) Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Geometrid moth Digrammia continuata Walker Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
bark beetle Dinoplatypus pallidus (Chapuis) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
pteromalid wasp Dinotiscus dendroctoni (Ashmead) Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
robber flies Dioctria spp. Meigen, 1803 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber fly Diogmites angustipennis Loew Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber fly Diogmites neoternata Bromley, 1931 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber fly Diogmites properans Bromley, 1936 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
hanging thieves Diogmites spp. Loew, 1866 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
minute two-spotted lady beetle Diomus notescens (Blackburn) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
salt cedar leaf beetle Diorhabda elongata Brulle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce coneworm Dioryctria abietella (Denis & Schiffermüller) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
pinyon tip moth Dioryctria albovittella (Hulst) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
southern pine coneworm Dioryctria amatella (Hulst) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
ponderosa pine coneworm Dioryctria auranticella (Grote) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
blister coneworm Dioryctria clarioralis (Walker) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
webbing coneworm Dioryctria disclusa Heinrich Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
south coastal coneworm Dioryctria ebeli Mutuura & Munroe Lepidoptera Crambidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
ponderosa twig moth Dioryctria ponderosae Dyar Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
spruce coneworm Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura & Monroe Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
red pine shoot moth Dioryctria resinosella Mutuura Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
cone worms Dioryctria spp. Zeller Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Maritime pine stem borer Dioryctria sylvestrella Ratzeburg Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Zimmerman pine moth Dioryctria zimmermani (Grote) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bee fly Dipalta serpentina (Osten Sacken, 1877) Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
mossyrose gall wasp Diplolepis rosae (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
Pacific beetle cockroach Diploptera punctata (Eschscholtz) Blattodea Blaberidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
conifer sawfly Diprion pini (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
introduced pine sawfly Diprion similis (Hartig) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mealybug Discococcus flabellatus Ferris, 1953 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oak bullet gall Disholcaspis quercusglobulus (Fitch) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
oak rough bulletgall wasp Disholcaspis quercusmamma (Walsh) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
threespotted flea beetle Disonycha triangularis (Say) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
grass aphid Diuraphis frequens (Walker, 1848) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
grass aphid Diuraphis nodulus (Richards) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
western wheat aphid Diuraphis tritici (Gillette) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pawpaw sphinx Dolba hyloeus (Drury) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
aerial yellowjacket Dolichovespula arenaria (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
baldfaced hornet Dolichovespula maculata (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
fishing spider Dolomedes tenebrosus Hentz Araneae Pisauridae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
six-spotted fishing spider Dolomedes triton (Walckenaer) Araneae Pisauridae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
bark beetles Dolurgus spp. Eichhoff, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
leaf beetles Donacia spp. Fabricius Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Lesser stag beetle Dorcus parallelopipedus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
stag beetle Dorcus parallelus Say Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
earwig Doru spp. Burr, 1907 Dermaptera Forficulidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
pyramid ant Dorymyrmex flavus McCook Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
grass sharpshooter Draeculacephala minerva Ball Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
leafhopper Draeculacephala spp. Ball, 1901 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
wax scale Drepanococcus chiton (Green) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
adelgid Dreyfusia merkeri (Eichhorn) Hemiptera Adelgidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
adelgid Dreyfusia nordmannianae (Eckst.) Hemiptera Adelgidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Tachinid fly Drino rhoeo (Walker) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
handsome fungus beetle Dryadites borneensis Frivaldsky Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Julia Heliconian Dryas julia (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lunar marbled brown Drymonia ruficornis (Hufnagel) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
greenstriped mapleworm Dryocampa rubicunda (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bark beetle Dryocoetes autographus (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Saproxylic Insects
birch bark beetle Dryocoetes betulae Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Saproxylic Insects
western balsam bark beetle Dryocoetes confusus Swaine Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Dryocoetes spp. Eichhoff, 1864 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
oriental chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
bark beetles Dryoxylon spp. Bright & Rabaglia, 1999 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
armored scale Duplachionaspis exalbida Cockerell Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
black pineleaf scale Dynaspidiotus californica (Coleman) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
eastern Hercules beetle Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tulip bulb aphid Dysaphis tulipae (Fonscolombe) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
woodlice spider Dysdera crocata C.L. Koch, 1838 Araneae Dysderidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
red cotton bug Dysdercus cingulatus Fabricius Hemiptera Pyrrhocoridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cotton stainer Dysdercus suturellus (Herrich-Schäffer) Hemiptera Pyrrhocoridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
gray sugarcane mealybug Dysmicoccus boninsis (Kuwana) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pineapple mealybug Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Dysmicoccus pinicolus McKenzie Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Dysmicoccus ryani (Coquillett) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybugs Dysmicoccus spp. Ferris, 1950 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
imperial moth Eacles imperialis (Drury) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Eburia porulosa Bates, 1892 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Ivory-marked beetle Eburia quadrigeminatus Say Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Eburia spp. Serville, 1834 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Eccoptopterus gracilipes (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Eccoptopterus spinosus (Oliver) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
water hyacinth mirid bug Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Carvalho) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
locust twig borer Ecdytolopha insiticiana Zeller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
sticktight flea Echidnophaga gallinacea (Westwood) Siphonaptera Pulicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
Ectoedemia atrifrontella Ectoedemia atrifrontella Stainton Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Ectoedemia liebwerdella Ectoedemia liebwerdella Zimmermann Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
sycamore leaf blotch miner Ectoedemia platanella (Clemens) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus africanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus atriventris Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus basalis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus callipygus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus cinctus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus elongatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus ferreus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus luluensis (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus musculus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus nigroclavus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus nimbiferus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus pauli (Weise) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ectomychus sulcatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
saddlebacked looper Ectropis crepuscularia (Denis & Schiffermuller) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
assassin bugs Ectrychotes spp. Burmeister, 1835 Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
stink bug Edessa florida Barber, 1935 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Edessa meditabunda (F.) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
robber fly Efferia aestuans Linnaeus, 1763 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber flies Efferia spp. Coquillett, 1893 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
cypress bark mealybug Ehrhornia cupressi (Ehrhorn) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
variegated midget Elaphria versicolor (Grote) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lesser cornstalk borer Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Boring Insects
large timberworm Elateroides dermestoides (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Lymexylidae Boring Insects
spruce aphid Elatobium abietinum (Walker) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes acuta (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes armata LeConte Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes carbonaria (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes extricata (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes fusiformis Leconte, 1858 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes hispilabris (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes longicollis Leconte, 1851 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes nigrina Leconte, 1858 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes obscura (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
plains false wireworm Eleodes opacus (Say) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes pimelioides Mannerheim, 1843 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes spp. Eschscholtz, 1829 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes suturalis (Say) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Eleodes tricostata (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
linden prominent Ellida caniplaga (Walker) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Embaphion muricata (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Root Feeding Insects
Tischerid moth Emmetia angusticollella (Duponchel) Lepidoptera Tischeriidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
potato leafhopper Empoasca fabae (Harris) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhoppers Empoasca spp. Walsh, 1862 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bluet damselflies Enallagma spp. Charpentier, 1840 Odonata Coenagrionidae Invertebrate Predators
long-horned beetle Enaphalodes hispicorne (Linnaeus, 1767) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
red oak borer Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
cherry bark tortix Enarmonia formosana Scopoli Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa Gahan Hymenoptera Aphelinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
long-horned beetle Encyclops caerulea Say Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
handsome fungus beetle Encymon bipustulatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon buruanus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon cinctipes Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon cyanipennis Chujo Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon gorhami Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon immaculatus (Montrozier) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon immaculatus rufofemoralis Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon neugebaueri Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon nigricollis Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon papuanus Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon regalis atripes Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon regalis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon resinatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon ruficollis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon schwarzbaueri Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon scintillans aspilotus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon scintillans scintillans Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon sumatranus Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon truncaticollis atriceps Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon truncaticollis truncaticollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon valgus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon violaceus cupreatus Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Encymon violaceus violaceus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
roseslug sawfly Endelomyia aethiops (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Endocoelus contractus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endocoelus idius Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endocoelus minor Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endocoelus orbicularis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus armeniacus Motschulsky Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus atriceps Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus bicolor Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus biguttatus Say Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus coccineus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus divisus divisus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus divisus punctatus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus gorhami (Lewis) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus humeralis Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus jureceki Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus limbatus (Horn) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus nigriceps Chujo Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus plagiatus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Endomychus thoracicus Charpentier Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
spruce needleminer Endothenia albolineana (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
whiteshouldered house moth Endrosis sarcitrella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Oecophoridae Fabrics and Clothing Pests
Ichneumonid parasitoid wasps Enicospilus spp. Stephens, 1835 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
elm spanworm Ennomos subsignaria (Hubner) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
clerid beetle Enoclerus ichneumoneus (Fabricius, 1776) Coleoptera Cleridae Misc. Insects
blackbellied clerid Enoclerus lecontei (Wolcott) Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
redbellied clerid Enoclerus sphegeus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
checkered beetles Enoclerus spp. Gahan Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
clerid beetle Enoclerus zonatus (Klug, 1842) Coleoptera Cleridae Misc. Insects
northern pearly eye Enodia anthedon Clark Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pearly eye Enodia portlandia (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cobweb weaver Enoplognatha ovata (Clerck, 1758) Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
treehopper Entylia carinata Forster Hemiptera Membracidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
predatory stink bug Eocanthecoa furcellata Wolff Hemiptera Pentatomidae Invertebrate Predators
pecan leaf scorch mite Eotetranychus hicoriae (McGregor) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
Lewis spider mite Eotetranychus lewesi (McGregor) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
silverspotted skipper Epargyreus clarus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cuckoo bees Epeolus spp. Latreille, 1802 Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Ephebus convexiusculus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ephebus hirtulus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ephebus piceus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetles Ephebus spp. Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ephebus sulcatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ephebus terminalis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
tobacco moth Ephestia elutella (Hübner) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Stored Food Pests
Ichneumonid wasp Ephialtes mesocentrus Gravenhorst Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
blister beetle Epicauta ferruginea Say Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
margined blister beetle Epicauta funebris Horn Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Epicauta immaculata Say Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Epicauta nigritarsis LeConte Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Epicauta parvulus (Haldeman, 1853) Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black blister beetle Epicauta pensylvanica (De Geer) Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Epicauta sericans (LeConte) Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Epicauta stuarti Leconte, 1868 Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Epicauta valida LeConte Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
threestriped blister beetle Epicauta vittata (Fabricius) Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Italian pear scale Epidiaspis leperii (Signoret) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
squash beetle Epilachna borealis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lady beetles Epilachna spp. Dejean, 1837 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Mexican bean beetle Epilachna varivestis Mulsant Coleoptera Coccinellidae Chewing Insects
tulip-tree beauty Epimecis hortaria (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
white fir needleminer Epinotia meritana Heinrich Lepidoptera Tortricidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafroller Epinotia solandriana Linnaeus Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
European spruce budmoth Epinotia tedella Clerck Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
light brown apple moth Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus alvaradi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus aztecus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus balli Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus bifidus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus brunneus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus cinctus LeConte Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus cryptus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus figuratus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus flavipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus funeralis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus gorhami Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus itzanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus longicornis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus mixtecus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus mutilatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus nanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus opacus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus politus gerstaeckeri Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus politus politus Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus punctatus LeConte Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus rufitarsis (Chevrolat) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus sallaei Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus similis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus subcostatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus tibialis (Chevrolat) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus toltecus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus tristus costaricensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epipocus unicolor Horn Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
autumn moth Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Salvin's clearwing Episcada salvinia (Bates) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Epistomentis pictus Gory Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
spider wasp Episyron quinquenotatus hurdi Evans Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
potato flea beetle Epitrix cucumeris (Harris) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eggplant flea beetle Epitrix fuscula Crotch Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
tobacco flea beetle Epitrix hirtipennis (Melsheimer) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
tuber flea beetle Epitrix tuberis Gentner Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus anomalus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus atriventris Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus bioculatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus clara Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus comptus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus cordatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus cucullinus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus cyclicus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus decempunctatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus dilectus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus dives Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus eganus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus fasciatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus flavolineatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus flavonotatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus geminus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus histrio Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus kirschi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus loretensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus nigerrimus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus nigrocinctus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus notatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus ocellatus annulatus Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus ocellatus ocellatus (Olivier) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus pantherinus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus partitus kirshi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus parvus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus picticollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus pictus Perty Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus quechuanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus reticulatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus signaticollis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus similis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus testudinarius Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus tigrinus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus transversus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus undulatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus vacuus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Epopterus variegatus (Erichson) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
mottled umber moth Erannis defoliaria Clerk Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
linden looper Erannis tiliaria (Harris) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
robber fly Erax barbatus Scopoli Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
Sphecid wasp Eremnophila aureonotata (Cameron) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
windscorpions Eremobates spp. Kraepelin, 1899 Solifugae Eremobatidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
long-horned beetle Ergates faber (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
ponderous borer Ergates spiculatus (LeConte) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Ichneumonid parasitoid wasp Eriborus argenteopilosus (Cameron) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
butternut woolyworm Eriocampa juglandis (Fitch) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
chamise eriococcin Eriococcus adenstomae Ehrhorn Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
araucaria mealybug Eriococcus araucariae Maskell, 1879 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
azalea bark scale Eriococcus azaleae (Comstock) Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cactus eriococcin Eriococcus coccineus Cockerell Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Mt. Diablo eriococcin Eriococcus diaboli Ferris, 1955 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
uncertain eriococcin Eriococcus dubius Cockerell, 1896 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pointed hair eriococcin Eriococcus epacrotrichus Miller & Gimpel, 1999 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
eriogonum eriococcin Eriococcus eriogoni Ehrhorn, 1911 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
creosote eriococcin Eriococcus larreae Parrott & Cockerell Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
scale Eriococcus pittospori Ferris Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oak eriococcin Eriococcus quercus (Comstock) Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
scale Eriococcus spp. Targioni Tozzetti Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
European elm scale Eriococcus spuria (Modeer) Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tent caterpillar Eriogaster lanestris (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Foliage Feeding Insects
kermes scale Eriokermes gillettei (Tinsley) Hemiptera Kermesidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
banana skipper Erionota thrax (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
purple erineum maple mite Eriophyes calcercis (Keifer) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
gall mites Eriophyes condrillae Canestrini Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
ash flower gall mite Eriophyes fraxiniflora Felt Acari Eriophyidae Gallmaker Insects
appleleaf blistergalls Eriophyes mali Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
cottonwood catkingall mite Eriophyes neoessegi Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
poplar budgall mite Eriophyes parapopuli Keifer Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Eriophyes populi (Nalepa) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
pearleaf blister mite Eriophyes pyri (Pagenstecher) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
citrus bud mite Eriophyes sheldoni Ewing Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mites Eriophyes spp. Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Eriophyes tiliae Pgst Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Eriophyes triradiatus Nal. Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
wheat curl mite Eriophyes tulipae Keifer Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
woolly elm aphid Eriosoma americanum Riley Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
woolly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
aphid Eriosoma lanuginosa (Hartig) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
European elm leafcurl aphid Eriosoma ulmi (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Siricid woodwasp Eriotremex formosanus (Matsumura, 1912) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
golden jumping spider Eris aurantia (Lucas, 1833) Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Syrphid fly Eristalis dimidiatus Wiedemann, 1830 Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
Syrphid flies Eristalis spp. Latreille, 1804 Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
drone fly Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus) Diptera Syrphidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
Syrphid fly Eristalis transversus Wiedemann, 1830 Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
Spruce tap knocking beetle Ernobius abietis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Anobiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bark beetle Ernoporicus fagi (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Ernoporus tiliae (Panzer) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Erotendomychus lawrencei Tomaszewska Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
wild indigo duskywing Erynnis baptisiae (Forbes) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sleepy duskywing Erynnis brizo (Boisduval & Leconte) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
duskywing Erynnis ello (L.) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Horace's duskywing Erynnis horatius (Scudder & Burgess) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
dreamy duskywing Erynnis icelus (Scudder & Burgess) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Juvenal's duskywing Erynnis juvenalis (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
duskywing Erynnis spp. Schrank 1801 Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafhopper Erythroneura diva Mcatee Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
western grape leafhopper Erythroneura elegantula Osborn Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
variegated leafhopper Erythroneura variabilis Beamer Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Virginiacreeper leafhopper Erythroneura ziczac Walsh Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
horse fly Esenbeckia incisuralis (Say, 1823) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
saltmarsh caterpillar Estigmene acrea (Drury) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Chewing Insects
root-boring moth Eteobalea intermediella (Riedl) Lepidoptera Cosmopterigidae Root Feeding Insects
kou leafworm Ethmia nigroapicella (Saalmüller) Lepidoptera Ethmiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
soybean pod borers Etiella hobsoni Butler Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
limabean pod borer Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
ringlegged earwig Euborellia annulipes (Lucas) Dermaptera Anisolabididae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
tessellated scale Eucalymnatus tessellatus (Signoret) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Tachinid fly Eucelatoria rubentis Coquillett Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
European birch aphid Euceraphis punctipennis (Zetterstedt) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Sphecid wasps Eucerceris spp. Cresson, 1865 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
milkweed tussock moth Euchaetes egle (Drury) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spiny oak slug Euclea delphinii (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Limacodidae Foliage Feeding Insects
shortleaf pine cone borer Eucosma cocana Kearfott Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
eastern pine shoot borer Eucosma gloriola Heinrich Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
red pine cone borer Eucosma monitorana Heinrich Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
western pine shoot borer Eucosma sonomana Kearfott Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
cone borers Eucosma spp. Hubner Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
white pine cone borer Eucosma tocullionana Heinrich Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
handsome fungus beetle Eucteanus cruciger Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eucteanus dohertyi Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eucteanus eucerus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eucteanus hardwickei (Hope) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eucteanus marsueli Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
weevil Eudiagogus maryae Warner Coleoptera Curculionidae Misc. Insects
sesbania clown weevil Eudiagogus pulcher Fahraeus Coleoptera Curculionidae Misc. Insects
weevil Eudiagogus rosenschoeldi Fahraeus Coleoptera Curculionidae Misc. Insects
fruit piercing moth Eudocima fullonia (Clerck) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
cypress weevil Eudociminus mannerheimii Boheman Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
sugarcane beetle Euetheola humilis rugiceps (LeConte) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pine powder moth Eufidonia convergaria (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
powder moth Eufidonia notataria (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
milfoil weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei (Dietz) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
calico scale Eulecanium cerasorum (Cockerell) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Eulecanium excrescens Ferris, 1920 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Eulecanium kunoensis Kuwana, 1907 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
potterwasp Eumenes spp. Latreille, 1802 Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
onion bulb fly Eumerus strigatus (Fallén) Diptera Syrphidae Root Feeding Insects
achemon sphinx Eumorpha achemon (Drury) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
banded sphinx Eumorpha fasciata (Sulzer) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Pandora sphinx Eumorpha pandorus (Hübner) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus alboguttatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus andamanensis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus arrowi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus assamensis assamensis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus assamensis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus austerus austerus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus austerus indianus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus bicoloripedoides (Mader) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus bipunctatus Perty Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus bulbosus Schaufuss Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus carinatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus carinensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus coloratus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus columbianus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus consobrinus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus convexicollis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus costatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus cryptus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus csikii Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus cyanescens Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus dehaani (Guerin) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus dilatatus Perty Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus drescheri Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus eburatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus elegans Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus eurynotus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus felix Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus festivus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus formosanus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus fryanus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus guerini Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus helaeus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus inflatus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus insignis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus longespinosus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus lucidus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus marginatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus micans Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus minor Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus mirus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus murrayi Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus oculatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus parvus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus politus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus productus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus purpureus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus (Illiger) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus quadrinotatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus quadripustulatus Frivaldszky Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus rejectus Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus sanguinipes (Guerin) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus simplex erythromerus Kryshanovski Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus simplex Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus staudingeri Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus subguttatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus sybarita Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus tetraspilotus (Hope) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus thompsoni Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus turritus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus vitalisi Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus wegneri Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Eumorphus westwoodi Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Vespid wasp Euodynerus crypticus (Say) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
spiny ash sawfly Eupareophora parca (Cresson) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Rita’s blue Euphilotes rita (Barnes and McDunnough) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bumble flower beetle Euphoria inda (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
scarab beetle Euphoria kerni Haldeman, 1852 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
dark flower scarab Euphoria sepulcralis (Fabricius, 1801) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
Baltimore checkerspot Euphydryas phaeton (Drury) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
palmetto skipper Euphyes arpa (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bay skipper Euphyes bayensis Shuey Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Alabama skipper Euphyes dion alabamae (Lindsey) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
dion skipper Euphyes dion (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Dukes' skipper Euphyes dukesi (Lindsey) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Palatka skipper Euphyes pilatka (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eastern dun skipper Euphyes vestris metacomet (Harris) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
dun skipper Euphyes vestris (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Fletcher's eupithecia Eupithecia fletcherata Taylor Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
juniper looper Eupithecia interruptofasciata Packard Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Taylor's cedar looper Eupithecia intricata taylorata Swett Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
larch pug Eupithecia lariciata (Freyer) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
small pine looper Eupithecia palpata Packard Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
ambrosia beetle Euplatypus compositus (Say) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Euplatypus parallelus (Fabricius, 1801) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
striped blue crow Euploea mulciber (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Eupristocerus bifasciata (Oliver) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
oak buprestid Eupristocerus florentinus (Herbst) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
metalic wood-boring beetles Eupristocerus spp. Deyrolle, 1864 Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
Wellenbindige oak splendour beetle Eupristocerus undatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
browntail moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mistletoe browntail moth Euproctis edwardsii (Newman) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tussock moths Euproctis spp. Hübner 1819 Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafhoppers Eupteryx spp. Curtis, 1831 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
variegated fritillary Euptoieta claudia (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common grass yellow Eurema hecabe (Linnaeus, 1758) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
little sulphur Eurema lisa (Boisduval & Leconte) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
sleepy orange Eurema nicippe (Cramer) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
weevil Eurhin magnificus Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
goldenrod gall fly Eurosta solidaginis (Fitch) Diptera Tephritidae Gallmaker Insects
cabbage bug Eurydema oleracea (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
ground beetle Euryderus grossus (Say, 1830) Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
sunn pest Eurygaster integriceps Puton Hemiptera Scutelleridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wheat bug Eurygaster maura (Linnaeus, 1758) Hemiptera Scutelleridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
admes spider mite Eurytetranychus admes Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
boxwood spider mite Eurytetranychus buxi Garman Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
zebra swallowtail Eurytides marcellus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hackberry nipple gall parasitoid Eurytoma semivenae Bugbee Hymenoptera Eurytomidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
seed chalcidoid wasps Eurytoma spp. Illiger, 1807 Hymenoptera Eurytomidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
seed chalcidoid wasps Eurytoma tomici Ashmead Hymenoptera Eurytomidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
stink bug Euschistus heros (F.) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Euschistus quadrator Rolston Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
brown stink bug Euschistus servus (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
dusky stink bug Euschistus tristigmus (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
yellow star-thistle hairy weevil Eustenopus villosus (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
leaf-footed bug Euthochtha galeator (Fabricius) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
predatory stink bug Euthyrhynchus floridanus (Linnaeus, 1767) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetle Euwallacea piceus Motschulsky Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Euwallacea spp. Hopkins, 1915 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Euwallacea validus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
army cutworm Euxoa auxiliaris (Grote) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
darksided cutworm Euxoa messoria (Harris) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tuliptree borer Euzophera ostricolorella Hulst Lepidoptera Pyralidae Boring Insects
American plum borer Euzophera semifuneralis (Walker) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Boring Insects
eastern-tailed blue Everes comyntas (Godart) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cross-striped cabbageworm Evergestis rimosalis (Guenée) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sacred fir looper Evita hyalinaria hyalinaria (Grossbeck) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
scotch broom seed weevil Exapion fuscirostre (Fabricius) Coleoptera Brentidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
gorse seed weevil Exapion ulicis (Forster) Coleoptera Brentidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
pine lady beetle Exochomus quadripustulatus Linnaeus Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
oriental beetle Exomala orientalis (Waterhouse) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bee flies Exoprosopa spp. Macquart, 1840 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
pine needleminer Exoteleia pinifoliella (Chambers) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
handsome fungus beetle Exysma laevigata Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Exysma parvula Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
European Beech Leafhopper Fagocyba cruenta (Herrich-Schäffer) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wheat head armyworm Faronta diffusa (Walker) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
redbud leaffolder Fascista cercerisella (Chambers) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
Cuban pepper weevil Faustinus cubae (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
spider mite predator midge Feltiella acarisuga (Vallot, 1827) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
Harvester Feniseca tarquinius (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European alder leafminer Fenusa dohrnii (Tischbein) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
birch leafminer Fenusa pusilla (Lepeletier) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Comstock's Sallow Feralia comstocki Grote Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Jocose Sallow Feralia jocosa (Guenée) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Feralia major Feralia major J.B. Smith Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Fergusonina flies Fergusonina spp. Malloch Diptera Fergusoninidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
striped mealybug Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Ferrisidea magna Ferris, 1921 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetle Ficicis despectus (Walker) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Ficicis wallacei (Blandford) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
North American leafhopper Fieberiella florii (Stal) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
eastern filistata spider Filistata hibernalis Hentz, 1842 Araneae Filistatidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
elongate hemlock scale Fiorinia externa Ferris Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
juniper fiorinia scale Fiorinia pinicola Maskell Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tea scale Fiorinia theae Green Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Eriophyid mite Floracarus spp. Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
European earwig Forficula auricularia Linnaeus Dermaptera Forficulidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
European earwigs Forficula spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Dermaptera Forficulidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Allegheny mound ant Formica exsectoides Forel Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
silky ant Formica fusca Linnaeus Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
western thatching ant Formica obscuripes Forel Hymenoptera Formicidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
red ant Formica pallidefulva Latreille Hymenoptera Formicidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
red wood ant Formica rufa Linnaeus Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
ants Formica spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
tobacco thrips Frankliniella fusca (Hinds) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
thrips Frankliniella spp. Karny Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
flower thrips Frankliniella tritici (Fitch) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
vespiform thrips Franklinothrips vespiformis (D.L. Crawford) Thysanoptera Aeolothripidae Rasping insects
armored scale Frogattiella penicillata (Green) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Caribbean pod borer Fundella pellucens Zeller Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
red orchid scale Furcaspis biformis (Cockerell) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scales Furcaspis spp. Lindinger, 1908 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Furchadaspis zamiae Morgan, 1890 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
white furcula Furcula borealis (Guérin-Ménneville) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gray furcula Furcula cinerea (Walker) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
western furcula Furcula occidentalis (Lintner) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
loosestrife leaf beetle Galerucella calmariensis Linnaeus Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
golden loosestrife beetle Galerucella pusilla (Duftschmid) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetles Galerucella spp. Crotch, 1873 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf-feeding chrysomelid beetle Galerucida nigromaculata Baly Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Stored Food Pests
spinybacked spider Gasteracantha cancriformis (Linnaeus) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
pine cone bug Gastrodes grossipes De Geer Hemiptera Rhyparochromidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf beetle Gastrophysa cyanea Melsheimer, 1847 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Gastrophysa spp. Chevrolat, 1837 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Gaurotes cyanipenne Say Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
toad bug Gelastocoris oculatus (Fabricius) Hemiptera Gelastocoridae Invertebrate Predators
large bigeyed bug Geocoris bullatus (Say) Hemiptera Geocoridae Invertebrate Predators
bigeyed bugs Geocoris punctipes Say Hemiptera Geocoridae Invertebrate Predators
bigeyed bugs Geocoris spp. Fallen, 1814 Hemiptera Geocoridae Invertebrate Predators
handsome fungus beetle Geoendomychus assamensis Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Geoendomychus csikii (Weise) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Geoendomychus partitus (Weise) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Geoendomychus punctatus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
burrowing wolf spider Geolycosa spp. Montgomery, 1904 Araneae Lycosidae Invertebrate Predators
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus gibbosus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus gratus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus humeralis (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus junctus (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus klugii (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus perspicillaris (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus rubropictus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus sanguinolentus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus sexguttatus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus similis (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Gerstaeckerus spurius (Strohecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
pleasing fungus beetle Gibbifer californicus (Lacordaire, 1842) Coleoptera Erotylidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
conifer sawfly Gilpinia frutetorum (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European spruce sawfly Gilpinia hercyniae (Hartig) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European bark beetle predator Glischrochilus quadripunctatus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Nitidulidae Invertebrate Predators
Glischrochilus sanguinolenta Glischrochilus sanguinolenta Olivier Coleoptera Nitidulidae Invertebrate Predators
ambrosia beetle Glochinocerus gemellus Blandford Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Red gum lerp Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sugar maple borer Glycobius speciosus (Say) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
mulberry leaftier/roller Glyphodes sibillalis Walker Lepidoptera Crambidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
Ichneumonid wasp Glypta spp. Gravenhorst, 1829 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Glyptapanteles phytometrae (Wilkinson) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
blister beetle Gnathium minimum (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Meloidae Misc. Insects
bark beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
western pinewood stainer Gnathotrichus retusus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Gnathotrichus spp. Eichhoff, 1869 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
western hemlock wood stainer Gnathotrichus sulcatus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Gnathotriculus sulcatus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
slash pine flower thrips Gnophothrips fuscus (Morgan) Thysanoptera Phlaeothripidae Rasping insects
noble chafer Gnorimus nobilis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
chafer Gnorimus variabilis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
oak branch borer Goes debilis LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
hickory borer Goes pulcher (Haldeman) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
living-beech borer Goes pulverulentus (Haldeman) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetles Goes spp. LeConte, 1852 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
oak sapling borer Goes tesselatus (Haldeman) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
white oak borer Goes tigrinus (De Geer) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Gonatocerus triguttatus Gonatocerus triguttatus Girault Hymenoptera Mymaridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
American aspen beetle Gonioctena americana (Schaeffer) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Gonioctena quinquepunctata Fabricius Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
horse fly Goniops chrysocoma (Osten Sacken) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
eucalyptus weevil Gonipterus gibberus Boisduval Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eucalyptus weevil Gonipterus scutellatus Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf-footed bug Gonocerus acuteangulatus (Goeze, 1778) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
European elm scale Gossyparia spuria Modeer 1778 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tiger moths Grammia spp. Rambur, 1866 Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Chaco golden knee tarantula Grammostola aureostriata Schmidt & Bullmer Araneae Theraphosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
long-horned beetle Graphisurus fasciatus De Geer Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
blue-green sharpshooter Graphocephala atropunctata (Signoret) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
candystriped leafhopper Graphocephala coccinea (Forster) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
leafhoppers Graphocephala spp. Van Duzee, 1916 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta (Busck) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
woodrose bug Graptostethus manillensis (Stål) Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tortoise beetle Gratiana boliviana Spaeth Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tortricid moth Gravitarmata margarotana (Heinemann, 1863) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
pecan bud moth Gretchena bolliana (Slingerland) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
spruce tip moth Griselda radicana Heinrich Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Madagascar hissing cockroach Gromphadorhina portentosa (Schaum, 1853) Blattodea Blattidae Nuisance Insects
beech blight aphid Grylloprociphilus imbricator (Fitch) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
northern mole cricket Gryllotalpa hexadactyla Orthoptera Gryllotalpidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Pyralid moth Gymnancyla canella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
armored scale Gymnaspis aechmeae Newstead, 1998 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
toadflax capsule weevil Gymnetron antirrhini (Paykull) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
root galling weevil Gymnetron linariae (Panzer) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
sunflower receptacle maggot Gymnocarena diffusa (Snow, 1894) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bark beetle Gymnochilus alni Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Tachinid flies Gymnosoma spp. Meigen, 1803 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Cuban laurel thrips Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal) Thysanoptera Phlaeothripidae Rasping insects
leafhoppers Gypona spp. Germar, 1821 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhoppers Gyponana spp. Ball, 1920 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cottonwood twig borer Gypsonoma haimbachiana (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
Encyrtid wasp Gyranusoidea indica Shafee, Alam & Agarwal Hymenoptera Encyrtidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
southeastern blueberry bee Habropoda laboriosa (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hadrodemius globus (Blandford) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
horn fly Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus) Diptera Muscidae Nuisance Insects
red-black pine spittle bug Haematoloma dorsata (Ahrens) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Haliaspis spartinae Comstock, 1883 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
marine water strider Halobates spp. Eschscholtz, 1822 Hemiptera Gerridae Invertebrate Predators
garden fleahopper Halticus bractatus (Say) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stal) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sycamore tussock moth Halysidota harrisii Walsh Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tussock moths Halysidota spp. Hübner, 1819 Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pale tussock moth Halysidota tessellaris (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Guatemalan cracker Hamadryas guatemalena (Bates) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cracker butterflies Hamadryas spp. Hübner Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafhoppers Hamana spp. DeLong, 1942 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sunflower headclipping weevil Haplorhynchites aeneus (Boheman) Coleoptera Attelabidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis abdominalis Waterhouse Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis angulatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis atratus (Klug) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis attenuatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis coerulescens Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis columbinus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis convexus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis curtulus Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis delkeskampi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis descarpentriesi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis fairmairei Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis gibbosus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis klugi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis obesus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis oblongulus (Fairmaire) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis pauliani Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis pici Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis plagiicollis (Fairmaire) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetles Haploscelis spp. Blanchard Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Haploscelis vadoni Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
multicolored Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
common spotted lady beetle Harmonia conformis (Boisduval) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
murky ground beetle Harpalus caliginosus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
yellow spotted millipede Harpaphe haydeniana (Wood, 1864) Polydesmida Xystodesmidae Misc. Insects
western grapeleaf skeletonizer Harrisina brillians Barnes & McDunnough Lepidoptera Zygaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gall midge Harrisomyia vitrina Kieffer Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
raspberry horntail Hartigia cressonii (Kirby) Hymenoptera Cephidae Boring Insects
rose stem sawfly Hartigia trimaculata (Say) Hymenoptera Cephidae Boring Insects
zebra Heliconian Heliconius charitonius (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
longwing butterflies Heliconius spp. Kluk 1802 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
old world bollworm, cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bollworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
mealybug Heliococcus clemente Miller, 1974 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
greenhouse thrips Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
cabbage webworm Hellula rogatalis (Hulst) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cabbage webworm Hellula undalis (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Crambidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
snowberry clearwing Hemaris diffinis (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hummingbird clearwing Hemaris thysbe (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
horse fly Hematabanus carolinensis Macquart, 1838 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
brown lacewings Hemerobius spp. Linnaeus Neuroptera Hemerobiidae Invertebrate Predators
windscorpion Hemerotrecha fruitana Muma Solifugae Eremobatidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Ceraunus Blue Hemiargus ceraunus (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
armored scale Hemiberlesia diffinis Newstead, 1893 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
latania scale Hemiberlesia lataniae (Signoret) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
greedy scale Hemiberlesia rapax (Comstock) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
striped alder sawfly Hemichroa crocea (Geoffroy) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
armored scale Hemigymnaspis orchidicola Davidson & Miller, 1977 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Hemigymnaspis pimentae Davidson & Miller, 1977 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
brown day moth Hemileuca eglanterina (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
buck moth Hemileuca maia (Drury) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
buck moths Hemileuca spp. Walker 1855 Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
palmetto tortoise beetle Hemisphaerota cyaneum (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
twenty eight spot lady beetle Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fabricius) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
black soldier fly Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus) Diptera Stratiomyidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
Carolina satyr Hermeuptychia sosybius (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Herophila tristis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
parson spider Herpyllus ecclesiasticus Hentz Araneae Gnaphosidae Invertebrate Predators
juba skipper Hesperia juba (Scudder) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
wedge-shaped beetle Hesperobaenus rufipes LeConte Coleoptera Monotomidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
bed bug Hesperocimex coloradensis List, 1925 Hemiptera Cimicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
long-horned beetle Hesperophanes campestris Faldermann Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Hesperophanes griseus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Hesperophanes pallidus (Olivier) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
snakeweed grasshopper Hesperotettix viridis (Thomas, 1872) Orthoptera Acrididae Misc. Insects
common sawfly Heterarthrus vagans (Fallén) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
saddled prominent Heterocampa guttivitta (Walker) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
seed bug Heterogaster urticae (Fabricius, 1775) Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf-feeding sawfly Heteroperreyia hubrichi Malaise Hymenoptera Pergidae Foliage Feeding Insects
large brown spider Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus) Araneae Sparassidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
leucaena psyllid Heteropsylla cubana Crawford Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
poplar twiggall fly Hexomyza schineri (Giraud) Diptera Agromyzidae Gallmaker Insects
Heydenia unica Heydenia unica Cook & Davis Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
convergent lady beetle Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Hippodamia parenthesis (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Hippodamia variegata (Goeze, 1777) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
leafhopper Hishimonus phycitis (Distant) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
hister beetles Hister spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Coleoptera Histeridae Invertebrate Predators
phoretic mites Histiogaster arborsignis Berlese Acari Acaridae *Mites and Ticks
giant wolf spider Hogna carolinensis Walckenaer, 1805 Araneae Lycosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
wolf spider Hogna hawaiiensis (Simon, 1899) Araneae Lycosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
wolf spider Hogna permunda (Chamberlin, 1904) Araneae Lycosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
robber fly Holcocephala fusca Bromley Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber flies Holcocephala spp. Jaennicke, 1867 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
hister beetle Hololepta aequalis Say Coleoptera Histeridae Invertebrate Predators
wood borer of coigue Holopterus chilensis Blanchard Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
mimosa webworm Homadaula anisocentra Meyrick Lepidoptera Galacticidae Foliage Feeding Insects
glassy-winged sharpshooter Homalodisca coagulata (Say) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhoppers Homalodisca spp. (Say) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
glassy-winged sharpshooter Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf rolling weevil Homoeolabus analis (Iliger) Coleoptera Attelabidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
sunflower moth Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
weevil Homorosoma chinensis Wagner Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
fleas Hoplopsyllus spp. Baker Siphonaptera Pulicidae Nuisance Insects
leafhopper Hortensia similis Walker, 1851 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Hortensia spp. Walker, 1851 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mining scale Howardia biclavis (Comstock) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
honeysuckle aphid Hyadaphis tataricae (Aizenberg) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
camel tick Hyalomma dromedarii Koch, 1844 Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
bont-legged tick Hyalomma marginatum Koch Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
roan antelope tick Hyalomma truncatum Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
cecropia moth Hyalophora cecropia (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Columbia moth Hyalophora columbia columbia (S.I. Smith) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ceanothus silk moth Hyalophora euryalus (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mealy plum aphid Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
horse fly Hybomitra cincta (Fabricius, 1749) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Hybomitra difficilis (Wiedemann, 1828) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Hybomitra hinei (Johnson, 1904) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Hybomitra lasiophthalma (Macquart, 1838) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Hybomitra microcephala (Osten Sacken, 1876) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Hybomitra trispila (Wiedemann, 1828) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Hybomitra vicinus (Macquart, 1838) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
hydrilla leaf mining flies Hydrellia spp. Robineau-Desviody, 1830 Diptera Ephydridae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
South American rice miner Hydrellia wirthi Korytkowski Diptera Ephydridae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
cherry scallop shell moth Hydria prunivorata (Ferguson) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Geometrid moth Hydriomena divisaria (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
giant water scavenger beetle Hydrophilus triangularis Say Coleoptera Hydrophilidae Aquatic Insects
yellow-faced bees Hylaeus spp. Fabricius, 1793 Hymenoptera Colletidae Misc. Insects
handsome fungus beetle Hylaia dalmatina Kaufmann Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Hylaia elongata albanica Apfelbeck Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Hylaia elongata Apfelbeck Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Hylaia podagrica Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Hylaia reissi Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Hylaia rubricollis (Germar) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
bark beetle Hylastes angustatus (Herbst) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
black pine bark beetle Hylastes ater (Paykull) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes attenuatus Erichson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes brunneus Erichson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes cunicularius Erichson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes gracilis LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
root-feeding bark beetle Hylastes macer LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes opacus Erichson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes porculus Erichson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes salebrosus Eichhoff Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Hylastes spp. Erichson, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastes tenuis Eichhoff, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylastinus fankhauseri Reitter Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
clover root borer Hylastinus obscurus (Marsham) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
bark beetles Hylastinus spp. Bedel, 1888 Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
Lymexylid beetle Hylecoetus dermestoides Linnaeus, 1761 Coleoptera Lymexylidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hyleops glabratus Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
fiery skipper Hylephila phyleus (Drury) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Hawaiian sphinx Hyles calida (Butler) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spurge hawkmoth Hyles euphorbiae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bedstraw hawkmoth Hyles gallii (Rottemberg) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white-lined sphinx Hyles lineata (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eastern ash bark beetle Hylesinus aculeatus Say Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylesinus aztecus Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
larch elm bark beetle Hylesinus crenatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylesinus oleiperda (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylesinus orni Fuchs Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
ash bark beetles Hylesinus spp. Fabricius, 1801 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylesinus toranio (Danthoine, 1788) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
ash bark beetle Hylesinus varius (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
hanging scorpionfly Hylobittacus spp. Byers, 1979 Mecoptera Bittacidae Misc. Insects
large brown trunk beetle Hylobius abietis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
southern pine root weevil Hylobius aliradicis Warner Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pales weevil Hylobius pales (Herbst) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
weevil Hylobius piceus (De Geer) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
weevil Hylobius pinastri (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pine root collar weevil Hylobius radicis Buchanan Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
root-boring weevil Hylobius transversovittatus (Goeze) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Warren root collar weevil Hylobius warreni Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bark beetle Hylocurus bicornus (Blackman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hylocurus binodatus Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hylocurus carinifrons Atkinson Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hylocurus floridensis Atkinson Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hylocurus rudis (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Hylocurus spp. Eichhoff, 1872 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hylocurus torosus Wood, 1971 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
pine hawk moth Hyloicus pinastri Linnaeus Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
old house borer Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hylurdrectonus araucariae Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
hoop-pine bark beetle Hylurdrectonus piniarius Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
native elm bark beetle Hylurgopinus rufipes (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Hylurgopinus spp. Swaine, 1918 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylurgops glabratus (Zetterstedt) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylurgops palliatus (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylurgops planirostris Chapuis, 1869 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Hylurgops rugipennis Mannerheim Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Hylurgops spp. LeConte, 1876 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
goldenhaired bark beetle Hylurgus ligniperda (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Hylurgus spp. Latreille, 1807 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Hymenarcya nervosa Hymenarcys nervosa (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spotted beet webworm Hymenia perspectalis (Hübner) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
esther moth Hypagyrtis esther (Barnes) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Geometrid moths Hypagyrtis spp. Hübner, 1818 Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
green cloverworm Hypena scabra (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Egyptian alfalfa weevil Hypera brunnipennis (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lesser clover leaf weevil Hypera nigrirostris (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
alfalfa weevil Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
lady beetles Hyperaspis spp. Chevrolat in Dejean, 1837 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
giant leopard moth Hypercompe scribonia (Stoll) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
fall webworm Hyphantria cunea (Drury) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Chewing Insects
hypoborus beetles Hypoborus spp. Erichson, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
common cattle grub Hypoderma lineatum (Villers) Diptera Oestridae Myiasis Insects
mealybug Hypogeococcus barbarae Rau, 1938 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
gold-dust weevil Hypomeces squamosus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
kiawe scolytid Hypothenemus birmanus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Hypothenemus dissimilis Zimmermann, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bark beetle Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bark beetles Hypothenemus spp. Westwood, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
indigobush twig borer Hystricophora taleana (Grote) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
Ibaliid wasp Ibalia leucospoides Hochenwarth, 1785 Hymenoptera Ibaliidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
giant coccid Icerya pulcher Morrison, 1928 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cottony cushion scale Icerya purchasi Maskell Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant coccids Icerya rileyi Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rice paper butterfly Idea leuconoe Erichson Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Idiophyes brevis Blackburn Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Idiophyes garambae Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Idiophyes niponensis (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Idiophyes rotundus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
tuliptree aphid Illinoia liriodendri (Monell) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
blueberry aphid Illinoia pepperi MacGillivray Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Eastern Pine Elfin Incisalia niphon (Hübner) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
western drywood termite Incisitermes minor (Hagen) Isoptera Kalotermitidae Boring Insects
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus brevis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus coomani sinensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus decipiens Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus distinctus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus formosanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus gorhami Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus grandis (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus grandis vittatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus graphicus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus hirsutus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus inermipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus ingratus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus kirbyanus (Latrielle) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus lineeles (Chapuis) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus liuchongloi Kryz Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus luzonicus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus malayanus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus nanus (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus oblongulus Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus strigatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Indalmus vulcanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
scarce swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
engraver beetle Ips acuminatus (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
eight-toothed spruce bark beetle Ips amitinus (Eichhoff, 1871) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Ips apache Lanier Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
small southern pine engraver Ips avulsus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
sixspined ips Ips calligraphus (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
large larch bark beetle Ips cembrae (Heer) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
pinyon ips Ips confusus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
northern bark beetle Ips duplicatus (Sahlberg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
emarginate ips Ips emarginatus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
eastern fivespined ips Ips grandicollis (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
spruce ips Ips hunteri Swaine Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Ips integer Eichhoff, 1869 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Ips latidens (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Arizona fivespined ips Ips lecontei Swaine Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Ips mannsfeldi (Wachtl, 1879) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
California fivespined ips Ips paraconfusus Lanier Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
northern spruce engraver Ips perturbatus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
pine engraver Ips pini (Say) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
six-spined engraver beetle Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
pine and spruce engraver beetles Ips spp. De Geer, 1775 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
larch engraver beetle Ips subelongatus Motschulsky Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
black grass bug Irbisia spp. Reuter, 1875 Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
compressed weevil Irenimus compressus (Broun) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
crowned slug Isa textula (Herrich-Schäffer) Lepidoptera Limacodidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common hover fly Ischiodon scutellaris (Fabricius) Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
clover stem weevil Ischnopterapion virens Herbst Coleoptera Brentidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
citrine forktail Ischnura hastata Say, 1839 Odonata Coenagrionidae Invertebrate Predators
eastern forktail Ischnura verticalis Say Odonata Coenagrionidae Invertebrate Predators
weevil Isochnus populicola (Silverberg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
baldcypress sphinx Isoparce cupressi (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
stonefly Isoperla cotta Ricker, 1952 Plecoptera Perlodidae Misc. Insects
stonefly Isoperla transmarina (Newman, 1838) Plecoptera Perlodidae Misc. Insects
long-horned beetle Isotomus speciosus (Schneider) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Ichneumonid wasp Itoplectis conquisitor (Say) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Ichneumonid wasp Itoplectis quadricingulatus Provancher, 1880 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
blacklegged tick Ixodes scapularis Say Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
tick Ixodes spp. Acari Ixodidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
raccoon tick Ixodes texanus Banks Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
seabird tick Ixodes uriae White Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
goldenrain-tree bug Jadera haematoloma (Herrich-Schaffer) Hemiptera Rhopalidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stilt bugs Jalysus spp. Stal, 1862 Hemiptera Berytidae Invertebrate Predators
stilt bug Jalysus wickhami Van Duzee Hemiptera Berytidae Invertebrate Predators
willow shoot sawfly Janus abbreviatus (Say) Hymenoptera Cephidae Boring Insects
oak shoot sawfly Janus quercusae Smith Hymenoptera Cephidae Boring Insects
Japanese maple leafhopper Japananus hyalinus (Osborn) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
flower longhorn Judolia cordifera Olivier Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
common buckeye Junonia coenia Hubner Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
elm leafminer Kaliofenusa ulmi (Sundevall) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
tomato pinworm Keiferia lycopersicella (Walsingham) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
kermes scales Kermes spp. Boitard, 1828 Hemiptera Kermesidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
acuminate scale Kilifia acuminata (Signoret) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Kisanthobia ariasi Robert Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
banded hickory borer Knulliana cincta (Drury) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Southern house spider Kukulcania hibernalis Hentz Araneae Filistatidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
armored scale Kuwanaspis hikosani Kuwana, 1902 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant coccid Kuwania quercus Kuwana, 1902 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lesser earwig Labia minor (Linnaeus, 1758) Dermaptera Labiidae Misc. Insects
milkweed leaf beetle Labidomera clivicollis Kirby Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
striped earwig Labidura riparia Pallas Dermaptera Labiduridae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
black grass bug Labops hesperius Uhler Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
black grass bug Labops spp. Burmeister, 1835 Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf beetle Lachnaia sexpunctata (Scopoli, 1763) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
aphid Lachnus roboris (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bristly cutworm Lacinipolia renigera (Stephens) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Root Feeding Insects
plumeria borer Lagocheirus undatus (Voet) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
spring hemlock looper Lambdina fervidaria athasaria (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
hemlock looper Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria (Guenée) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
western hemlock looper Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
western oak looper Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria (Hulst) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
eastern pine looper Lambdina pellucidaria (Grote & Robinson) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Geometrid moth Lambdina vitraria (Grote) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Drummond's blue Buprestid Lampetis drummondi Laporte & Gory Coleoptera Buprestidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Bean butterfly Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
northern pine sphinx Lapara bombycoides Walker Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
southern pine sphinx Lapara coniferarum (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
robber fly Laphria fernaldi (Back, 1904) Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber fly Laphria virginica (Banks, 1917) Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber flies Laphystia spp. Loew, 1847 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
tooth-necked fungus beetle Laricobius nigrinus Fender Coleoptera Derodontidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
tooth-necked fungus beetles Laricobius spp. Rosenhauer, 1846 Coleoptera Derodontidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
yellow starthistle flower weevil Larinus curtus Hochhut Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
lesser knapweed flower weevil Larinus minutus Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
blunt knapweed flower weevil Larinus obtusus Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Canada thistle bud weevil Larinus planus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
mole cricket hunters Larra bicolor Fabricius Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
cylindrical bark beetles Lasconotus pusillus LeConte Coleoptera Colydiidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
southern pine beetle associate Lasconotus referendarious Zimmermann Coleoptera Colydiidae Invertebrate Predators
cylindrical bark beetles Lasconotus spp. Erichson, 1845 Coleoptera Colydiidae Invertebrate Predators
cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius) Coleoptera Anobiidae Stored Products Insects
univoltine gall midge Lasioptera hungarica Mohn Diptera Cecidomyiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
ponderosa pine seed moth Laspeyresia piperana (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
seed worms Laspeyresia spp. Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
red widow Latrodectus bishopi Kaston, 1938 Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
brown widow spider Latrodectus geometricus C.L. Koch Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Western black widow Latrodectus hesperus (Chamberlain & Ivie) Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
black widow spider Latrodectus mactans (Fabricius) Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
ground beetle Lebia viridis Say Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
false pit scale Lecanodiaspis hodgsoni Howell & Kosztarab, 1972 Hemiptera Lecanodiaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
common falsepit scale Lecanodiaspis prosopidis Maskell Hemiptera Lecanodiaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
false pit scale Lecanodiaspis rufescens Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Lecanodiaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
false pit scales Lecanodiaspis spp. Targioni Tozzetti, 1869 Hemiptera Lecanodiaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
false pit scale Lecanodiaspis yuccae Townsend, 1892 Hemiptera Lecanodiaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Leiestes decoratus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Leiestes seminiger (Gyllenhall) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
harvestmen Leiobunum spp. Opiliones Leiobunidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
threelined potato beetle Lema trilinea White, 1981 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
threelined potato beetle Lema trivittata Kogan & Goeden Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Bombyliid flies Lepidophora spp. Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
purple scale Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
camellia scale Lepidosaphes camelliae Hoke Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
fig scale Lepidosaphes conchiformis (Gmelin) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
glover scale Lepidosaphes gloverii (Packard) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Lepidosaphes orsomi Mamet, 1954 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Maskell's scale Lepidosaphes pallida (Maskell, 1894) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine oystershell scale Lepidosaphes pini (Maskell, 1897) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Lepidosaphes pinnaeformis Maskell, 1898 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scales Lepidosaphes spp. Shimer, 1868 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oystershell scale Lepidosaphes ulmi (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Lepidosaphes yanagicola Kuwana Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Lepiosaphes esakii Takahashi Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
silverfish Lepisma saccharina Linnaeus Thysanura Lepismatidae Misc. Insects
Leptacis spp. Leptacis spp. Foerster, 1856 Hymenoptera Platygastridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
false potato beetle Leptinotarsa juncta (Germar) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
leaf beetle Leptinotarsa texana Schaeffer Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Leptinotarsa undecimlineata (Stal) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Misc. Insects
white cedar moth Leptocneria reducta (Walker) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
robber fly Leptogaster flavipes Loew Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
leaf-footed bug Leptoglossus australis (Fabricius) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
western leaf-footed bug Leptoglossus clypealis Heidemann, 1910 Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaffooted pine seed bug Leptoglossus corculus (Say) Hemiptera Coreidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
western conifer-seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaffooted bug Leptoglossus phyllopus (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf-footed bugs Leptoglossus spp. Guerin-Meneville, 1831 Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf-footed bug Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas, 1852) Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
fruit-tree root weevil Leptopius robustus (Olivier) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
European mouse flea Leptopsylla segnis (Schönherr) Siphonaptera Leptopsyllidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
bark beetle Leptoxyleborus sordicauda (Motschulsky) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Leptura aurulenta Fabricius Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
golden-haired flower lepturine Leptura chrysocoma (Kirby) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Leptura maculata (Poda) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Erythraeid mite Leptus spp. Latreille Acari Erythraeidae *Mites and Ticks
clouded skipped Lerema accius (Smith) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
rice leaffolder Lerodea eufala (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tachinid fly Lespesia pholi Webber Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid fly Lespesia sabroskyi Beneway, 1963 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid fly Lespesia spp. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
giant water bug Lethocerus americanus (Leidy) Hemiptera Belostomatidae Invertebrate Predators
armored scales Leucaspis spp. Signoret, 1869 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
decorative leucauge Leucauge decorata Blackwall, 1864 Araneae Tetragnathidae Invertebrate Predators
orchard orbweaver Leucauge venusta (Walckenaer, 1842) Araneae Tetragnathidae Invertebrate Predators
satin moth Leucoma salicis (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
satellite fly Leucophora spp. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Diptera Anthomyiidae Misc. Insects
pear leaf blister moth Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa) Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
twig-mining moth Leucoptera spartifoliella (Hubner) Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
horse fly Leucotabanus annulatus (Say, 1823) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
slaty skimmer Libellula incesta Hagen Odonata Libellulidae Invertebrate Predators
widow skimmer Libellula luctuosa (Burmeister, 1839) Odonata Libellulidae Invertebrate Predators
common whitetail Libellula lydia Drury, 1773 Odonata Libellulidae Invertebrate Predators
twelve-spotted skimmer Libellula pulchella Drury, 1773 Odonata Libellulidae Invertebrate Predators
flame skimmer Libellula saturata Uhler 1857 Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
painted skimmer Libellula semifasciata Burmeister, 1839 Odonata Libellulidae Invertebrate Predators
American snout butterfly Libytheana carinenta (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ash seed weevils Lignyodes spp. Dejean, 1835 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
carrot beetle Ligyrus gibbosus (De Geer) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
lily leaf beetle Lilioceris lilii (Scopoli) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
viceroy Limenitis archippus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
red spotted purple Limenitis arthemis astyanax (Drury) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white admiral Limenitis arthemis Drury Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Lorquin's Admiral Limenitis lorquini lorquini (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Pacific Coast wireworm Limonius canus LeConte Coleoptera Elateridae Root Feeding Insects
grain thrips Limothrips cerealium (Haliday) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
Argentine ant Linepithema humile (Mayr) Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
blister beetle Linsleya convexa (Leconte, 1853) Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
marbled rose chafer Liocola lugubris (Herbst) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
turnip aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
grass fly Lipara similis Schiner Diptera Chloropidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bark beetle Liparthrum squamosus Blackman, 1920 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
serpentine leafminer Liriomyza brassicae (Riley) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
tomato leaf miner Liriomyza bryoniae (Kaltenbach) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Liriomyza congesta (Becker) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
pea leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Liriomyza melampyga (Loew) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Liriomyza pascuum Meigen Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Liriomyza pusilla (Meigen) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
vegetable leafminer Liriomyza sativae Blanchard Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminers Liriomyza spp. Mik Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Liriomyza strigata (Meigen) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Liriomyza taraxaci Hering Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
chrysanthemum leaf miner Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Liriomyza variegata (Meigen) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
vegetable weevil Listroderes costirostris obliquus (Klug) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
vegetable weevil Listroderes difficilis Germain Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Argentine stem weevil Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
carrot weevil Listronotus oregonensis (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
ground mantid Litaneutria minor (Scudder) Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
Nameless pinion Lithophane innominata (J.B. Smith) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Lemmer's noctuid moth Lithophane lemmeri (Barnes & Benjamin) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
comb-clawed beetle Lobopoda erythrocnemis Germar Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
leaf beetle Lochmaea capreae (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
double-lined prominent Lochmaeus bilineata (Packard) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
variable oakleaf caterpillar Lochmaeus manteo Doubleday Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Lonchaeids Lonchaea spp. Fallen, 1820 Diptera Lonchaeidae Invertebrate Predators
giant bark aphid Longistigma caryae (Harris) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
ragwort flea beetle Longitarsus jacobaea (Waterhouse) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
silverspotted tiger moth Lophocampa argentata (Packard) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hickory tussock moth Lophocampa caryae Harris Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tiger moth Lophocampa ingens (Edwards) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
armored scale Lopholeucaspis cockerelli Grandpre & Charmoy, 1899 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Japanese maple scale Lopholeucaspis japonica (Cockerell) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
melaleuca sawfly Lophyrotoma zonalis (Rohwer) Hymenoptera Pergidae Foliage Feeding Insects
plant bug Lopidea robiniae Uhler Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Loxa deducta (Walker) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
brown recluse spider Loxosceles reclusa Gertsch & Mulaik Araneae Sicariidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
alfalfa webworm Loxostege cereralis (Zeller) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
beet webworm Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Stag beetle Lucanus cervus Linnaeus Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
giant stag beetle Lucanus elaphus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
stag beetle Lucanus mazama (LeConte) Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
Northern blue Lycaeides idas (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
karner blue Lycaeides melissa (W.H. Edwards) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tailed Copper Lycaena arota (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Bronze Copper Lycaena hyllus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
American copper Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Geometrid moth Lycia hirtaria (Clerck, 1759) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina angusta Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina apicata Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina bovistae (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina ferruginea LeConte Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina horrida Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina koltzei Reitter Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina mandarinea Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina morosus (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina mus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina penicillata Marseul Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina pulvinata Reitter Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina sericea Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina succincta (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina validicornis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Carolina wolf spider Lycosa carolinensis Walckenaer Araneae Lycosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
southern pine beetle predator Lyctocoris elongatus (Reuter) Hemiptera Lyctocoridae Invertebrate Predators
European lyctus beetle Lyctus linearis (Goeze) Coleoptera Bostrichidae Wood Product Pests
southern lyctus beetle Lyctus planicollis LeConte Coleoptera Bostrichidae Wood Product Pests
small milkweed bug Lygaeus kalmii Stål Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pale legume bug Lygus elisus Van Duzee Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
western tarnished plant bug Lygus hesperus Knight Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tarnished plant bug Lygus lineolaris (Palisot) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
plant bug Lygus spp. Hahn Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetles Lymantor spp. Lovendal, 1889 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
tussock moth Lymantria antennata Walker Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Asian gypsy moth Lymantria dispar dispar (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Japanese gypsy moth Lymantria japonica Motschulsky Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
luna gypsy moth Lymantria lunata diversa (Turner) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tussock moth Lymantria lunata (Stoll) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
rosy gypsy moth Lymantria mathura Moore Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
nun moth Lymantria monacha (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tussock moth Lymantria nephrographa Turner Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tussock moth Lymantria pelospila Turner Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
casuarina moth Lymantria xylina Swinhoe Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
timber beetle Lymexylon navale (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Lymexylidae Boring Insects
apple leaf miner Lyonetia clerkella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Lytta biguttata Leconte, 1853 Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Spanishfly Lytta vesicatoria (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pink hibiscus mealybug Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybugs Maconellicoccus spp. Ezzat Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
dogwood sawfly Macremphytus tarsatus (Say) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Chewing Insects
Braconid wasp Macrocentrus cerasicoranae Viereck, 1912 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Macrocentrus grandii Goidanich Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Macrocheles mites Macrocheles spp. Acari Macrochelidae *Mites and Ticks
rose chafer Macrodactylus subspinosus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
vein pocket gall Macrodiplosis erubescens (Osten Sacken, 1862) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
long-horned beetles Macropophora spp. Thomson, 1864 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
honeylocust leafhopper Macropsis fumipennis (Gillette & Baker) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wedge-shaped beetle Macrosiagon limbata (Fabricius, 1792) Coleoptera Ripiphoridae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
wedge-shaped beetles Macrosiagon spp. Hentz, 1830 Coleoptera Ripiphoridae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
lupine aphid Macrosiphum albifrons Essig, 1911 Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rose aphid Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
aster leafhopper Macrosteles quadrilineatus Forbes Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
sphinx or hawk moth Madoryx oiclus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
jumping spider Maevia spp. C. L. Koch, 1846 Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
defoliating weevil Magdalis gentilis LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
periodical cicada Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Cicadidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
periodical cicada Magicicada spp. Davis, 1925 Hemiptera Cicadidae Root Feeding Insects
eastern tent caterpillar Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Chewing Insects
western tent caterpillar Malacosoma californicum (Packard) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Pacific tent caterpillar Malacosoma constrictum (H. Edwards) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Foliage Feeding Insects
forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria Hübner Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Chewing Insects
southwestern tent caterpillar Malacosoma incurvum (H. Edwards) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lackey moth Malacosoma neustria (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Asiatic garden beetle Maladera castanea (Arrow) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
green lacewing Mallada signata (Schneider) Neuroptera Chrysopidae Invertebrate Predators
hardwood stump borer Mallodon dasystomus (Say, 1824) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
cabbage moth Mamestra brassicae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ash sphinx Manduca jasminearum (Guerin-Meneville) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tomato hornworm Manduca quinquemaculata (Haworth) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
rustic sphinx moth Manduca rustica (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
orb weaver Mangora spp. O. P.-Cambridge, 1889 Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
European mantid Mantis religiosa Linnaeus Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
mantids Mantis spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
Marchalina hellenica Marchalina hellenica (Gennadius) Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant coccids Margarodes meridionalis Morrison, 1927 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Ground pearls, margarodes Margarodes prieskaensis (Jakubski) Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Ground pearls, margarodes Margarodes spp. Guilding, 1828 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Ground pearls, margarodes Margarodes vredendalensis De Klerk Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
citrus peelminer Marmara salictella Clemens Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Ruddy Daggerwing butterfly Marpesia petreus (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
jumping spiders Marpissa spp. Koch C.L., 1846 Araneae Salticidae Invertebrate Predators
legume pod borer Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Crambidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
oak hawk-moth Marumba quercus (Denis & Schiffermüller) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pinyon needle scale Matsucoccus acalyptus Herbert Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Maritime pine scale, pine bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi Ducasse Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
scale Matsucoccus macrocicatrices Richards, 1960 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sugar pine scale Matsucoccus pauciciatrices Morrison Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Matsucoccus pini Matsucoccus pini Green Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Matsucoccus scales Matsucoccus spp. Cockerell, 1909 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor (Say) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
spruce gall midge Mayetiola piceae (Felt) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
chestnut weevil Mechoris cumulatus Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
stem-boring weevil Mecinus janthinus (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
weevil Mecinus pyraster (Herbst, 1795) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Mecopus weevil Mecopus tipularis Pascoe Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
long-legged fly Medetera signaticornis Loew Diptera Dolichopodidae Invertebrate Predators
long-legged flies Medetera spp. Fisher von Waldheim, 1819 Diptera Dolichopodidae Invertebrate Predators
leafcutter bee Megachile perihirta Ckll. Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
giant resin bee Megachile sculpturalis Smith Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
leafcutter bee Megachile spp. Latreille, 1802 Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
painted hickory borer Megacyllene caryae (Gahan) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
locust borer Megacyllene robiniae (Forster) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
pleasing fungus beetle Megalodacne heros Say Coleoptera Erotylidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
puss caterpillar Megalopyge opercularis J.E. Smith Lepidoptera Megalopygidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lupine bug Megalotomus quinquespinosus (Say, 1825) Hemiptera Alydidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
plant hopper Megamelus spp. Fieber, 1866 Hemiptera Delphacidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Ichneumonid wasp Megarhyssa atratus (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Predators
Ichneumonid wasp Megarhyssa greenei Viereck Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Ichneumonid wasp Megarhyssa macrurus (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Giant ichneumon wasp Megarhyssa spp. (Ashmead, 1900) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
multiflora rose seed chalcid Megastigmus aculeatus nigroflavus Hoffmeyer Hymenoptera Torymidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
seed chalcid Megastigmus spp. Dalman, 1820 Hymenoptera Torymidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Torymid wasp Megastigmus strobilobius Ratzeburg Hymenoptera Torymidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
yucca giant-skipper Megathymus yuccae (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
carpet beetles Megatoma spp. Herbst, 1792 Coleoptera Dermestidae Stored Food Pests
carpet beetle Megatoma variegata (Horn, 1875) Coleoptera Dermestidae Stored Food Pests
sawfly Megaxyela major (Cresson) Hymenoptera Xyelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
little wood satyr Megisto cymela (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Grain support beetle Megopis scabricornis (Scopoli) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
handsome fungus beetle Meibomeus apicicornis (Pic, 1933) Coleoptera Endomychidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius aeneoniger Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius amplicatus (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius biplagiatus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius fasciatus Heller Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius geminatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius javanicus Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius klapperichi Mader Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius nigricollis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Meilichius pachycerus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
soybean stemfly Melanagromyza sojae (Zehntner 1900) Diptera Agromyzidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
brown pineapple scale Melanaspis bromiliae (Leonardi) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Melanaspis coccolobae Ferris, 1941 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
steklovidnaya shitovka Melanaspis inopinata (Leonardi) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
obscure scale Melanaspis obscura (Comstock) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Melanaspis smilacis Comstock, 1883 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
zebra caterpillar Melanchra picta (Harris) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black pecan aphid Melanocallis caryaefoliae (Davis) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
California flatheaded borer Melanophila californica Van Dyke Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
steelblue jewel beetle Melanophila cyanea (Fabricius) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
flatheaded fir borer Melanophila drummondi (Kirby) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
hemlock borer Melanophila fulvoguttata (Harris) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
flatheaded pine borer Melanophila gentilis (LeConte) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
redlegged grasshopper Melanoplus femurrubrum (De Geer) Orthoptera Acrididae Chewing Insects
flabellate grasshopper Melanoplus occidentalis (Thomas, 1872) Orthoptera Acrididae Misc. Insects
migratory grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes (Fabricius) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
grasshopper Melanoplus spp. Stal 1873 Orthoptera Acrididae Misc. Insects
plant bug Melanotrichus coagulatus (Uhler, 1877) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafcurl ash aphid Meliarhizophagus fraxinifolii (Riley) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Melinaea butterfly Melinaea ethra (Godart, 1819) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Long-horned bees Melissodes spp. Latreille, 1829 Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
mallow bee Melitoma taurea (Say) Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
squash vine borer Melittia cucurbitae (Harris) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
clearwing borer Melittia gloriosa Henry Edwards Lepidoptera Sesiidae Boring Insects
clearwing borer Melittia snowii Henry Edwards Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
chestnut timberworm Melittomma sericeum (Harris) Coleoptera Lymexylidae Boring Insects
oil beetle Meloe spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Hemiptera Membracidae Misc. Insects
common cockchafer Melolontha melolontha (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
scarab beetles Melolontha spp. Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
chicken body louse Menacanthus stramineus (Nitzsch) Phthiraptera Menoponidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
rose curculio Merhynchites bicolor (Fabricius) Coleoptera Attelabidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
narcissus bulb fly Merodon equestris (Fabricius) Diptera Syrphidae Root Feeding Insects
horse fly Merycomyia whitneyi Johnson, 1904 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
terrapin scale Mesolecanium nigrofasciatum (Pergande) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Tabanid fly Mesomyia fuliginosa (Taylor) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
early birch leaf edgeminer Messa nana (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
long-horned beetle Metacmaeops vittata Swederus Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
common sawfly Metallus lanceolatus Thomson Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common sawfly Metallus pumillus (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Mexican bromeliad weevil Metamasius callizona (Chevrolat) Coleoptera Dryophthoridae *Weevils
bromeliad weevil Metamasius hemipterus (Olivier) Coleoptera Dryophthoridae *Weevils
bromeliad weevil Metamasius mosieri Barber Coleoptera Dryophthoridae *Weevils
soft scale Metapulvinaria lycii Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
white planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) Hemiptera Flatidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Braconid wasp Meteorus hypophloei Cushman, Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
leafminer fly Metopomyza violiphaga (Hendel) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
tortoise beetle Metriona elatior Klug Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
knapweed seedhead moth Metzneria paucipunctella Zeller Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
American spider beetle Mezium americanum (Laporte) Coleoptera Anobiidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
bark beetle Micracis amplinis Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Micracis spp. LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Micracis swainei Blackman, 1920 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
twig beetle Micracisella nitidula Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Micracisella spp. Blackman, 1928 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
spined micrathena Micrathena gracilis (Walckenaer) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
arrowshaped micrathena Micrathena sagittata (Walckenaer, 1842) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
spiny-bellied spider Micrathena spp. Sundevall, 1833 Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
angularwinged katydid Microcentrum retinerve (Burmeister) Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
broadwinged katydid Microcentrum rhombifolium (Saussure) Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Braconid wasp Microctonus aethiopoides Loan Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Microctonus hyperodae Loan Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
puncturevine seed weevil Microlarinus lareynii (Jacquelin du Val) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
puncturevine stem weevil Microlarinus lypriformis (Wollaston) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
brown lacewings Micromus spp. Rembur Neuroptera Hemerobiidae Invertebrate Predators
Tasman's lacewing Micromus tasmaniae (Walker) Neuroptera Hemerobiidae Invertebrate Predators
Braconid wasp Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev, 1914 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasp Microplitis similis Lyle, 1921 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
handsome fungus beetle Micropsephodes lundgreni Leschen & Carlton Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
robber fly Microstylum galactodes Loew, 1866 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber fly Microstylum morosum Loew Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
yellowmargined leaf beetle Microtheca ochroloma Stål Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
leaf beetle Microtheca picea (Guerin-Meneville) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Misc. Insects
assassin bug Microtomus purcis (Drury, 1782) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
handsome fungus beetle Microxenus laticollis Wollaston Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
leaf blotch miner moth Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
treehopper Micrutalus calva (Say) Hemiptera Membracidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
gall midge Mikiola fagi (Hartig) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
flower fly Milesia virginensis Drury, 1773 Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
Choreutid moth Millieria dolosana Herrich-Schaffer Lepidoptera Choreutidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lime hawk-moth Mimas tiliae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lady beetle Mimolithophilus brevicornis Arrow Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Mimolithophilus capensis Arrow Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
balsam twig aphid Mindarus abietinus Koch Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Western paper wasp Mischocyttarus flavitarsis (Saussure) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
drab prominent Misogada unicolor (Packard) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flower spider Misumena spp. Latreille, 1804 Araneae Thomisidae Invertebrate Predators
flower spider Misumena vatia (Clerck, 1757) Araneae Thomisidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
crab spider Misumenoides formosipes (Walckenaer) Araneae Thomisidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Juniper Hairstreak Mitoura grynea (Hübner) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Hessel's Hairstreak Mitoura hesseli Rawson and Ziegler Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Nelson's hairstreak Mitoura nelsoni (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
striped grassworm looper Mocis latipes (Guenee) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Molorchus minor (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
leafhopper Momoria bisignata (Ball, 1902) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
boxwood leafminer Monarthropalpus flavus (Schrank) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
ambrosia beetle Monarthrum fasciatus Say, 1826 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Monarthrum laterale (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
apple wood stainer Monarthrum mali (Fitch) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Monarthrum spp. Kirsch, 1866 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
cactus longhorn beetle Moneilema annulatum Say, 1824 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
cactus longhorn beetle Moneilema armatum LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
cactus longhorn beetles Moneilema spp. Say, 1824 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
blackmargined aphid Monellia caryella (Fitch) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
yellow pecan aphid Monelliopsis pecanis Bissell Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
carpenter wasp Monobia quadridens (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
larger elm leaf beetle Monocesta coryli (Say) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Japanese pine sawyer beetle Monochamus alternatus (Hope) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Monochamus carolinensis (Olivier) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
spotted pine sawyer Monochamus clamator (LeConte) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Monochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
balsam fir sawyer Monochamus marmorator Kirby Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
spotted pine sawyer Monochamus mutator (LeConte) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
northeastern sawyer Monochamus notatus (Drury) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Monochamus saltuarius (Gebler) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Monochamus sartor (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
whitespotted sawyer Monochamus scutellatus (Say) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
sawyer beetles Monochamus spp. Megerle, 1821 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
small white-marmorated long-horned beetle Monochamus sutor (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
southern pine sawyer Monochamus titillator (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
black fir sawyer Monochamus urussovi (Fischer) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
sawfly parasitic wasp Monodontomerus dentipes (Dalman) Hymenoptera Torymidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
limabean vine borer Monoptilota pergratialis (Hulst) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
tumbling flower beetles Mordella spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Coleoptera Mordellidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
poplar vagabond aphid Mordvilkoja vagabunda (Walsh) Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
long-horned beetle Morimus funereus Mulsant Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
peleides blue morpho Morpho helenor peleides Kollar Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
morpho butterflies Morpho spp. Linnaeus Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Misc. Insects
confused woodgrain moth Morrisonia confusa (Hübner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
fluid arches moth Morrisonia latex (Guenée) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine lady beetle Mulsantina picta (Randall) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
harlequin bug Murgantia histrionica (Hahn) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
face fly Musca autumnalis De Geer Diptera Muscidae Nuisance Insects
house fly Musca domestica Linnaeus Diptera Muscidae Nuisance Insects
pteromalid wasps Muscidifurax raptor Girault and Sanders 1910 Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
false stable fly Muscina stabulans (Fallén) Diptera Muscidae Nuisance Insects
stink bug Musgraveta sulciventris Stal Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Mycetaea subterranea (Fabricius) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina aequatorialis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina africana Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina amabilis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina ancoriger Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina apicalis (Motschulsky) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina bakeri Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina brevicollis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina cinctipennis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina corallina Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina cruciata (Schaller) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina cyanescens Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina cyanipennis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina evansi Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina felix Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina fulva Chujo Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina gedyei Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina globosa Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina heteropunctata Heller Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina hornii Crotch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina idahoensis Fall Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina longicornis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina luzonica Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina marginalis (Geber) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina minima Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina montivaga Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina nebulosa Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina perpulchra (Newman) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina pusilla Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina rufipennis (Motschulsky) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina similis (Chujo) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina trimaculata Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina turneri Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mycetina variicornis (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
pit scale Mycetococcus ehrhorni Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Mychothenus asiaticus Sasaji Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Mychothenus tropicalis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Mydas fly Mydas chrysostomus Osten-Sacken Diptera Mydidae Invertebrate Predators
Mydas fly Mydas clavatus (Drury) Diptera Mydidae Invertebrate Predators
Mydas fly Mydas luteipennis Loew Diptera Mydidae Invertebrate Predators
Mydas fly Mydas phyllocerus Bigot, 1880 Diptera Mydidae Invertebrate Predators
bicho de taquara Myelobia smerintha Hübner Lepidoptera Crambidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
little leaf notcher weevil Myllocerus undatus Marshall, 1916 Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
exotic weevil Myllocerus undecimpustulatus Faust Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
American palm cixiid Myndus crudus Van Duzee Hemiptera Cixiidae Plant Disease Vectors
ambrosia beetle Myoplatypus flavicornis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bulldog ant Myrmecia spp. Fabricius Hymenoptera Formicidae Misc. Insects
antlions Myrmeleon spp. Linnaeus, 1767 Neuroptera Myrmeleontidae Invertebrate Predators
armyworm moth Mythimna unipuncta (Haworth) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Chewing Insects
Tiphiid wasp Myzinum spp. Latreille, 1803 Hymenoptera Tiphiidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
oak leaf aphids Myzocallis spp. Passerini, 1860 Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
black cherry aphid Myzus cerasi (Fabricius) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tobacco aphid Myzus nicotianae Blackman Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
whiteflies Essig Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Northern caddisfly Kolenati, 1848 Trichoptera Limnephilidae Misc. Insects
bumble bees, honey bees, stingless bees Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
stiletto flies Diptera Therevidae Misc. Insects
Clubtail dragonflies Odonata Gomphidae Misc. Insects
snakeflies Neuroptera Raphidiidae Misc. Insects
common stoneflies Plecoptera Perlidae Misc. Insects
narrowwinged damselfly Odonata Coenagrionidae Misc. Insects
feather-winged beetle Coleoptera Ptiliidae Misc. Insects
fungus gnat Diptera Mycetophilidae Misc. Insects
leaf blotch miner moth Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer flies Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
unknown leafminer Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
ants Hymenoptera Formicidae Misc. Insects
scarabs or scarab beetles Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
butterflies, moths or skippers Lepidoptera Misc. Insects
booklice, psocids, and trogiids Psocoptera Misc. Insects
scorpionflies Mecoptera Misc. Insects
darkwinged fungus gnats Diptera Sciaridae Misc. Insects
ants, bees, sawflies, wasps, and allies Hymenoptera Misc. Insects
flat bark beetle Coleoptera Cucujidae Misc. Insects
velvet ant Hymenoptera Mutillidae Misc. Insects
sawflies Hymenoptera Misc. Insects
dragonflies and damselflies Odonata Misc. Insects
hornets, potter wasps, paper wasps or yellow jackets Hymenoptera Vespidae Misc. Insects
Trogossitid beetles Coleoptera Trogossitidae Misc. Insects
fireflies or lightning bugs Coleoptera Lampyridae Misc. Insects
Eumenid wasp Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
Bombyliid flies Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
brown lacewings Neuroptera Hemerobiidae Invertebrate Predators
damsel bugs Hemiptera Nabidae Invertebrate Predators
pirate pug Hemiptera Anthocoridae Invertebrate Predators
sap beetle Coleoptera Nitidulidae Invertebrate Predators
stalked-winged damselflies Odonata Lestidae Invertebrate Predators
long-jawed orbweavers Araneae Tetragnathidae Invertebrate Predators
dusty-wings Neuroptera Coniopterygidae Invertebrate Predators
Agelenid spider Araneae Agelenidae Invertebrate Predators
Sphecid wasps Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
lacewings Neuroptera Chrysopidae Invertebrate Predators
purse-web spider Araneae Atypidae Invertebrate Predators
assassin bug Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
checkered beetle Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
aphids, leafhoppers, planthoppers, scale insects and allies Hemiptera Piercing and Sucking Insects
spittlebugs or froghoppers Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
aphids Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Blattid cockroaches Blattodea Blattidae Nuisance Insects
cicadas Hemiptera Cicadidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhoppers Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
fleas Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Nuisance Insects
fleas Siphonaptera Hystrichopsyllidae Nuisance Insects
fleas - Subfamily Tunginae Siphonaptera Pulicidae Nuisance Insects
fleas Siphonaptera Pulicidae Nuisance Insects
Andrenid bees Hymenoptera Andrenidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
fleas Siphonaptera Nuisance Insects
systemic reaction Nuisance Insects
deer and horse files Diptera Tabanidae Nuisance Insects
unknown scale Hemiptera Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf-footed bug Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spider mites Acari Tetranychidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
treehoppers Hemiptera Membracidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybugs Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
shield backed bugs Hemiptera Scutelleridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
crane flies Diptera Tipulidae Root Feeding Insects
thrips Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
thrips Thysanoptera Rasping insects
stink bugs Hemiptera Pentatomidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Geometrid moth Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Gelechiid moths Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Lyonetiid moth Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafcutting bees Hymenoptera Megachilidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetles Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
stag beetles Coleoptera Lucanidae Chewing Insects
casebearer moths Lepidoptera Coleophoridae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
carrion beetles Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
trunk borers Boring Insects
twig borer Boring Insects
click beetle Coleoptera Elateridae Boring Insects
flatheaded or metallic wood borer Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
tip moth Lepidoptera Boring Insects
wood borers Boring Insects
long-horned beetles Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
termites Isoptera Boring Insects
mosquito Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
philodromid crab spider Araneae Philodromidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
huntsman spiders Araneae Sparassidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
solpugids, wind scorpions, sun spiders Solifugae Eremobatidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
wolf spiders Araneae Lycosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
snout beetles or weevils Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
bark beetles Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
water strider Hemiptera Gerridae Aquatic Insects
marsh treader Hemiptera Hydrometridae Aquatic Insects
jumping spiders Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
southern devil scorpions Scorpiones Buthidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
scorpion Scorpiones Unknown Scorpiones *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
predatory mites Acari Phytoseiidae *Mites and Ticks
centipede Scolopendromorpha Scolopendridae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
crab spider Araneae Thomisidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
tarantulas Araneae Theraphosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
spiders Araneae Unknown Araneae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Eriophyid mite Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
chigger mites Acari Trombiculidae *Mites and Ticks
hardbacked ticks Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
mites *Mites and Ticks
leaf beetle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mole crickets Orthoptera Gryllotalpidae Foliage Feeding Insects
katydid Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
moths Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common sawfly Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
whites and sulfur butterfiles Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
plume moths Lepidoptera Pterophoridae Foliage Feeding Insects
sphinx or hawk moths Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
grasshoppers Orthoptera Foliage Feeding Insects
giant silkworms and royal moths Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafrollers and olethreutine moths Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
*owlet moths and underwings Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cutworms, loopers, owlet moths, and underwings Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flower wasps Hymenoptera Scoliidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
chalcid wasps Hymenoptera Chalcididae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Braconid wasps Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Ichneumonid wasps Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid flies Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Cynipid gall wasp Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
psyllids Hemiptera Psyllidae Gallmaker Insects
gall midges Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
oak galls Gallmaker Insects
lacewings and allies Neuroptera Invertebrate Predators
mantids Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
robber flies Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
syrphid or flower flies Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
cimbicid sawflies Hymenoptera Cimbicidae Foliage Feeding Insects
weevil (Entiminae subfamily) Schoenherr, 1823 Coleoptera Curculionidae Misc. Insects
snail caddisfly Siebold, 1856 Trichoptera Helicopsychidae Misc. Insects
jumping bristletail Verhoeff, 1910 Microcoryphia Meinertellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
damsel bugs Nabis spp. Latreille, 1802 Hemiptera Nabidae Invertebrate Predators
pine looper Nacophora mexicanaria (Grote) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
green oak caterpillar Nadata gibbosa (Smith) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce rust mite Nalepella halourga Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
flower feeding weevil Nanophyes marmoratus (Goeze) Coleoptera Brentidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
leaf-footed bug Narnia snowi Van Duzee Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
columbine Aphid Nasonovia aquilegiae Essig Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lettuce aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
swarthy skipper Nastra lherminier (Latreille) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tree termite Nasutitermes costalis (Holmgren, 1910) Isoptera Termitidae Saproxylic Insects
termites Nasutitermes spp. Dudley, 1890 Isoptera Termitidae Saproxylic Insects
Nason's slug Natada nasoni (Grote) Lepidoptera Limacodidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Fuller rose beetle Naupactus cervinus (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
white-fringed weevil Naupactus leucoloma Boheman Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
whitefringed beetle Naupactus peregrinus (Buchanan) Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
long-horned beetle Neacanthocinus obsoletus (Olivier, 1795) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
whitecrossed seed bug Neacoryphus bicrucis (Say) Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
redlegged ham beetle Necrobia rufipes (De Geer) Coleoptera Cleridae Stored Food Pests
checkered beetle Necrobia violacea Linnaeus Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
American carrion beetle Necrophila americana Linnaeus Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
longhorn beetle Necydalis major Linnaeus Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Coenagrionid daselfly Nehalennia gracilis Morse, 1895 Odonata Coenagrionidae Invertebrate Predators
willow sawfly Nematus oligospilus Förster Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
imported currantworm Nematus ribesii (Scopoli) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common sawflies Nematus spp. Panzer, 1801 Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
locust sawfly Nematus tibialis Newman Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
willow sawfly Nematus ventralis Say Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blister beetle Nemognatha cribraria Leconte, 1853 Coleoptera Meloidae Misc. Insects
blister beetle Nemognatha lurida Leconte, 1853 Coleoptera Meloidae Misc. Insects
blister beetle Nemognatha nigripennis Leconte, 1853 Coleoptera Meloidae Misc. Insects
blister beetles Nemognatha spp. Illiger, 1807 Coleoptera Meloidae Misc. Insects
white-fringed emerald Nemoria mimosaria (Guenée) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Trogossitid beetles Nemosoma elongatum (Linnaeus ) Coleoptera Trogossitidae Invertebrate Predators
leafhopper Neoaliturus haematoceps (Mulsant & Rey) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
beet leafhopper Neoaliturus tenellus (Baker) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Plant Disease Vectors
water hyacinth weevils Neochetina spp. Hustache Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Neochlamisus gibbosus Fabricius, 1777 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sycamore leaf beetle Neochlamisus platani (Brown) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
redheaded ash borer Neoclytus acuminatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
banded ash borer Neoclytus caprea (Say) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
ash borers Neoclytus spp. Thomson, 1860 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned grasshoppers Neoconocephalus spp. Karny, 1907 Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
northern mole cricket Neocurtilla hexadactyla (Perty) Orthoptera Gryllotalpidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Abbott's sawfly Neodiprion abbottii (Leach) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
conifer sawfly Neodiprion autumnalis Smith & Wagner Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lodgepole sawfly Neodiprion burkei Middleton Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pinyon sawfly Neodiprion edulicolus Ross Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blackheaded pine sawfly Neodiprion excitans Rohwer Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine infesting sawflies Neodiprion fulviceps (Cresson) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Hetrick's sawfly Neodiprion hetricki Ross Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
redheaded pine sawfly Neodiprion lecontei (Fitch) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
slash pine sawfly Neodiprion merkeli Ross Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
conifer sawfly Neodiprion nanulus contortae Ross Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
red pine sawfly Neodiprion nanulus nanulus Schedl Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white pine sawfly Neodiprion pinetum (Norton) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Chewing Insects
jack pine sawfly Neodiprion pratti banksianae Rohwer Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sand pine sawfly Neodiprion pratti (Dyar) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Virginia pine sawfly Neodiprion pratti pratti (Dyar) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
conifer sawflies Neodiprion spp. Rohwer, 1918 Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
loblolly pine sawfly Neodiprion taedae linearis Ross Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spotted loblolly pine sawfly Neodiprion taedae taedae Ross Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hemlock sawfly Neodiprion tsugae Middleton Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Warren's sawfly Neodiprion warreni Ross Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lady beetle Neoharmonia venusta (Melsheimer) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
basswood thrips Neohydatothrips tiliae (Hood) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
water lettuce weevil Neohydronomus affinis Hustache Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sunflower seed midge Neolasioptera murtfeldtiana (Felt) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
magnolia scale Neolecanium cornuparvum (Thro) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine white Neophasia menapia (Felder & Felder) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
woolly maple aphid Neoprociphilus aceris (Monell, 1882) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Neopulvinaria innumerabilis (Rathvon, 1854) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
arabesque orbweaver Neoscona arabesca (Walckenaer, 1842) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
orb weavers Neoscona crucifera (Lucas) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
barn spider Neoscona hentzi (Keyserling) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
western spotted orbweaver Neoscona oaxacensis (Keyserling, 1864) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
spider web parasite Neospintharus spp. Exline, 1950 Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
spider web parasite Neospintharus trigonum (Hentz, 1850) Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
onion aphid Neotoxoptera formosana (Takahashi) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bronzed cutworm Nephelodes minians Guenée Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
golden-silk spider Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
leafhopper Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rice leafhopper Nephotettix nigropictus (Stål) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Nephotettix virescens (Distant) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
false hemlock looper Nepytia canosaria (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
western false hemlock looper Nepytia freemani Munroe Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
pellucid looper Nepytia pellucidaria (Packard) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
looper Nepytia spp. Hulst 1896 Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
double-toothed prominent Nerice bidentata Walker Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
filmy dome spider Neriene radiata (Walckenaer, 1842) Araneae Linyphiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
clouded plant bug Neurocolpus nubilus (Say) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Cynipid gall wasp Neuroterus quercusbaccarum (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
Cynipid gall wasp Neuroterus saltatorius (Edwards) Hymenoptera Cynipidae Gallmaker Insects
cherry webspinning sawfly Neurotoma fasciata (Norton) Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
burying beetle Nicrophorus investigator Zetterstedt, 1824 Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis Say, 1825 Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
carrion beetles Nicrophorus spp. Fabricius Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
burying beetle Nicrophorus tomentosus Weber Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) Hemiptera Delphacidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Nipaecoccus aurilanatus (Maskell, 1890) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
coconut mealybug Nipaecoccus nipae (Maskell) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybugs Nipaecoccus spp. Sulc, 1945 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
large yellow underwing Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
alkali bee Nomia melanderi Cockerell Hymenoptera Halictidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
lucerne moth Nomophila nearctica Munroe Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white flannel moth Norape ovina (Sepp) Lepidoptera Megalopygidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafhopper Norvellina seminudus (Say, 1830) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
northern rat flea Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc) Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
whitefringed beetles Nuapactus spp. Dejean, 1821 Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
armored scale Nuculaspis apacheca Ferris, 1941 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Nuculaspis californicus Coleman, 1903 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rove beetle Nudobius lentus (Gravenhorst) Coleoptera Staphylinidae Invertebrate Predators
rove beetle Nudobius luridipennis Casey Coleoptera Staphylinidae Invertebrate Predators
mourning cloak butterfly Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
California tortoiseshell Nymphalis californica (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tortoise shell butterflies Nymphalis spp. Kluk 1802 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
wheat bug Nysius huttoni White Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
false chinch bug Nysius raphanus Howard Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
seed bugs Nysius spp. Dallas, 1852 Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rutherglen bug Nysius vinitor Bergroth Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
raspberry cane borer Oberea bimaculata (Olivier) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
poplar twig borer Oberea delongi Knull Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
leafy spurge stem boring beetle Oberea erythrocephala (Schrank) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
sumac stem borer Oberea ocellata Haldeman Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Oberea oculata (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Oberea pupillata (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
sassafras borer Oberea ruficollis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
poplar branch borer Oberea schaumii LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
dogwood twig borer Oberea tripunctata (Swederus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman, 1847) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
processionary caterpillar Ochrogaster lunifer (Herrich-Schaffer) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
needleminer Ocnerostoma spp. Zeller Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf beetle Octotoma plicatula (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Syrphid fly Ocyptamus fuscipennis Say Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
banana stem weevil Odoiporus longicollis Oliver Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
armored scale Odonaspis ruthae Kotinsky, 1907 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scales Odonaspis spp. Leonardi, 1897 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
ant Odontomachus spp. Latreille, 1804 Hymenoptera Formicidae Nuisance Insects
soldier flies Odontomyia spp. Meigen, 1803 Diptera Stratiomyidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
yellow poplar weevil Odontopus calceatus (Say) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
locust leafminer Odontota dorsalis (Thunberg) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
horned passalus Odontotaenius disjunctus (Illiger) Coleoptera Passalidae Saproxylic Insects
stink bug Oebalus insularis Stahl Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Oebalus ornatus (Sailer) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Oebalus poecilus (Dallas) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rice stink bug Oebalus pugnax (Fabricius) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Oebalus spp. Stahl, 1862 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stink bug Oebalus ypsilongriseus (DeGeer) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
snowy tree cricket Oecanthus fultoni Walker Orthoptera Gryllidae Chewing Insects
blackhorned tree cricket Oecanthus nigricornis Walker Orthoptera Gryllidae Foliage Feeding Insects
narrow-winged tree cricket Oecanthus niveus De Geer Orthoptera Gryllidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tree cricket Oecanthus spp. Serville, 1831 Orthoptera Gryllidae Misc. Insects
weaver ant Oecophylla spp. Smith, F. 1860 Hymenoptera Formicidae Misc. Insects
handsome fungus beetle Ohtaius lunulatus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Ohtaius opacicollis (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
carrion beetle Oiceoptoma inaequalis Fabricius Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
margined carrion beetle Oiceoptoma noveboracensis (Forster) Coleoptera Silphidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
baccharis borer Oidaematophorus balanotes (Meyrick) Lepidoptera Pterophoridae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
goldenrod borer Oidaematophorus kellicottii (Fish) Lepidoptera Pterophoridae Boring Insects
walking cicada Okanagana synodica (Say) Hemiptera Cicadidae Root Feeding Insects
white-streaked prominent Oligocentria lignicolor (Walker) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
southern red mite Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
Tetranychid mite Oligonychus perditus Pritchard & Baker Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
Banks grass mite Oligonychus pratensis (Banks) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
spruce spider mite Oligonychus ununguis (Jacobi) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
coconut spider mite Oligonychus velascoi Rimando, L.C., 1962 Acari Tetranychidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
twin-spot skipper Oligoria maculata (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Saunders embiid Oligotoma saundersii (Westwood) Embiidina Oligotomidae Misc. Insects
juniper tip midge Oligotrophus betheli Felt Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
ashy gray lady beetle Olla v-nigrum (Mulsant) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
coconut leafroller Omiodes blackburni (Butle) Lepidoptera Crambidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
soybean leaffolder Omiodes indicata (F.) Lepidoptera Crambidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
leaf beetles Omophoita spp. Chevrolat, 1837 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
darkling beetle Omorgus suberosus (Fabricius, 1775) Coleoptera Trogidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
sap beetle Omosita colon (Linnaeus, 1758) Coleoptera Nitidulidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
Pyralid moth Omphalocera munroei Martin, 1956 Lepidoptera Pyralidae Foliage Feeding Insects
twig girdler Oncideres cingulata (Say) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
twig girdler Oncideres dejeani Thompson Coleoptera Cerambycidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
huisache girdler Oncideres pustulatus LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
lace bug Oncochila simplex (Herrich-Schäffer) Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
sharpshooter Oncometopia nigricans (Walker) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Oncometopia orbona Fabricius, 1798 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Oncometopia spp. Stahl, 1869 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
large milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
milkweed bugs Oncopeltus spp. Stal, 1868 Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rove beetle Ontholestes cingulatus Gravenhorst Coleoptera Staphylinidae Invertebrate Predators
dung beetle Onthophagus orpheus Panzer Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
bark beetle Onthotomicus caelatus Eichhoff, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Onthotomicus spp. Ferrari, 1867 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Encyrtid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Howard, 1910) Hymenoptera Encyrtidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
bruce spanworm Operophtera bruceata (Hulst) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
winter moth Operophtera brumata (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Geometridae Chewing Insects
northern winter moth Operophtera fagata (Scharfenberg) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
winter moths Operophtera spp. Hübner 1825 Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
bean fly Ophiomyia phaseoli (Tryon) Diptera Agromyzidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Ichneumonid wasp Ophion bilineatus Say, 1829 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
carabid Ophionea interstitialis Schmidt-Göbel,1846 Casuarinales Casuarinaceae Invertebrate Predators
Braconid wasps Opius spp. Wesmael, 1835 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
banana moth Opogona sacchari (Bojer) Lepidoptera Tineidae Omnivorous Foragers
armored scale Opuntiaspis carinatus Cockerell, 1896 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Opuntiaspis javanensis Green Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Loblolly pine scale Oracella acuta Lobdell Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
orchid weevil Orchidophilus aterrimus (Waterhouse) Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
felt scale Oregmopyga eriogoni Miller, 1967 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
felt scale Oregmopyga neglectus Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
painted apple moth Orgyia anartoides (Walker) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
rusty tussock moth Orgyia antiqua (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
rusty tussock moth Orgyia antiqua nova Fitch Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
definite-marked tussock moth Orgyia definita Packard Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
live oak tussock moth Orgyia detrita Guérin-Méneville Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
whitemarked tussock moth Orgyia leucostigma intermedia Fitch Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
whitemarked tussock moth Orgyia leucostigma (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
douglas-fir tussock moth Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough) Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white spotted tussock moth Orgyia thyellina Butler Lepidoptera Lymantriidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafhopper Orientus ishidae Matsumura, 1902 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
insidious flower bug Orius insidiosus Say Hemiptera Anthocoridae Invertebrate Predators
minute pirate bugs Orius spp. Wolff, 1811 Hemiptera Anthocoridae Invertebrate Predators
minute pirate bug Orius tristicolor (White) Hemiptera Anthocoridae Invertebrate Predators
flatid planthoppers Ormenoides venusta Melichar, 1902 Hemiptera Flatidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spiny caterpillar Ormiscodes cinnamomea Feisthamel Lepidoptera Saturniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
soft tick Ornithodoros concanensis Acari Argasidae *Mites and Ticks
relapsing fever tick Ornithodoros turicata (Dugès) Acari Argasidae *Mites and Ticks
rock squirrel flea Oropsylla montanus Baker Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
alang-alang gall midge Orseolia javonica Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
ensign coccid Orthezia annae Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Ortheziidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
ensign coccid Orthezia insignis Browne, 1887 Hemiptera Ortheziidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Ichneumonid wasp Orthocentrus fulvipes (Gravenhorst) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
waterhyacinth mite Orthogalumna terebrantis Wallwork Acari Galumnidae *Mites and Ticks
elephant weevil Orthorhinus cylindrirostris (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
immigrant acacia weevil Orthorhinus klugii Boheman Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
blossom underwing Orthosia miniosa (Denis & Schiffermuller) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
brown prionid Orthosoma brunneus Forster Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Orthotomicus angulatus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Orthotomicus caelatus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Mediterranean pine engraver beetle Orthotomicus erosus (Wollaston) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
lesser larch bark-beetle Orthotomicus laricis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Orthotomicus suturalis (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
European rhinoceros beetle Oryctes nasicornis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
merchant grain beetle Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel) Coleoptera Silvanidae Stored Food Pests
sawtoothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Silvanidae Stored Food Pests
leafhoppers Osbornellus spp. Ball, 1932 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafcutting bee Osmia fulviventris (Panzer) Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
blue orchard bee Osmia lignaria Say Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
leafcutting bee Osmia madeirensis van der Zanden Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
leafcutting bee Osmia ribifloris Cockerell, 1900 Hymenoptera Megachilidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
hermit beetle Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner) Lepidoptera Crambidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
stonefly Ostrocerca complexa (Claassen, 1937) Plecoptera Nemouridae Misc. Insects
bamboo shoot weevil Otidognathus davidis Fabricius Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
vine weevil Otiorhynchus armadillo (Rossi) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
cribrate weevil Otiorhynchus cribricollis Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
alfalfa snout beetle Otiorhynchus ligustici (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lilac root weevil Otiorhynchus meridionalis (Gyllenhall) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
strawberry root weevil Otiorhynchus ovatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
weevil Otiorhynchus rugifrons (Gyllenhal, 1813) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
rough strawberry root weevil Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus (Goeze) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
black vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
spinose ear tick Otobius megnini (Duges) Acari Argasidae *Mites and Ticks
cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
felt scale Ovaticoccus agavium Douglas, 1888 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
felt scale Ovaticoccus salviae Miller, 1967 Hemiptera Eriococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
defoliator moth Oxicesta geographica (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ambrosia beetle Oxoplatypus quadridentatus Olivier, 1795 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
cottonseed bug Oxycarenus hyalinipennis (Costa) Hemiptera Oxycarenidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Oxymerus aculeatus lebasi Dupont Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
lynx spiders Oxyopes spp. Araneae Oxyopidae Invertebrate Predators
melaleuca leaf weevil Oxyops vitiosa Pascoe Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
citrus root weevil Pachnaeus litus (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Northern citrus root weevil Pachnaeus opalus (Oliver) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
mason wasp Pachodynerus erynnis (Lepeletier) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
keyhole wasp Pachodynerus nasidens (Latreille) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
Pachybrachus leaf beetle Pachybrachis scriptidorsum Marseul, 1875 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hoop-pine borer Pachycotes australis Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Pachycotes peregrinus (Chapuis) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
blue dasher Pachydiplax longipennis (Burmeister, 1839) Odonata Libellulidae Invertebrate Predators
pitch-eating weevil Pachylobius picivorus (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
coconut borer Pachymerus nucleorum (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Misc. Insects
hackberry bud gall maker Pachypsylla celtidisgemma Riley Hemiptera Psyllidae Gallmaker Insects
hackberry nipplegall maker Pachypsylla celtidismamma Riley Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
hackberry blistergall psyllid Pachypsylla celtidisvesiculum Riley Hemiptera Psyllidae Gallmaker Insects
petiolegall psyllid Pachypsylla venusta (Osten Sacken) Hemiptera Psyllidae Gallmaker Insects
elegant weevil Pachyrhinus elegans (Couper) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Ichneumonid parasitoid wasp Pachysomoides stupidus (Cresson, 1873) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
modest sphinx Pachysphinx modesta (Harris) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
big poplar sphinx Pachysphinx occidentalis (H. Edwards) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sweetgum defoliator Paectes abrostoloides (Guenée) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
seed beetle Pagiocerus frontalis (Fabricius, 1801) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bark beetles Pagiocerus spp. Eichhoff, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
spring cankerworm Paleacrita vernata (Peck) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
dung flies Pallelomma spp. Diptera Scathophagidae Dung Feeding Insects - Coprophagus
armored scale Pallulaspis ephedrae Ferris, 1937 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bamboo mealybug Palmicultor lumpurensis (Takahashi) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Syrphid flies Palpada spp. Macquart. 1834 Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
Syrphid fly Palpada vinetorum Fabricius, 1798 Diptera Syrphidae Misc. Insects
Dark-spotted palthis Palthis angulalis (Hübner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Pamphilius phyllisae Pamphilius phyllisae Middlekauff Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Panamomus brevicornis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Panamomus lewisi Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
leafroller Pandemis heperana Denis & Schiffermüller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
decorated owlet moth Pangrapta decoralis Huebner Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Paniegena atricollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Paniegena baloghi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Paniegena suturalis Heller Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
pine beauty moth Panolis flammea (Denis & Schiffermüller) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
citrus red mite Panonychus citri (McGregor) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
European red mite Panonychus ulmi (Koch) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
ocola skipper Panoquina ocola (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
salt marsh skipper Panoquina panoquin (Scudder) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Black Zigzag Panthea acronyctoides (Walker) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Panthea coenobita Panthea coenobita (Esper) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Eastern Panthea Panthea furcilla (Packard) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
basswood leafroller Pantographa limata (Grote & Robinson) Lepidoptera Crambidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
weevil Pantomorus cervinus (Boheman, 1840) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
burdock borer Papaipema cataphracta (Grote) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
stalk borer Papaipema nebris (Guenee) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
orange dog swallowtail Papilio cresphontes Cramer Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
citrus swallowtail Papilio demodocus Esper Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lime swallowtail Papilio demoleus Linnaeus Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pale swallowtail Papilio eurymedon Lucas Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tiger swallowtail Papilio glaucus Linnaeus Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eastern tiger swallowtail Papilio glaucus Linnaeus Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Ozark swallowtail Papilio joanae Heitzman Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
two-tailed tiger swallowtail Papilio multicaudata Kirby Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Palmedes swallowtail Papilio palamedes Drury Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
emerald swallowtail Papilio palinurus Fabricius Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes Fabricius Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
scarlet mormon swallowtail Papilio rumanzovia Eschscholtz, 1821 Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
swallowtail butterflies Papilio spp. Linnaeus 1758 Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
coastal spicebush swallowtail Papilio troilus ilioneus JE Smith Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spicebush swallowtail Papilio troilus Linnaeus Lepidoptera Papilionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Papuella birolecta Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Papuella globosa (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
maple leafcutter Paraclemensia acerifoliella (Fitch) Lepidoptera Incurvariidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Paracles tenuis Paracles tenuis (Berg) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mealybug Paracoccus juniperi (Ehrhorn, 1906) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
papaya mealybug Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Paracupidaspis wilkeyi Howell & Tippins, 1981 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
truncated true katydid Paracyrtophyllus robustus (Caudell) Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
balsam gall midge Paradiplosis tumifex Gagne Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
true bug Paragonatas divergens Distant Hemiptera Rhyparochromidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tulip tent maker moth Paralobesia liriodendrana (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
diabroticine beetle Paranapiacaba tricincta (Say) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cottonwood clearwing borer Paranthrene dollii (Neumoegen) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
western poplar clearwing Paranthrene robiniae (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
red oak clearwing borer Paranthrene simulans (Grote) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
dusky clearwing Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rottemberg) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
leafhopper Paraphlepus strobi (Fitch) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafminer fly Paraphytomyza populi (Kaltenbach) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Pararhymbus longicornis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
stinging rose caterpillar Parasa indetermina (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Limacodidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black scale Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Parasymbius philippinensis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
lobate lac scale Paratachardina pseudolobata Kondo & Gullan Hemiptera Kerriidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
crazy ant Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
potato/tomato psyllid Paratrioza cockerelli (Sulc) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Virginia wood cockroach Parcoblatta virginica (Brunner, 1865) Blattodea Blattellidae Nuisance Insects
wolf spiders Pardosa spp. C. L. Koch, 1847 Araneae Lycosidae Invertebrate Predators
locust digitate leaf miner Parectopa robiniella Clemens Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
strawberry rootworm Paria fragariae Wilcox Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Parindalmus clavipes Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Parindalmus quadrilunatus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Parindalmus sinensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Parindalmus tonkineus Achard Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Chinese obscure scale Parlatoreopsis chinensis (Marlatt) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
parlatoria date scale Parlatoria blanchardi (Targioni Tozzetti) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Parlatoria camelliae Comstock, 1883 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Parlatoria crotonis Douglas, 1887 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Parlatoria crypta McKenzie Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
olive scale Parlatoria oleae (Colvée) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
chaff scale Parlatoria pergandii Comstock Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
proteus scale Parlatoria proteus (Curtis, 1843) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
black parlatoria scale Parlatoria ziziphi Lucas Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leaf blotch miner moth Parornix avellanella (Stainton) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Parornix betulae (Stainton) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
European fruit lecanium Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
fletcher scale Parthenolecanium fletcheri (Cockerell) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
European peach scale Parthenolecanium persicae (Fabricius) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scale Parthenolecanium pruinosum Coquillett, 1891 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oak lecanium Parthenolecanium quercifex (Fitch) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Parthenolecanium rufulum (Cockerell, 1903) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scales Parthenolecanium spp. Sulc, 1908 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
ground beetle Pasimachus californicus Chaudoir, 1850 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Pasimachus depressus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Pasimachus elongatus Leconte, 1846 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
juniper geometer Patalene olyzonaria puber (Grote & Robinson) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
salvinia grasshopper Paulinia acuminata DeGeer Orthoptera Pauliniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Stevenson's shieldback Pediodectes stevensoni Thomas, 1870 Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
stem-mining fly Pegomya euphorbiae (Kieffer) Diptera Anthomyiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
spinach leafminer Pegomya hyoscyami (Panzer) Diptera Anthomyiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
jumping spider Pelegrina galathea Walckenaer Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Tachnid flies Peleteria spp. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
spotted junebug Pelidnota punctata (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gray-winged knapweed root moth Pelochrista medullana (Staudinger) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Root Feeding Insects
lettuce root aphid Pemphigus bursarius (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
aphid Pemphigus populi Courchet Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
poplar petiolegall aphid Pemphigus populitransversus Riley Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
sugarbeet root aphid Pemphigus populivenae Fitch Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
root aphids Pemphigus spp. Hartig, 1839 Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
aphid Pemphigus spyrothecae Passerini Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
hunting wasp Pemphredon spp. Latreille, 1796 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
raspberry crown borer Pennisetia marginata (Harris) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
false spider mite Pentamerismus taxi (Haller) Acari Tenuipalpidae *Mites and Ticks
stink bug Pentatoma rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
tarantula hawk Pepsis angustimarginata Viereck, 1908 Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
tarantula hawk Pepsis mildei Stal, 1857 Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
tarantula hawks Pepsis spp. Fabricius, 1804 Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
spitfire grubs Perga spp. Hymenoptera Pergidae Misc. Insects
Geometrid moth Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
common sawfly Periclista lineolata (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common sawflies Periclista spp. Konow, 1886 Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
angulose prominent Peridea angulosa (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
variegated cutworm Peridroma saucia (Hubner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Braconid wasp Perilitus coccinellae Schrank, 1802 Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
twospotted stink bug Perillus bioculatus (Fabricius) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Invertebrate Predators
maple aphid Periphyllus aceris (Linnaeus, 1761) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Norway maple aphid Periphyllus lyropictus (Kessler) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
American cockroach Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus) Blattodea Blattidae Nuisance Insects
smokybrown cockroach Periplaneta fuliginosa (Serville) Blattodea Blattidae Nuisance Insects
minute fungus beetle Periptyctus russulus Blackburn Coleoptera Corylophidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Braconid wasp Peristenus digoneutis Loan Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
eastern amberwing Perithemis tenera Say, 1839 Odonata Libellulidae Invertebrate Predators
stonefly Perlesta cranshawi Kondratieff & Kirchne, 2006 Plecoptera Perlidae Misc. Insects
stonefly Perlesta decipiens (Walsh, 1862) Plecoptera Perlidae Misc. Insects
Morrison's pero Pero morrisonaria (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Perotis lugubris (Fabricius) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
whitestriped weevil Perperus lateralis Boisduval Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Perrisina brevis (Perris) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
brown wheat mite Petrobia latens (Müller) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
northern pitch twig moth Petrova albicapitana (Busck) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
pinyon pitch nodule moth Petrova arizonensis (Heinrich) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
pitch twig moth Petrova comstockiana (Fernald) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
pine resin-gall moth Petrova resinella Linnaeus Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
pitch moths Petrova spp. Heinrich Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
green lynx spider Peucetia viridans (Hentz) Araneae Oxyopidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
soybean leaf beetle Phaedonia inclusa (Stal) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
green bottle fly Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) Diptera Calliphoridae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
bottle flies Phaenicia spp. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863 Diptera Calliphoridae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
snakeflies Phaeostigma spp. Neuroptera Raphidiidae Misc. Insects
buff-tip moth Phalera bucephala (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Phalera moths Phalera spp. Hübner 1819 Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
rainbow scarab Phanaeus vindex AMacLeay, 1919 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Dung Feeding Insects - Coprophagus
chalcid wasp Phasgonophora sulcata Westwood Hymenoptera Chalcididae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid fly Phasia occidentis (Walker) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
bigheaded ant Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
mealybug Phenacoccus artemisiae N./A Ehrhorn, 1900 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Phenacoccus cajonensis McKenzie, 1967 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Phenacoccus colemani Ehrhorn, 1906 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
hawthorn mealybug Phenacoccus dearnessi (King) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Mexican mealybug Phenacoccus gossypii Townsend & Cockerell Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Madeira mealybug Phenacoccus madeirensis Green Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Phenacoccus solani Ferris, 1918 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, 1898 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scales Phenacoccus spp. Cockerell, 1902 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
daring jumping spider Phidippus audax (Hentz, 1845) Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
cardinal jumper Phidippus cardinalis (Hentz, 1845) Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
jumping spider Phidippus pulcherrimus Keyserling, 1885 Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
jumping spider Phidippus spp. C. L. Koch, 1846 Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
spiny looper Phigalia titea (Cramer) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Sphecid wasp Philanthus zebratus Cresson, 1879 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
soft scale Philephedra lutea Cockerell Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Philephedra tuberculosa Nakahara & Gill, 1985 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
philodromid crab spider Philodromus spp. Walckenaer, 1826 Araneae Philodromidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
bark beetle Phloeosinus armatus Reitter Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Juniper bark beetle Phloeosinus bicolor (Brulle) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Phloeosinus dentatus Say, 1826 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
cedar bark beetles Phloeosinus spp. Chapuis, 1869 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Phloeosinus tacubayae Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Phloeotribus dentifrons Blackman, 1921 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Phloeotribus frontalis Olivier, 1795 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
peach bark beetle Phloeotribus liminaris (Harris) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Phloeotribus pruni Wood, 1956 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Phloeotribus pseudoscabricollis Atkinson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
olive bark beetle Phloeotribus scarabaeoides (Bernard) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Phloeotribus spp. Latreille, 1796 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
garden weevil Phlyctinus callosus Boheman Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
hag moth Phobetron pithecium (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Limacodidae Chewing Insects
orange-barred sulphur Phoebis philea (Johannson) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
cloudless sulphur Phoebis sennae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
red date scale Phoenicococcus marlatti Cockerell Hemiptera Phoenicococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
common sootywing Pholisora catullus (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eucalyptus borer Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
eucalyptus long-horned borer Phoracantha semipunctata (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
black blow fly Phormia regina (Meigen) Diptera Calliphoridae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
turbulent phosphila Phosphila turbulenta Hübner Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
fireflies Photuris spp. LeConte, 1851 Coleoptera Lampyridae Invertebrate Predators
leaf beetle Phratora laticollis Suffrian Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Mediterranean sage root crown weevil Phrydiuchus tau Warner Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
tobacco splitworm Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
pearl cresent Phyciodes tharos Drury Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pearl cresent Phyciodes tharos tharos (Drury) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
woolly beech aphid Phyllaphis fagi (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
arborvitae weevil Phyllobius intrusus Kono Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European snout beetle Phyllobius oblongus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
nettle weevils Phyllobius spp. Germar, 1824 Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
citrus leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
aspen leafminer Phyllocnistis populiella Chambers Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllocnistis saligna (Zeller) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moths Phyllocnistis spp. Zeller 1848 Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllocnistis suffusella Zeller Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllocnistis xenia M, Hering Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
poplar leaffolding sawfly Phyllocolpa bozemani (Cooley) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
western erineum mite Phyllocoptes didelphis Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
Eriophyid mite Phyllocoptes fructiphilus Keifer Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
citrus rust mite Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter abrasella (Duponchel) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter acernella auctorum Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter comparella (Duponchel) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter coryli (Nicelli) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter esperella (Goeze) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter froelichiella (Zeller) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter heegeriella (Zeller) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter leucographella (Zeller) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter maestingella (Muller) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter millierella (Staudinger) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter nicellii (Stainton) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae (Frey) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter platanoidella (Joannis) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter quinnata (Stainton) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter robiniella (Clemens) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter roboris (Zeller) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miner moth Phyllonorycter sagitella (Bjerkander) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leaf blotch miners Phyllonorycter spp. Hubner 1822 Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
aspen blotchminer Phyllonorycter tremuloidiella (Braun) Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
scarab beetle Phyllophaga lanceolata (Say, 1825) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
June beetles Phyllophaga spp. Harris, 1827 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
horseradish flea beetle Phyllotreta armoraciae (Koch) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
crucifer flea beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flea beetle Phyllotreta ochripes (Curtis) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
western black flea beetle Phyllotreta pusilla Horn Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
flea beetles Phyllotreta spp. Chevrolat, 1837 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hickory gall phylloxera Phylloxera caryaecaulis (Fitch) Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pecan phylloxera Phylloxera devastatrix Pergande Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pecan leaf phylloxera Phylloxera notabilis Pergande Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
oak phylloxera Phylloxera quercus Boyer de Fonscolombe Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Gallmaker Insects
southern pecan leaf phylloxera Phylloxera russelae Stoetzel Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Gallmaker Insects
oak phylloxerids Phylloxera spp. Fonscolombe, 1834 Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Gallmaker Insects
Grapevine phylloxera, vine louse Phylloxera vitifoliae (Fitch) Hemiptera Phylloxeridae Gallmaker Insects
handsome fungus beetle Phymaphora californica Horn Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Phymaphora pulchella Newman Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
ambush bug Phymata americana Melin Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
ambush bugs Phymata spp. Latreille, 1802 Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
tanbark borer Phymatodes testaceus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
gall midge Physemocecis hartigi (Liebel) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
thich-headed fly Physocephala spp. Schiner, 1861 Diptera Conopidae Misc. Insects
thich-headed fly Physocephala tibialis (Say, 1829) Diptera Conopidae Misc. Insects
thich-headed fly Physoconops gracilis (Williston, 1885) Diptera Conopidae Misc. Insects
soft scale Physokermes concolor Coleman, 1903 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Physokermes hemicryphus Dalman, 1826 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
monterey pine scale Physokermes insignicola (Craw) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spruce bud scale Physokermes piceae (Schrank) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scales Physokermes spp. Targioni Tozzetti Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Physokermes taxifoliae Coleman, 1903 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
birch cambium miner Phytobia betulivora Spencer Diptera Agromyzidae Boring Insects
leafminer fly Phytobia morio (Brischke) Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
ash cambium miners Phytobia spp. undescribed species Diptera Agromyzidae Boring Insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza agromyzina Meigen Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
columbine leafminer Phytomyza aquilegivora Spencer Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza chaerophylli Kaltenbach Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza farfarae Hendel Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza hellebori Kaltenbach Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
holly leafminer Phytomyza ilicis Curtis Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza kaltenbachi Hendel Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza lappina Goureau Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza melana Hendel Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza sedicola Hering Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza senecionis Kaltenbach Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer fly Phytomyza spondylii Robineu-Desvoidy Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
leafminer flies Phytomyza spp. Fallen, 1810 Diptera Agromyzidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
cyclamen mite Phytonemus pallidus (Banks) Acari Tarsonemidae *Mites and Ticks
plum fingergall mite Phytoptus emarginatae (Keifer) Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
large white butterfly Pieris brassicae Linnaeus Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
cabbage white Pieris rapae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
redbanded stink bug Piezodorus guildinii Westwood Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
yellowheaded spruce sawfly Pikonema alaskensis (Rohwer) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce sawfly Pikonema scutellata (Hartig) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Ichneumonid wasp Pimpla spp. Fabricius, 1804 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
red pine adelgid Pineus borneri Annand Hemiptera Adelgidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Eurasian pine adelgid Pineus pini (Macquart) Hemiptera Adelgidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine leaf chermid Pineus pinifoliae (Fitch) Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
spruce gall adelgid Pineus similis (Gillette) Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
pine and spruce adelgids Pineus spp. Shimer, 1869 Hemiptera Adelgidae Gallmaker Insects
pine bark adelgid Pineus strobi (Hartig) Hemiptera Adelgidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
fern scale Pinnaspis aspidistrae (Signoret) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
coconut scale Pinnaspis buxi (Bouche, 1851) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pinyon spindlegall midge Pinyonia edulicola Gagné Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
cheese skipper Piophila casei (Linnaeus) Diptera Piophilidae Stored Food Pests
nursery web spider Pisaurina mira (Walckenaer, 1837) Araneae Pisauridae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
banded pine weevil Pissodes castaneus (De Geer) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Pissodes weevil Pissodes gyllenhali (C.R. Sahlberg, 1834) Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
Norway spruce weevil Pissodes harcyniae (Herbst) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
eastern pine weevil Pissodes nemorensis Germar Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
European silver fir weevil Pissodes piceae (Illiger) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Pissodes weevil Pissodes pini (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Pissodes weevil Pissodes piniphilus (Herbst) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Pissodes weevil Pissodes scabricollis Miller, 1859 Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
Yosemite bark weevil Pissodes schwarzi Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
white pine weevil Pissodes strobi (Peck) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
lodgepole terminal weevil Pissodes terminalis Hopping Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Scotch pine cone weevil Pissodes validirostris (Sahlberg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
giant coccids Pityococcus deleoni McKenzie, 1942 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
two-toothed pine beetle Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityogenes bistridentatus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
six-toothed spruce bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
chestnet brown bark beetle Pityogenes hopkinsi Swaine Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityogenes mexicanus Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityogenes plagiatus LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityogenes quadridens (Hartig) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
pine engravers Pityogenes spp. Bedel, 1888 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
silver fir bark beetle Pityokteines curvidens (Germar) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
balasm fir bark beetle Pityokteines sparsus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
fir bark beetle Pityokteines spinidens (Reitter) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Pityokteines spp. Fuchs, 1911 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
European fir engraver beetle Pityokteines vorontzovi (Jacobson) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus annectens LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus aquilus Blackman Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus buyssoni Reitter, 1901 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus concentralis Eichh. Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus confusus Blandford Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus consimilis LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus elatinus Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus exsculptus (Ratzeburg, 1837) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus glabratus Eichhoff, 1878 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
walnut twig beetle Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, 1928 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus lautus Eichh. Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus lichtensteinii (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus micrographus (Linnaeus, 1758) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus pecki Atkinson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
fir bark beetle Pityophthorus pityographus (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus pubescens (Marsham, 1802) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus pulicarius Zimm. Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pityophthorus pullus Zimmermann, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
twig beetles Pityophthorus spp. Eichhoff, 1864 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
kiawe roundheaded borer Placosternus crinicornis (Chevrolat) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
imported willow leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora (Laicharting) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
plant bug Plagiognathus rubida Poppius Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
plant bug Plagiognathus spp. Fieber, 1858 Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lantana cerambycid Plagiohammus spinipennis (Thomson) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
clavate tortoise beetle Plagiometriona clavata (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Plagionotus arcuatus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Plagionotus detritus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
lucerne longicorn Plagionotus floralis Pallas Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
euphorbia pit scale Planchonia stentae (Brain) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Planicephalus flavicosta (Stal, 1862) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
passionvine mealybug Planococcus minor (Maskell) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Platindalmus calcaratus australis (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Platindalmus calcaratus calcaratus (Arrow) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
grass fly Platycephala planifrons (Fabricius) Diptera Chloropidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
oak treehopper Platycotis vittata (Fabricius) Hemiptera Membracidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
jumping spider Platycryptus spp. F.P.-Cambridge, 1901 Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
jumping spider Platycryptus undatus (De Geer, 1778) Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
rove beetle Platydracus maculosus (Gravenhorst, 1802) Coleoptera Staphylinidae Invertebrate Predators
Platygaster spp. Platygaster spp. Latreille, 1809 Hymenoptera Platygastridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
tufted apple bud moth Platynota idaeusalis (Walker) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
New Zealand pinhole borer Platypus apicalis White Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
polyphagous pinhole borer Platypus australis Chapuis Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Platypus compositus Say, 1824 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Platypus cylindrus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Platypus flavicornis Fabricius, 1776 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Platypus imparidens Browne Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
common ambrosia beetle Platypus parallelus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Platypus quadridentatus Olivier, 1795 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetles Platypus spp. Herbst, 1793 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Wilson's white-headed ambrosia beetle Platypus wilsoni Swaine Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
scarce fungus weevil Platyrhinus resinosus (Scopoli) Coleoptera Anthribidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
hister beetle Platysoma attenuata LeConte Coleoptera Histeridae Invertebrate Predators
hister beetle Platysoma cylindricus (Beauvois) Coleoptera Histeridae Invertebrate Predators
hister beetle Platysoma lecontei Marseul, 1853 Coleoptera Histeridae Invertebrate Predators
hister beetle Platysoma parallelus (Say) Coleoptera Histeridae Invertebrate Predators
honeylocust spider mite Platytetranychus multidigituli (Ewing) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
arborvitae spider mite Platytetranychus thujae Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
omnivorous leafroller Playnota stultana Walshingham Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
lovebug Plecia nearctica Hardy Diptera Bibionidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
cottonwood borer Plectrodera scalator (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
hister beetles Plegaderus spp. Erichson, 1834 Coleoptera Histeridae Invertebrate Predators
handsome fungus beetle Pleganophorus bispinosus Hampe Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
balsam shootboring sawfly Pleroneura brunneicornis Rohwer Hymenoptera Xyelidae Boring Insects
leafhoppers Plesiommata spp. Provancher, 1889 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bumelia borer Plinthocoelium suaveolens plicatum (LeConte) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Indianmeal moth Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Stored Food Pests
mealybug Plotococcus eugeniae Miller & Deno, 1977 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
scarab beetle Plusiotus spp. Burmeister, 1844 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Plutellidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hobomok skipper Poanes hobomok (Harris) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
broad-winged skipper Poanes viator (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yehl skipper Poanes yehl (Skinner) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
zabulon gloden skipper Poanes zabulon (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
maple webworm Pococera asperatella (Clemens) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Foliage Feeding Insects
double-humped Pococera moth Pococera expandens (Walker) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine webworm Pococera robustella (Zeller) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Sphecid wasps Podalonia spp. Fernald, 1927 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
Sphecid wasp Podalonia valida (Cresson, 1865) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
pine gall weevil Podapion gallicola Riley Coleoptera Brentidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
spined soldier bug Podisus maculiventris (Say) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Invertebrate Predators
predatory stink bug Podisus placidus Uhler, 1870 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Invertebrate Predators
ash borer Podosesia syringae (Harris) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
fourlined plant bug Poecilocapsus lineatus (Fabricius) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
horse fly Poeciloderas quadripunctatus (Fabricius, 1805) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
eastern poplar buprestid Poecilonota cyanipes (Say) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Pogonocherus fasciculatus (DeGeer) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
western harvester ant Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Cresson) Hymenoptera Formicidae Grain Feeding Insects - Granivorous
rough harvester ant Pogonomyrmex rugosus Emery Hymenoptera Formicidae Grain Feeding Insects - Granivorous
harvester ants Pogonomyrmex spp. Mayr, 1868 Hymenoptera Formicidae Grain Feeding Insects - Granivorous
red wasp Polistes annularis (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
paper wasp Polistes apachus Saussure Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
golden paper wasp Polistes aurifer Saussure Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
paper wasp Polistes carolina (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
paper wasp Polistes dominula (Christ) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
common paper wasp Polistes exclamans exclamans Viereck Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
golden paper wasp Polistes fuscatus aurifer Saussure Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
paper wasp Polistes fuscatus (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
paper wasp Polistes metrica Say Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
macao paper wasp Polistes olivaceus (DeGeer) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
paper wasps Polistes spp. Latreille, 1802 Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
baracoa skipper Polites baracoa (Lucas) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long dash Polites mystic (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
crossline skipper Polites origenes (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
peck's skipper Polites peckius (Kirby) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tawny-edged skipper Polites themistocles (Latreille) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
whirlabout Polites vibex (Geyer) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cluster fly Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) Diptera Calliphoridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Calliphorid flies Pollenia spp. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Diptera Calliphoridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
pit scale Pollinia pollini (Costa, 1828) Hemiptera Asterolecaniidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
weevil Polydrusus impressifrons (Gyllenhal, 1834) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
weevil Polydrusus spp. Germar, 1817 Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Eastern comma Polygonia comma (Harris) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hoary comma Polygonia gracilis (Grote & Robinson) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
question mark Polygonia interrogationis (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gray comma Polygonia progne (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
small spruce bark beetle Polygraphus poligraphus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
foureyed spruce bark beetle Polygraphus rufipennis (Kirby) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Polygraphus spp. Erichson, 1836 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
plant bug Polymerus rubroornatus Henry & Froeschner Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) Acari Tarsonemidae *Mites and Ticks
tenlined June beetle Polyphylla decemlineata (Say) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
June beetle Polyphylla hammondi LeConte Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
scarab beetle Polyphylla occidentalis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
frosted green Polyploca ridens (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Drepanidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Early Zanclognatha moth Polypogon cruralis Guenée Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ants Polyrhachis spp. Smith Hymenoptera Formicidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
small banana weevil Polytus mellerborgii (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
little glassywing Pompeius verna (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
willow redgall sawfly Pontania promixa (Lepeletier) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Gallmaker Insects
common sawfly Pontania viminalis (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Gallmaker Insects
Becker's white Pontia beckerii (Edwards) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Western white Pontia occidentalis (Reakirt) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
checkered white Pontia protodice (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Japanese beetle Popillia japonica Newman Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
scarab beetle Potosia cuprea obscura (Andersch) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
Andean potato weevils Premnotrypes spp. (Andean) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Andean potato weevil Premnotrypes suturicallus Kuschel Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Andean potato weevil Premnotrypes vorax (Hustache) Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
false honey ant Prenolepis imparis (Say) Hymenoptera Formicidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
plant bug Prepops fraternus (Knight, 1923) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
powder post beetle Priobium carpini (Herbst, 1793) Coleoptera Anobiidae Chewing Insects
little carpenterworm Prionoxystus macmurtrei (Guerin-Meneville) Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
carpenterworm Prionoxystus robiniae (Peck) Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
California prionus Prionus californicus Motschulsky Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
sawing support beetle Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
tilehorned prionus Prionus imbricornis (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
giant root borers Prionus spp. Fabricius Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Sphecid wasps Prionyx spp. (Vander Linden, 1827) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
California pear sawfly Pristiphora abbreviata (Hartig) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
small spruce fly Pristiphora abietina (Christ) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
larch sawfly Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mountain-ash sawfly Pristiphora geniculata (Hartig) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common sawfly Pristiphora laricis (Hartig) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
plant bug Proba sallei (Stahl, 1862) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rare skipper Problema bulenta (Boisduval & LeConte) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
byssus skipper Problema byssus (Edwards) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
eupatorium gall fly Procecidochares utilis Stone Diptera Tephritidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
root aphid Prociphilus americanus (Walker) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
woolly alder aphid Prociphilus tessellatus (Fitch) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
robber flies Proctacanthus spp. Marquart, 1838 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
leafcurl midge Prodiplosis morrisi Gagne Diptera Cecidomyiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hawthorn leafminer Profenusa canadensis Marlatt Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
common sawfly Profenusa pygmaea (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
skiff moth Prolimacodes badia (Hübner) Lepidoptera Limacodidae Foliage Feeding Insects
robber fly Promachus rufipes (Fabricius, 1775) Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
robber flies Promachus spp. Loew, 1848 Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Propylaea quatuordecimpunctata L Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
twolined spittlebug Prosapia bicincta (Say) Hemiptera Cercopidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
juanita sphinx Proserpinus juanita (Strecker) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
scarab beetle Protaetia aeruginosa (Drury) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
sphinx moth Protambulyx eurycles (Herrich-Schaffer) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
maple twig borer Proteoteras aesculana Riley Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
boxelder twig borer Proteoteras willingana (Kearfott) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Boring Insects
porcelain gray Protoboarmia porcelaria (Guenée) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
pyriform scale Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
black stink bug Proxys punctulatus (Palisot) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
euonymus leaf notcher Pryeria sinica Moore, 1877 Lepidoptera Zygaenidae Chewing Insects
assassin bug Pselliopus cinctus (Fabricius) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
fire ant decapitating fly Pseudacteon curvatus Borgmeier Diptera Phoridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
fire ant decapitating flies Pseudacteon spp. Coquillett, 1907 Diptera Phoridae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
peony scale Pseudaonidia paeoniae Cockerell, 1899 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
gingging scale Pseudaonidia trilobitiformis Cockerell, 1899 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cotton fleahopper Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (Reuter) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli Cooley, 1897 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
white peach scale Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni Tozzetti) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Pseudindalmus andamanicus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Pseudindalmus biguttatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Pseudindalmus depressus (Gerstaecker) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Pseudindalmus javanicus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Pseudindalmus malaccana Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Pseudindalmus tonkinensis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Monterey pine ips Pseudips mexicanus (Hopkins) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pseudochramesus jaliscoensis Wood, 1987 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
twobanded Japanese weevil Pseudocneorhinus bifasciatus Roelofs Coleoptera Curculionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
citrophilus mealybug Pseudococcus calceolariae (Maskell) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Comstock mealybug Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
banana mealybug Pseudococcus elisae Borchsenius Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
longtailed mealybug Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni Tozzetti) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Pseudococcus lycopodii Beardsley, 1959 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
grape mealybug Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybugs Pseudococcus spp. Westwood, 1840 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
obscure mealybug Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
common sawfly Pseudodineura fuscula (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Syrphid fly Pseudodoros clavatus (Fabricius, 1794) Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
Douglas-fir pole beetle Pseudohylesinus nebulosus (LeConte) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Pseudohylesinus spp. Swaine, 1917 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pseudohylesinus variegatus (Blandford) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
stag beetle Pseudolucanus capreolus Linnaeus Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
acacia-ants Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus Smith, F. 1858 Hymenoptera Formicidae Misc. Insects
armored scale Pseudoparlatoria parlatorioides Comstock, 1883 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
woolly pine scale Pseudophilippia quaintancii Cockerell Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
meristem-sucking thrip Pseudophilothrips ichini Hood Thysanoptera Phlaeothripidae Rasping insects
bark beetle Pseudopityophthorus asperulus LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pseudopityophthorus limbatus (Eggers) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
small oak bark beetle Pseudopityophthorus minutissimus (Zimmermann) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
oak bark beetle Pseudopityophthorus pruinosus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Pseudopityophthorus spp. Swaine, 1918 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
soybean looper Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tetrio sphinx Pseudosphinx tetrio (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pseudothysanoes dislocatus Blackman, 1920 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Pseudothysanoes peniculus Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Pseudothysanoes spp. Blackman, 1920 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
carrot rust fly Psila rosae (Fabricius) Diptera Psilidae Root Feeding Insects
beech leaftier Psilocorsis cryptolechiella (Chambers) Lepidoptera Oecophoridae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
grasshopper Psoloessa delicatula (Scudder, 1876) Orthoptera Acrididae Misc. Insects
mosquito Psorophora ferox Humboldt, 1819 Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
spider wasp Psorthaspis sanguinea (Smith, 1855) Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
grapevine epimenis Psychomorpha epimenis (Drury) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
plantlouse Psylla alni (Linnaeus ) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Psylla Psylla spp. Geoffroy, 1762 Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
musk thistle leaf beetle Psylliodes chalcomerus (Illiger) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lady beetle Psyllobora borealis Casey Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
Cottony Psyllid Psyllopsis discrepans (Flor) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
plant louse Psyllopsis fraxini Linnaeus Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
branch pruner Psyrassa unicolor (Randall) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Braconid wasp Psyttalia fletcheri Silvestri Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
collembola Ptenothrix renateae Snider, RJ Collembola Sminthuridae Misc. Insects
reddish brown poplar aphid Pterocomma populifoliae Fitch, 1851 Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
brown-winged knapweed moth Pterolonche inspersa Staudinger Lepidoptera Pterolonchidae Root Feeding Insects
giant stonefly Pteronarcys proteus Newman, 1838 Plecoptera Pteronarcyidae Misc. Insects
true katydid Pterophylla camellifolia (Fabricius) Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
whitemarked spider beetle Ptinus fur (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Anobiidae Stored Food Pests
metalic wood-boring beetle Ptosima flavoguttata (Illiger) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
human flea Pulex irritans (Linnaeus) Siphonaptera Pulicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
wax scale Pulvinaria bigeloviae Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Pulvinaria citricola Kuwana, 1914 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scale Pulvinaria delottoi Gill Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cottony camellia scale Pulvinaria floccifera (Westwood) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cottony maple scale Pulvinaria innumerabilis (Rathvon) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Pulvinaria mesembryanthemi (Vallot, 1829) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
green shield scale Pulvinaria psidii Maskell Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scales Pulvinaria spp. Targioni Tozzetti, 1867 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scale Pulvinaria urbicola Cockerell, 1893 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wax scale Pulvinaria vitis Linnaeus, 1758 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Purpuricenus kaehleri (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
mealybug Puto albicans McKenzie, 1967 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
puto antennatus Puto antennatus (Signoret) Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Puto arctostaphylli Ferris, 1950 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Puto californicus McKenzie, 1967 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Puto echinatus McKenzie, 1961 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine bark mealybug Puto laticribellum McKenzie Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spruce mealybug Puto sandini Washburn Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybugs Puto spp. Signoret, 1876 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Puto yuccae Coquillett, 1890 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetles Pycnarthrum spp. Eichhoff, 1878 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Pyemotid mite Pyemotes barbara Acari Pyemotidae *Mites and Ticks
southern pine bark beetle mite parasitoid Pyemotes parviscolyti Cross & Moser Acari Pyemotidae *Mites and Ticks
straw itch mite Pyemotes tritici (Lagreze-Fossat & Montane) Acari Pyemotidae *Mites and Ticks
meal moth Pyralis farinalis (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Pyralidae Stored Food Pests
checkered skipper Pyrgus communis (Grote) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
two-banded checkered-skipper Pyrgus ruralis (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sugarcane leafhopper Pyrilla perpusilla Walker Hemiptera Fulgoridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
firefly Pyropyga minuta (Leconte, 1851) Coleoptera Lampyridae Misc. Insects
Pyrota insulata Pyrota insulata LeConte Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
elm leaf beetle Pyrrhalta luteola Müller Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
viburnum leaf beetle Pyrrhalta viburni Paykull Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chewing Insects
banded woollybear Pyrrharctia isabella (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Pyrrhidium sanguineum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock, 1881 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
erythrina gall wasp Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim Hymenoptera Eulophidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
rove beetle Quedius laevigatus (Gyllenhal) Coleoptera Staphylinidae Invertebrate Predators
armored scale Quernaspis quercus Comstock, 1881 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
European rosette willow gall midge Rabdophaga rosaria (Loew) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
willow shot-hole midge Rabdophaga saliciperda Dufour Diptera Cecidomyiidae Boring Insects
pineapple gall midges Rabdophaga spp. Westwood, 1847 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
gall midge Rabdophaga strobilina (Bremi) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
wolf spider Rabidosa rabida (Walckenaer, 1837) Araneae Lycosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
wolf spiders Rabidosa spp. Roewer, 1960 Araneae Lycosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
snakeflies Raphidia spp. L. Neuroptera Raphidiidae Misc. Insects
masked hunter Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
dogwood clubgall midge Resseliella clavula (Beutermüller) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
tuliptree leaf spot gall midge Resseliella liriodendri (Osten Sacken) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
cone midge Resseliella spp. Seitner, 1906 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
eastern subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Boring Insects
subterranean termite Reticulitermes spp. Holmgren Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Boring Insects
arid land subterranean termite Reticulitermes tibialis Banks Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Saproxylic Insects
native subterranean termite Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks) Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Boring Insects
Pine resin gall moth Retinia resinella Linnaeus Lepidoptera Tortricidae Gallmaker Insects
ribbed pine borer Rhagium inquisitor (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Blackspotted pliers support beetle Rhagium mordax (DeGeer) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
rose hip fly Rhagoletis alternata (Fallén) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
walnut husk fly Rhagoletis completa Cresson Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
blueberry maggot Rhagoletis mendax Curran Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella (Wash) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
blueberry maggots Rhagoletis spp. Loew, 1862 Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
handsome fungus beetle Rhanidea unicolor (Ziegler) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
stink bug Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda, 1761) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
spear-marked black moth Rheumaptera hastata (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Ichneumonid parasitoid wasp Rhimphoctona macrocephala (Provancher, 1874) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
musk thistle head weevil Rhinocyllus conicus (Frölich) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
toadflax seed weevil Rhinusa antirrhini Paykull Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
toadflax root-galling weevil Rhinusa linariae (Panzer, 1792) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
toadflax seed weevil Rhinusa neta Germar Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) Acari Ixodidae *Mites and Ticks
armored scale Rhizaspidiotus dearnessi Cockerell, 1898 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rhizome feeding noctuid moth Rhizedra lutosa (Hubner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
mealybug Rhizoecus cacticans Hambleton, 1946 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Rhizoecus dianthi Green, 1926 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
ground mealybug Rhizoecus falcifer Künckel d'Herculais Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybug Rhizoecus kondonis Kuwana, 1923 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
European chafer Rhizotrogus majalis (Razoumowsky) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Root Feeding Insects
hollyhock weevil Rhopalapion longirostre (Olivier) Coleoptera Brentidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bark beetle parasite Rhopalicus tutela (Walker) Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
corn leaf aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
waterlily aphid Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae Linnaeus Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
adana tip moth Rhyacionia adana Heinrich, 1923 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
European pine shoot moth Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis & Schiffermuller) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
western pine tip moth Rhyacionia bushnelli (Busck) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Nantucket pine tip moth Rhyacionia frustrana (Comstock) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
pine tip moths Rhyacionia spp. Hübner Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
subtropical pine tip moth Rhyacionia subtropica Miller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bark weevil Rhyephenes humeralis (Guerin) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Rhymbomicrus lobatus (LeConte & Horn) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
weevil Rhynchaenus fagi (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
oak flea weevil Rhynchaenus quercus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
weevil Rhynchaenus subfasciatus Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
weevil Rhynchites eximius LeConte, 1876 Coleoptera Curculionidae Misc. Insects
planthoppers Rhynchomitra spp. Fennah, 1944 Hemiptera Dictyopharidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
weevil Rhynchophorus barbirostris (Thunberg, 1797) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
black palm weevil Rhynchophorus bilineatus (Montrouzier) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
palmetto weevil Rhynchophorus cruentatus Fabricius Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
giant palm weevil Rhynchophorus palmarum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
assassin bugs Rhynocoris spp. Hahn, 1834 Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
true bug Rhyparochromus vulgaris (Schilling, 1829) Hemiptera Rhyparochromidae Misc. Insects
giant ichneumon wasp Rhyssa persuasoria (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Ichneumonid wasp Rhyssa spp. Gravenhorst, 1829 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
mango long-horned beetle Rhytidodera bowringii White Coleoptera Cerambycidae Chewing Insects
leafhopper Rhytidodus decimaquarta (Schrank, 1776) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) Coleoptera Bostrichidae Stored Food Pests
western bean cutworm Richia albicosta (Smith) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) Rickettsia rickettsii Rickettsiales Rickettsiaceae *Mites and Ticks
vedalia beetle Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
eastern lubber grasshopper Romalea microptera Palisot de Beauvois Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Ropalopus femoratus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Ropalopus insubricus (Germar) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
bark beetle parasites Roptrocerus spp. Ratzeburg, 1848 Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
pteromalid wasp Roptrocerus xylophagous (Ratzeburg) Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
long-horned beetle Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
banded alder borer Rosalia funebris Motschulsky Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
white stem borer Rupela albinella Stoll Lepidoptera Crambidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
potato psyllid Russelliana solanicola Tuthill Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
hemispherical scale Saissetia coffeae (Walker) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Mexican black scale Saissetia miranda (Cockerell & Parrott) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
black scale Saissetia oleae (Olivier) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
salvinia stem borer/waterlettuce moth Samea multiplicalis (Guenee') Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
waterhyacinth moth Sameodes albiguttalis (Warren) Lepidoptera Crambidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
persimmon borer Sannina uroceriformis Walker Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
poplar borer Saperda calcarata Say Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
roundheaded apple tree borer Saperda candida Fabricius Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
poplar long-horned beetle Saperda carcharias (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
poplar gall borer Saperda inornata Say Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Saperda perforata (Pallas) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
small poplar borer Saperda populnea (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Saperda similis Laicharting Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetles Saperda spp. Fabricius Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
elm borer Saperda tridentata Olivier Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
linden borer Saperda vestita Say Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
flesh flies Sarcophaga spp. Meigen, 1826 Diptera Sarcophagidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
lady beetle Sasajiscymnus tsugae (Sasaji & McClure) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
banded hairstreak Satyrium calanus (Hübner) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
California hairstreak Satyrium californica (Edwards) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Southern striped hairstreak Satyrium liparops strigosum (Harris) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
hairstreak Satyrium spp. (Scudder, 1876) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
coral hairstreak Satyrium titus (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Appalachian eyed brown Satyrodes appalachia (Chermock) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Saula biroi Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula crassicornis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula curvipes Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula dentipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula excisipes Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula ferruginea Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula filicornis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula fuscicornis Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula japonica Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula longiclava Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula luzonica Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula malleicornis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula nigripes Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula oculata Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula serraticollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetles Saula spp. Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula taiwana Chujo Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula tibialis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Saula variipes Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
ground beetles Scaphinotus spp. Dejean, 1826 Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
ground beetle Scaphinotus viduus Dejean Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
leafhoppers Scaphytopius spp. Ball, 1931 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
southern mole cricket Scapteriscus borellii Rehn & Hebard Orthoptera Gryllotalpidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mole cricket Scapteriscus spp. Scudder Orthoptera Gryllotalpidae Foliage Feeding Insects
tawny mole cricket Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder Orthoptera Gryllotalpidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tabanid fly Scaptia auriflua (Donovan) Diptera Tabanidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Tabanid fly Scaptia clavata (Macquart) Diptera Tabanidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Tabanid fly Scaptia lasiophthalma (Macquart) Diptera Tabanidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
Tabanid fly Scaptia testacea (Macquart) Diptera Tabanidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
mealybug Scaptococcus milleri McKenzie, 1967 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mealybugs Scaptococcus spp. McKenzie, 1964 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
golden dung flies Scathophaga spp. Meigen, 1803 Diptera Scathophagidae Dung Feeding Insects - Coprophagus
yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Linnaeus, 1758) Diptera Scathophagidae Dung Feeding Insects - Coprophagus
black and yellow mud dauber Sceliphron caementaria Drury Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
green bird grasshopper Schistocerca alutacea (Scudder) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
green bird grasshopper Schistocerca alutacea shoshone (Thomas) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
American grasshopper Schistocerca americana (Drury) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
gray bird grasshopper Schistocerca nitens (Thunberg) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
greenbug Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scales Schizentaspidus spp. Mamet, 1958 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
red-humped caterpillar moth Schizura concinna (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
morning-glory prominent Schizura ipomoeae Doubleday Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
prominent moths Schizura spp. Doubleday 1841 Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
unicorn caterpillar Schizura unicornis (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Sirex parasite Schlettererius cinctipes (Cresson) Hymenoptera Stephanidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
aspen leaftier Sciaphila suplex (Walsingham) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
metalic wood-boring beetle Scintillatrix dives (Guillebeau) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
linden burncow Scintillatrix rutilans Fabricius Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
horse fly Scione maculipennis (Schiner, 1868) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
South African citrus thrips Scirtothrips aurantii Faure Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
California citrus thrips Scirtothrips citri (Moulton) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
chilli thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
avocado thrips Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
Scoliid wasp Scolia dubia (Say, 1837) Hymenoptera Scoliidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Scoliid wasp Scolia nobilitata tricincta Say Hymenoptera Scoliidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
common sawfly Scolioneura betuleti (Klug) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
common sawflies Scolioneura spp. Konow, 1890 Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
common desert centipede Scolopendra polymorpha (Wood, 1861) Scolopendromorpha Scolopendridae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
Anthocorid bug Scoloposcelis flavicornis Reuter Hemiptera Lyctocoridae Invertebrate Predators
bark beetle Scolytodes schwarzi Hopkins, 1902 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Scolytodes spp. Ferrari, 1867 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Scolytogenes papuanus (Schedl) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Scolytogenes spp. Eichhoff, 1878 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Scolytus amygdali Guerin 1847 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Scolytus carpini (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Scolytus ensifer Eichhoff, 1881 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
European oak bark beetle Scolytus intricatus (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Scolytus kirschii Skalitzky, 1876 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
middle elm tree split bark beetle Scolytus laevis Chapuis Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
larch engraver Scolytus laricis Blackman Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
larger shothole borer Scolytus mali (Bechstein) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
smaller European elm bark beetle Scolytus multistriatus (Marsham) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Scolytus pygmaeus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
hickory bark beetle Scolytus quadrispinosus Say Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
birch bark beetle Scolytus ratzeburgi Janson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
shothole borer Scolytus rugulosus (Müller) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
banded elm bark beetle Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
large elm beetle Scolytus scolytus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
true fir bark beetles Scolytus spp. Geoffrey, 1762 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Scolytus sulcifrons Rey Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Douglas-fir engraver Scolytus unispinosus LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
fir engraver Scolytus ventralis LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
stink bug Scotinophara lurida (Burmeister Westwood) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bush katydid Scudderia spp. Stål Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
lady beetle Scymnus frontalis (Fabricius, 1787) Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Scymnus loewii Mulsant Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Scymnus ningshanensis Yu & Yao Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Scymnus sinuanodulus Yu & Yao Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetles Scymnus spp. Kugelann, 1794 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetle Scymnus suturalis Thunberg Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
armored scale Selenaspidus albus McKenzie, 1953 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
armored scale Selenaspidus rubidus McKenzie Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cedartree borer Semanotus ligneus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Semanotus russicus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
jack pine looper Semiothisa banksianae Ferguson Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
bicolored angle moth Semiothisa bicolorata (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
redheaded inchworm Semiothisa bisignata (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
hemlock angle moth Semiothisa fissinotata (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
granite moth Semiothisa granitata (Guenée) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
minor angle Semiothisa minorata (Packard) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
many-lined angle Semiothisa multilineata (Packard) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Owen's angle moth Semiothisa oweni (Swett) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
white pine angle Semiothisa pinistrobata Ferguson Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
larch looper Semiothisa sexmaculata (Packard) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
larch looper Semiothisa sexmaculata sexmaculata (Packard) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce-fir looper Semiothisa signaria dispuncta (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
blurry chocolate angle moth Semiothisa transitaria (Walker) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Sepsid flies Sepsis sp. Fallen, 1810 Diptera Sepsidae Dung Feeding Insects - Coprophagus
seagrape sawfly Sericoceros mexicanus (Kirby) Hymenoptera Argidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spider wasp Sericopompilus neotropicalis Cameron, 1893 Hymenoptera Pompilidae Invertebrate Predators
gorse thrips Sericothrips staphylinus Haliday Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
Serropalpus barbatus Serropalpus barbatus (Schaller) Coleoptera Melandryidae Boring Insects
hornet moth Sesia apiformis (Clerck) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
cottonwood crown borer Sesia tibialis (Harris) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Lonchaeid Fly Silba pendula (Bezzi) Diptera Lonchaeidae Invertebrate Predators
jumping spiders Siler spp. Simon, 1889 Araneae Salticidae Invertebrate Predators
flat bark beetle Silvanus bidentatus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Silvanidae Stored Food Pests
Simplimorpha promissa Simplimorpha promissa Staudinger Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
defoliator moth Simyra dentinosa Freyer Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cattail caterpillar Simyra henrici (Grote) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spined assassin bug Sinea diadema (Fabricius) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
assassin bugs Sinea spinipes (Herrich-Schäffer) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
assassin bugs Sinea spp. Amyot & Serville Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
Rhinoceros Beetle Sinodendron cylindricum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Lucanidae Saproxylic Insects
vine borer Sinoxylon perforans Schrank Coleoptera Bostrichidae Boring Insects
Malachite butterfly Siproeta stelenes (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
blue horntail woodwasp Sirex cyaneus Fabricius Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
Siricid woodwasps Sirex juvencus (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
woodwasp Sirex nigricornis Fabricius, 1781 Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
Sirex woodwasp Sirex noctilio Fabricius Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
sweetclover weevil Sitona cylindricollis (Fåhraeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
weevil Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal, 1834 Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
clover root curculio Sitona hispidulus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
weevil Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal, 1834 Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
pea leaf weevil Sitona lineatus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
weevil Sitona spp. Germar, 1817 Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
granary weevil Sitophilus granarius (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Stored Food Pests
rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Stored Food Pests
maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky Coleoptera Curculionidae Stored Food Pests
Angoumois grain moth Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Stored Food Pests
jumping spider Sitticus spp. Simon, 1901 Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
twin-spotted sphinx Smerinthus jamaicensis (Drury) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
red sunflower seed weevil Smicronyx fulvus LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
gray sunflower seed weevil Smicronyx sordidus LeConte Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
seed weevils Smicronyx spp. Schonherr, 1843 Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
fire ant Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren Hymenoptera Formicidae Invertebrate Predators
black imported fire ant Solenopsis richteri Forel Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
southern fire ant Solenopsis xyloni McCook Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
Braconid wasp Spathius pallidus Ashmead Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles anaglyptus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles bonthainicus Heller Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles darwinista pyramidalis (Gorham) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles decoratus decoratus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles decoratus ornatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles dohrnii Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles elegans Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles moloch Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles politus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles retiarius Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles rizali Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles turritus dispar Frivaldsky Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Spathomeles turritus turritus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
great spangled fritillary Speyeria cybele (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Diana Speyeria diana (Cramer) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
fritillary Speyeria spp. Scudder 1872 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
zerene fritillary Speyeria zerene (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
ground beetle Sphaeroderus stenostomus Weber Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma alutaceum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma antennarium Apfelbeck Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma apuanum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma bosnicum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma carpathicum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma corcyreum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma fiorii Ganglbauer Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma globosum glabrum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma globosum (Sturm) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma hemisphaericum Ganglbauer Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma laevicolle (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma latitarse Apfelbeck Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma maritimum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma merditanum Apfelbeck Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma obsoletum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma paganetti rotundatum Obenberger Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma piliferum (Mueller) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma pilosissimum (Frivaldsky) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma pilosum bulgarium Apfelbeck Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma pilosum (Panzer) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma pubescens (Frivaldsky) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma punctatum (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma reitteri albanicum Apfelbeck Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma reitteri aspromontanum Reitter Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma reitteri reitteri (Ormay) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma seiditzi (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma shardaghense Apfelbeck Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma solarii Reitter Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma sparsum Reitter Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma sturanyi Apfelbeck Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma sublaeve (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma vallambrosae (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
Alexid beetle Sphaerosoma winneguthi (Reitter) Coleoptera Alexiidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
cicada killer Sphecius speciosus (Drury) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
Abbott's sphinx Sphecodina abbottii (Swainson) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white plume moth Sphenarches caffer (Zeller) Lepidoptera Pterophoridae Foliage Feeding Insects
grasshopper Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier, 1842 Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
southern corn billbug Sphenophorus callosus (Olivier) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
Rocky Mountain billbug Sphenophorus cicatristriatus Fahraeus Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bluegrass billbug Sphenophorus parvulus Gyllenhal Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
hunting billbug Sphenophorus venatus vestitus Chittenden Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
bronze knapweed root borer Sphenoptera jugoslavica Obenberger Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
great golden digger wasp Sphex ichneumoneus (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
mud-daubers Sphex jamaicensis Drury, 1770 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
katydid wasp Sphex nudus Fernald, 1903 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
digger wasp Sphex spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
great ash sphinx Sphinx chersis (Hübner) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
larch hawk moth Sphinx morio Rothschild & Jordan Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
poecila sphinx Sphinx poecila Stephens Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
rabbit flea Spilopsyllus spp. Baker Siphonaptera Pulicidae Nuisance Insects
agreeable tiger moth Spilosoma congrua Walker Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellow woollybear Spilosoma virginica (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Chewing Insects
seed bug Spilostethus pandurus (Scopoli, 1763) Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
threecornered alfalfa hopper Spissistilus festinus (Say) Hemiptera Membracidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
southern armyworm Spodoptera eridania (Stoll) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
garden armyworm Spodoptera latifascia (Walker) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Egyptian cottonworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cotton leafworm, tobacco cutworm Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
yellowstriped armyworm Spodoptera ornithogalli (Guenee) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
waterlettuce moth Spodoptera pectinicornis (Hampson) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
armyworm Spodoptera spp. Guenee Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Hawaiian beet webworm Spoladea recurvalis (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Spondylis buprestoides (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
southern spragueia moth Spragueia dama (Guenee) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black-dotted Spragueia moth Spragueia onagrus (Guenee) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leafy spurge gall midge Spurgia capitigena (Bremi) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
leafy spurge gall midge Spurgia esulae Gagne Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
Carolina mantid Stagmomantis carolina (Johannson) Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
rove beetle Staphylinus fossator Gravenhorst Coleoptera Staphylinidae Invertebrate Predators
pruinose bean weevil Stator pruininus (Horn) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
giant coccids Steatococcus spp. Ferris, 1921 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
cobweb weaver Steatoda triangulosa (Walckenaer, 1802) Araneae Theridiidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
rednecked peanutworm Stegasta bosqueella (Chambers) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
drugstore beetle Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Anobiidae Stored Products Insects
strawberry sap beetle Stelidota geminata (Say) Coleoptera Nitidulidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
panicle rice mite Steneotarsonemus spinki Smiley, 1967 Acari Tarsonemidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Stenocorus schaumii LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
planthopper Stenocranus bakeri Muir, 1917 Hemiptera Delphacidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
common grass bug Stenodema laevigata (Linnaeus ) Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Black-dotted groundling Stenolechia gemmella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Jerusalem cricket Stenopelmatus fuscus Haldeman Orthoptera Stenopelmatidae Misc. Insects
Jerusalem cricket Stenopelmatus spp. Burmeister, 1838 Orthoptera Stenopelmatidae Misc. Insects
robber fly Stenopogon latipennis Loew, 1866 Diptera Asilidae Misc. Insects
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus abdominalis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus aberrans Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus acrophilus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus adumbratus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus agusanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus albertisii Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus angus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus angustulus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus anisotomoides Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus anomalus Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus antennatus Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus arcuatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ardens Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus arithmeticus Blackburn Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus arrowi (Mader) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus atratus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus atricollis Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus atripennis (Pic) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus basalis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus beccari Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus bicolor Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus bimaculatus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus biroi Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus bivulnerus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus blackburni Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus blatchleyi Walton Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus brevicollis Perty Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus castaneus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus cavicollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus cheesmanae Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus chrysocerus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus cinctus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus cingulatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus clarus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus claviger Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus clemmus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus coccineus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus commodus Blackburn Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus conspicuous Kirsch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus cordipennis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus crassiusculus Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus cupreus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus cuprivestis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus delicatulus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus descarpentriesi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus discoidalis Csiki Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus erotyloides Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus exiguus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus femoralis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ferruginatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus flavicornis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus flavoscapularis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus floccosus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus fryanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus fuscicornis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus globosus Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus gracilis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus guineensis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus haemorrhoidalis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus hispidus (Herbst) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus honestus Schaufuss Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus humerosus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ictericus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus incertus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus javanicus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus latipes Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus lemniscatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus leoninus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus lignarius Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus lituratus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus lombardeaui Perroud Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus longicornis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus longulus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus longus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus macrocerus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus madecassus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus madurensis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus militaris Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus mollis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus mombonensis Weise Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nietneri Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nigerrimus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nigrocyaneus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nilgiricus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nobilis lucifer Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nobilis nobilis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nossibeanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus nudus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus obesus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus oodes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ovalis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ovulum Fairmaire Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus panamanus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus pantherinus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus papuensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus parallelus Lea Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus pardalis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus peguensis Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus persimilis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus perturbans Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus philippinarum Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus pilatei Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus pisoniae Lea Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus planicollis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus politus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus porcellus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus profectus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus pulcherrimus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus pumilio Schaufuss Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus punctatostriatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus purpuratus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus pusillus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus quadrimaculatus (Csiki) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus rubicundus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus rubiginosus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus rubripennis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus rubrocinctus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ruficollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ruficornis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus rufipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus russatus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus rutilus (Guerin) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ryukyuensis Chujo Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus sallei Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus secticollis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus sericatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus smithi Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus striatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus subglaber Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus subtilis Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus sudanicus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus sulcithorax (Guerin) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus tabidus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus tenuicornis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus testaceicornis Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus thoracicus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus tomentosus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus trimaculatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus urinus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus usambaricus Weise Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus validicornis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus vallatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus ventricosus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Stenotarsus vulpes Kirsch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
azalea lace bug Stephanitis pyrioides (Scott) Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
root collar weevil Steremnius carinatus (Boheman) Coleoptera Curculionidae Saproxylic Insects
mango pulp weevil Sternochetus frigidus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
mango seed weevil Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae *Weevils
spider mite destroyer Stethorus punctum picipes Casey Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
lady beetles Stethorus spp. Weise, 1885 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Invertebrate Predators
robber fly Stichtopogon trifasciatus (Say) Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
horse guard wasp Stictia carolina (Fabricius, 1793) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
horse guard wasp Stictia signata (Linnaeus, 1758) Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
buffalo treehopper Stictocephala bisonia Kopp & Yonke Hemiptera Membracidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Stictoleptura canadensis (Olivier) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Stigmella aceris Stigmella aceris (Frey) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
rose leaf miner Stigmella anomalella (Goeze) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella hemargyrella Stigmella hemargyrella (Kollar) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella hybnerella Stigmella hybnerella (Hubner) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
pecan serpentine leafminer Stigmella judlandifoliella (Clemens) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella lapponica Stigmella lapponica (Wocke) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella lemniscella Stigmella lemniscella (Zeller) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella mespilicola Stigmella mespilicola (Frey) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella microtheriella Stigmella microtheriella (Stainton) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella oxtacanthella Stigmella oxtacanthella (Stainton) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella paradoxa Stigmella paradoxa (Frey) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella plagicolella Stigmella plagicolella (Stainton) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella prunetorum Stigmella prunetorum (Stainton) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella speciosa Stigmella speciosa (Frey) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella splendidissimella Stigmella splendidissimella (Herrisch-Schaffer) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella spp. Stigmella spp. Schrank 1802 Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella tiliae Stigmella tiliae (Frey) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Stigmella tityrella Stigmella tityrella (Stainton) Lepidoptera Nepticulidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
anchor stink bug Stiretrus anchorago Fabricius Hemiptera Pentatomidae Invertebrate Predators
sycamore scale Stomacoccus platani Ferris Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus) Diptera Muscidae Nuisance Insects
Tabanid fly Stonemyia tranquilla (Osten Sacken) Diptera Tabanidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Strabala rufa (Illiger, 1807) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Kellog scale Stramenaspis kelloggi (Coleman) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Strangalepta abbreviata Gemar Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Strangalia luteicornis (Fabricius, 1775) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
sunflower maggot Strauzia longipennis (Wiedemann) Diptera Tephritidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
false Japanese beetle Strigoderma arboricola (Fabricius) Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
kulsi teak borer Stromatium barbatum (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Stromatium fulvum (Villers) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Stromatium longicorne Newman Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Stromatium unicolor (Olivier) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
common sawfly Strongylogaster lineata Christ Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mallow scrub hairstreak Strymon columella (Fabricus) Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cotton square borer Strymon melinus Hübner Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
thich-headed fly Stylogaster spp. Macquart, 1835 Diptera Conopidae Misc. Insects
juniper twig pruner Styloxus bicolor (Champlain & Knull) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
sunflower bud moth Suleima helianthana (Riley) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
brownbanded cockroach Supella longipalpa (Fabricius) Blattodea Blattellidae Nuisance Insects
green stonefly Sweltsa lateralis (Banks, 1911) Plecoptera Chloroperlidae Misc. Insects
long-horned beetle Sybra alternans (Wiedemann, 1825) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
assassin bugs Sycanus spp. Amyot & Serville, 1843 Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
window gnat Sylvicola fenestralis (Scopoli, 1763) Diptera Anisopodidae Misc. Insects
handsome fungus beetle Symbiotes duryi Blatchley Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Symbiotes gibberosus (Lucas) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Symbiotes latus Redtenbacher Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Symbiotes montanus Casey Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
white-headed prominent Symmerista albifrons (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
red-humped oakworm moth Symmerista canicosta Franclemont Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
orange-humped mapleworm moth Symmerista leucitys Franclemont Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Vespid wasp Symmorphus canadensis (Saussure, 1855) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
variegated meadowhawk Sympetrum corruptum (Hagen, 1861) Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
red-veined darter Sympetrum fonscolombei (Sélys) Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
Sympetrum dragonflies Sympetrum spp. Newman, 1833 Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
yellow-legged meadowhawk Sympetrum vicina Hagen Odonata Libellulidae Misc. Insects
maple callus borer Synanthedon acerni (Clemens) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
large redbelted clearwing Synanthedon culiciformis (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
oakgall clearwing Synanthedon decipiens (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Boring Insects
peachtree borer Synanthedon exitiosa (Say) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
lesser peachtree borer Synanthedon pictipes (Grote & Robinson) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pitch mass borer Synanthedon pini (Kellicott) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
horsenettle borer Synanthedon rileyana (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Root Feeding Insects
dogwood borer Synanthedon scitula (Harris) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
sequoia pitch moth Synanthedon sequoiae (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
white-barred clearwing Synanthedon spechiformis (Dennis & Schiffermuller) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
currant borer Synanthedon tipuliformis (Clerck) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
viburnum borer Synanthedon viburni Engelhardt Lepidoptera Sesiidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
wavy-lined emerald Synchlora aerata (Fabricius) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
waterlily leafcutter Synclita obliteralis (Walker) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Braconid wasp Syngaster lepidus Brulle Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
abstruse false looper Syngrapha abstrusa Eichlin & Cunningham Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
angulated cutworm Syngrapha rectangula (Kirby) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oleander moth Syntomeida epilais jucundissima Dyar Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Syrphid fly Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus ) Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
Syrphid flies Syrphus spp. Fabricius, 1775 Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
palestriped flea beetle Systena blanda Melsheimer Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Bombyliid flies Systoechus spp. Loew, 1855 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
horse fly Tabanus aar Philip Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus abactor Philip, 1936 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
American horse fly Tabanus americanus Forster Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
black horse fly Tabanus atratus fulvopilosus Johnson Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
black horse fly Tabanus atratus Fabricius, 1775 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus colon Thunberg Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
salt marsh greenhead Tabanus conterminus Walker Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus fulvulus Wiedemann Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus fumipennis Wiedemann Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus gladiator Stone Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus imitans Walker Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
striped horse fly Tabanus lineola Fabricius Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus longiusculus Hine Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus melanocerus Wiedemann Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus molestus Say Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus nigrescens Palisot De Beauvois Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus nigripes Wiedemann Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
greenhead horse fly Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus pallidescens Philip, 1936 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus particaecus Hardy Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus petiolatus Hine, 1917 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus proximus Walker, 1848 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus pumilus Macquart, 1838 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
Western horsefly Tabanus punctifer Osten Sacken Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus rufrofrater Walker, 1850 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus sparus Whitney, 1879 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse flies Tabanus spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus strangmannii Richardo Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus stygius Say Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus sulcifrons Macquart, 1855 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus townsvilli Richardo Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus trijunctus Walker, 1954 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus trimaculatus Palisot de Beauvois, 1806 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
horse fly Tabanus zythicolor Philip, 1936 Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
lac scale Tachardiella larreae Comstock, 1882 Hemiptera Kerriidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lac scales Tachardiella spp. Cockerell, 1891 Hemiptera Kerriidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Tachinid fly Tachina fera (Linnaeus ) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Encyrtid wasp Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead, 1904 Hymenoptera Encyrtidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Sphecid wasp Tachysphex spp. Kohl, 1883 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
mud-dauber Tachytes spp. Panzer, 1806 Hymenoptera Sphecidae Invertebrate Predators
pear thrips Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
larch thrips Taeniothrips laricivorous (Kratochvil & Farsky) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
thrips Taeniothrips pini Uzel Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
rice delphacid Tagosodes orizicolus (Muir) Hemiptera Delphacidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
roachlike stonefly Tallaperla maria (Needham and Smith, 1916) Plecoptera Peltoperlidae Misc. Insects
crane fly Tanyptera dorsalis Walker, 1848 Diptera Tipulidae Root Feeding Insects
planthopper Taosa inexacta Walker Hemiptera Dictyopharidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
beech bark beetle Taphrorychus bicolor (Herbst) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
tarantulas Tapinauchenius spp. Araneae Theraphosidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
ghost ant Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
odorous house ant Tapinoma sessile (Say) Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
armored scale Targionia yuccarum Cockerell, 1898 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rainbow beetle Tarpela micans Fabricius Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Stored Food Pests
Tarsonemid mite Tarsonemus ips Lindquist Acari Tarsonemidae *Mites and Ticks
Tarsonemid mite Tarsonemus spp. Acari Tarsonemidae *Mites and Ticks
gall midge Taxodiomyia cupressi (Schweinitz) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
cypress twig gall midge Taxodiomyia cupressiananassa (Osten Sacken) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
starburst needle gall Taxodiomyia spp. Gagne, 1968 Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
hobo spider Tegenaria agrestis Walckenaer, 1802 Araneae Agelenidae Invertebrate Predators
lantana lace bug Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
lace bugs Teleonemia spp. Costa, 1864 Hemiptera Tingidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Trogossitid beetles Temnochila virescens (Fabricius) Coleoptera Trogossitidae Invertebrate Predators
yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Stored Food Pests
dark mealworm Tenebrio obscurus Fabricius Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Stored Food Pests
Trogossitid beetles Tenebroides collaris (Sturm) Coleoptera Trogossitidae Invertebrate Predators
Trogossitid beetles Tenebroides marginatus (Palisot de Beauvois) Coleoptera Trogossitidae Invertebrate Predators
Trogossitid beetles Tenebroides mauritanicus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Trogossitidae Invertebrate Predators
Chinese mantid Tenodera aridifolia (Stoll, 1813) Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
Chinese mantid Tenodera aridifolia sinensis Saussure Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
mantid Tenodera spp. Burmeister, 1838 Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
green knapweed clearwing fly Terellia virens (Loew) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
sugarbeet root maggot Tetanops myopaeformis (Röder) Diptera Ulidiidae Root Feeding Insects
blackheaded ash sawfly Tethida barda (Say) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
white slant-line Tetracis cachexiata (Guenée) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
long-jawed orbweaver Tetragnatha spp. Latreille, 1804 Araneae Tetragnathidae Invertebrate Predators
sugarberry psyllid Tetragonocephela flava Crawford Hemiptera Psyllidae Gallmaker Insects
ground beetle Tetragonoderus laevigatus Chaudoir Coleoptera Carabidae Invertebrate Predators
mulberry whitefly Tetraleurodes mori (Quaintance) Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
whitefly Tetraleurodes neemani Bink-Moenen, 1992 Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
wheat jointworm Tetramesa tritici (Fitch) Hymenoptera Eurytomidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
tramp ant Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander) Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
pavement ant Tetramorium caespitum (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Formicidae Omnivorous Foragers
ant Tetramorium simillimum (Smith, 1851) Hymenoptera Formicidae Honeydew Feeders
aphid Tetraneura spp. Hartig, 1841 Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
aphid Tetraneura ulmi (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Aphididae Gallmaker Insects
carmine spider mite Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
gorse spider mite Tetranychus lintearius Dufour Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
spider mites Tetranychus spp. Dufour Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
strawberry spider mite Tetranychus turkestani Ugarov & Nikolski Acari Tetranychidae *Mites and Ticks
twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch Acari Tetranychidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Tetraopes discoideus LeConte, 1858 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Root Feeding Insects
long-horned beetle Tetraopes femoratus LeConte, 1847 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Root Feeding Insects
red milkweed beetle Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (Förster) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Root Feeding Insects
Eulophid wasp Tetrastichus setifer Thomson Hymenoptera Eulophidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Eulophid wasp Tetrastichus triozae (Burks) Hymenoptera Eulophidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
black spruce beetle Tetropium castaneum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
brown spruce longhorn beetle Tetropium fuscum (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
Tetropium gabrieli Tetropium gabrieli Weise Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
great green bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima Linnaeus Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Foliage Feeding Insects
shieldbacked pine seed bug Tetyra bipunctata (Herrich-Schaffer) Hemiptera Scutelleridae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
checkered beetle Thanasimus dubius (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
European red-bellied clerid Thanasimus formicarius (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
leaf-footed bug Thasus neocalifornicus Brailovsky & Barrera Hemiptera Coreidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
false codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Chewing Insects
Eastern pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pinivora (Treitschke) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermuller) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oak processionary moth Thaumetopoea processionea (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Notodontidae Foliage Feeding Insects
needle-shortening pine gall Thecodiplosis brachyntera Schwagrichen Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
bark beetle Theoborus ricini (Eggers) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
juniper carpet Thera juniperata (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
firebrat Thermobia domestica (Packard) Thysanura Lepismatidae Misc. Insects
grass mantid Thesprotia graminis (Scudder) Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
jumping spider Thiodina sylvana (Hentz, 1846) Araneae Salticidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
southern cloudy wing Thorybes bathyllus (J.E. Smith) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Eulophid wasp Thripobius semiluteus Boucek Hymenoptera Eulophidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
introduced basswood thrips Thrips calcaratus Uzel Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
palm thrips Thrips palmi Karny Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
gladiolus thrips Thrips simplex (Morison) Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
onion thrips Thrips tabaci Lindeman Thysanoptera Thripidae Rasping insects
petiole mining flies Thrypticus spp. Gerstaecker, 1864 Diptera Dolichopodidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
redshouldered stink bug Thyanta accerra McAtee Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
red shouldered stink bug Thyanta custator custator (Fabricius) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
red shouldered stink bug Thyanta custator (Fabricius) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
western red-shouldered plant bug Thyanta pallidovirens Stal. Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
red shouldered stink bugs Thyanta spp. Stål, 1860 Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
odd beetle Thylodrias contractus Motschulsky Coleoptera Dermestidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
European skipper Thymelicus lineola (Ochsenheimer) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bagworm Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth) Lepidoptera Psychidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
scale Thysanococcus pandani Stickney, 1943 Hemiptera Halimococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bark beetles Thysanoes spp. LeConte, 1876 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
philodromid crab spider Tibellus spp. Simon, 1875 Araneae Philodromidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
dog-day cicada Tibicen canicularis (Harris) Hemiptera Cicadidae Root Feeding Insects
dog-day cicada Tibicen chloromera Walker, 1850 Hemiptera Cicadidae Root Feeding Insects
dog-day cicada Tibicen spp. Latreille, 1825 Hemiptera Cicadidae Root Feeding Insects
rice stinkbug Tibraca limbativentris (Stal.) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
bloof-vein moth Timandra griseata (Petersen) Lepidoptera Geometridae Foliage Feeding Insects
casemaking clothes moth Tinea pellionella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Tineidae Stored Products Insects
webbing clothes moth Tineola bisselliella (Hummel) Lepidoptera Tineidae Fabrics and Clothing Pests
elm leaf aphid Tinocallis ulmifolii (Monell) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Tiphiid wasp Tiphia spp. Fabricius, 1775 Hymenoptera Tiphiidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tiphiid wasp Tiphia vernalis Rohwer, 1924 Hymenoptera Tiphiidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
common crane fly Tipula oleracea Linnaeus Diptera Tipulidae Root Feeding Insects
European crane fly Tipula paludosa Meigen Diptera Tipulidae Root Feeding Insects
european crane flies Tipula spp. Linnaeus, 1758 Diptera Tipulidae Root Feeding Insects
Tischerid moth Tischeria decidua Wocke Lepidoptera Tischeriidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Tischerid moth Tischeria dodonea Stainton Lepidoptera Tischeriidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Tischerid moth Tischeria ekebladella (Bjerkander) Lepidoptera Tischeriidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
Tischerid moth Tischeria heinemanni Wocke Lepidoptera Tischeriidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
larch moth Tolype laricis (Fitch) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Misc. Insects
lappet moth Tolype notialis Franclemont, 1973 Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Misc. Insects
lappet moth Tolype velleda (Stoll, 1791) Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Misc. Insects
pine shoot beetle Tomicus destruens (Wollaston) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
lesser pine shoot beetle Tomicus minor (Hartig) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
common pine shoot beetle Tomicus piniperda (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
shoot beetles Tomicus spp. Latreille, 1807 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
brownheaded ash sawfly Tomostethus multicinctus (Rohwer) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
common sawfly Tomostethus nigritus (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
European oak leaf roller Tortrix viridana Linnaeus Lepidoptera Tortricidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
tuliptree scale Toumeyella liriodendri (Gmelin) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
pine tortoise scale Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
striped pine scale Toumeyella pini (King) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
irregular pine scale Toumeyella pinicola Ferris Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scale Toumeyella quadrifasciatum Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
soft scales Toumeyella spp. Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Syrphid fly Toxomerus geminatus (Say) Diptera Syrphidae Invertebrate Predators
bee flies Toxophora spp. Meigen, 1803 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
brown citrus aphid Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
mosquito Toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis (Dyar and Knab) Diptera Culicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
mealybug Trabutina mannipara Hemprich & Ehrenberg in Ehrenberg, 1829 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
flea beetle Trachyaphthona sordida (Baly) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
finned grasshopper Trachyrhachys aspera Scudder, 1876 Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
metalic wood-boring beetle Trachys minutus (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Buprestidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Tragidion coquus (Linnaeus, 1758) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
hairy pine borer Tragosoma depsarius (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
pigeon tremex Tremex columba (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Treptoplatypus oxyurus (Dufour) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bandedwinged whitefly Trialeurodes abutiloneus (Haldeman) Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Plant Disease Vectors
bloodsucking conenose Triatoma sanguisuga (LeConte) Hemiptera Reduviidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Stored Food Pests
confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Stored Food Pests
checkered beetle Trichodes nutalli Kirby Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
Clerid beetle Trichodes ornatus Say, 1823 Coleoptera Cleridae Invertebrate Predators
minute egg parasite Trichogramma minutum Riley Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
azalea leaf beetle Tricholochmaea rufosanguinea (Say) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (Hubner) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Tachinid fly Trichopoda giacomellii (Blanchard) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid fly Trichopoda pennipes (Fabricius, 1781) Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
Tachinid fly Trichopoda spp. Berthold, 1827 Diptera Tachinidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
musk thistle rosette weevil Trichosirocalus horridus (Panzer) Coleoptera Curculionidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
ambrosia beetles Tricolus spp. Blandford Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
delta flower scarab Trigonopeltastes delta Forster, 1771 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Misc. Insects
mealybug Trionymus frontalis McKenzie, 1967 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Haanchen mealybug Trionymus haancheni McKenzie, 1960 Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
robber fly Triorla interrupta (Macquart) Diptera Asilidae Invertebrate Predators
persimmon psylla Trioza diospyri (Ashmead) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
citrus psylla Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) Hemiptera Psyllidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
rabbitbrush beetle Trirhabda nitidicollis LeConte, 1865 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bark beetle Trischidias atoma Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Trischidias exigua Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetle Trischidias striata Atkinson Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus americanus Buquet Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus boliviensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus coelantennatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus dalmani Westwood Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus desjardinsi Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus goudoti Guerin Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus masoni Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus mexicanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus mirabilis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus oberthuri Wasmann Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus peruvianus Kirsch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trochoideus wasmanni Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
khapra beetle Trogoderma granarium Everts Coleoptera Dermestidae Stored Food Pests
Dermestid beetles Trogoderma spp. Berthold, 1827 Coleoptera Dermestidae Decaying-Matter Feeding Insects - Saprophagous
powderpost beetles Trogoxylon spp. Leconte, 1861 Coleoptera Bostrichidae Wood Product Pests
Ichneumonid wasp Trogus pennator (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
red velvet mite Trombidium spp. Fabricius, 1775 Acari Trombidiidae *Mites and Ticks
giant brown cricket Tropidacris dux (Drury) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
ash plant bug Tropidosteptes amoenus Reuter Hemiptera Miridae Piercing and Sucking Insects
skin beetle Trox unistriatus Beauvois Coleoptera Trogidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
skin beetle Trox variolatus Melsheimer Coleoptera Trogidae Carrion Feeding Insects - Necrophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus apicalis Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus appendiculatus appendiculatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus appendiculatus triplex Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus arrowi Villiers Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus attenuatus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus avus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus basilewskyi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus bifasciatus Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus bomansi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus chopardi Villiers Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus dubius Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus erotyloides Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus frater Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus fryanus Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus gracilipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus hydroporoides Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus imperator Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus kenyanus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus kinduensis Villiers Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus latipes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus lobiventris Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus longanimis (Thompson) Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus m-flavus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus mocquerysi Villiers Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus mongonensis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus nigromaculatus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus nitidus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus occulatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus ovatus Arrow Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus raffrayi Gorham Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus rufocinctus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus satrapes Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus senegalensis Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus stanleyi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus stroheckeri Villiers Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus tricolor Gerstaecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus unifasciatus Pic Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus villiersi Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus virilis Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus vittatus Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Trycherus wittei Strohecker Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
marsh fly Trypetoptera canadensis (Macquart, 1843) Diptera Sciomyzidae Misc. Insects
European hardwood ambrosia beetle Trypodendron domesticum (Linnaeus) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
striped ambrosia beetle Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Trypodendron scabricollis LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Trypodendron signatum (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Trypodendron spp. Stephens, 1830 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
giant willow aphid Tuberolachnus salignus (Gmellin) Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
peacock mite Tuckerella spp. Womersley Acari Tuckerellidae *Mites and Ticks
chigoe Tunga penetrans (Linnaeus) Siphonaptera Pulicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
strawberry crown borer Tyloderma fragariae (Riley) Coleoptera Curculionidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
ash and privet borer Tylonotus bimaculatus Haldeman Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
leafhoppers Tylozygus spp. Fieber, 1865 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Typhlocyba albicans (Walsh) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
white apple leafhopper Typhlocyba pomaria McAtee Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
long-horned beetle Typocerus lunulata (Swederus, 1787) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Typocerus octonotata (Haldeman, 1847) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Typocerus serraticornis Linsley and Chemsak, 1976 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetles Typocerus spp. LeConte Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
banded flower longhorn beetle Typocerus velutina Olivier Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Typocerus zebra (Olivier, 1795) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
mold mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) Acari Acaridae *Mites and Ticks
field bindweed moth Tyta luctuosa (Denis & Schiffermüller) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
robust camel cricket Udeopsylla robusta (Haldeman, 1850) Orthoptera Rhaphidophoridae Misc. Insects
featherlegged orbweaver Uloborus glomosus (Walckenaer, 1842) Araneae Uloboridae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
owl fly Ululodes quadrimaculatus (Say, 1824) Neuroptera Ascalaphidae Misc. Insects
armored scale Unachionaspis tenuis (Maskell) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
citrus snow scale Unaspis citri (Comstock) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
euonymus scale Unaspis euonymi (Comstock) Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
arrowhead scale Unaspis yanonensis Kuwana Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
dorantes longtail Urbanus dorantes (Stoll) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
bean leafroller Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms
white-horned horntail Urocerus albicornis (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
Siricid woodwasp Urocerus augur (Klug) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
Siricid woodwasp Urocerus cressoni Norton, 1864 Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
yellow-horned horntail Urocerus gigas flavicornis (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
giant wood wasp Urocerus gigas gigas (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
Siricid woodwasp Urocerus taxodii (Ashmead, 1904) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
aphid Uroleucon ambrosiae Thomas, 1878 Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
potato aphid Uroleucon pseudambrosiae Olive Hemiptera Aphididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
banded gall fly Urophora affinis (Frauenfeld) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
Canada thistle stem gall fly Urophora cardui (Linnaeus) Diptera Tephritidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
UV knapweed seedhead fly Urophora quadrifasciata (Meigen) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
yellow star thistle gall fly Urophora sirunaseva (Hering) Diptera Tephritidae Gallmaker Insects
plumeless thistle gall fly Urophora solstitialis (Linnaeus) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
gall flies Urophora spp. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bull thistle gall fly Urophora stylata (Fabricius) Diptera Tephritidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bella moth Utetheisa bella (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Arctiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
southern scorpion Vaejovis carolinianus (Beauvois) Scorpiones Vaejovidae Misc. Insects
scarab beetle Valgus canaliculatus Fabricius Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Foliage Feeding Insects
West coast lady Vanessa annabella (Field) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
red admiral Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
painted lady butterfly Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Kamehameha butterfly Vanessa tameamea Eschscholtz Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Mariposa Vanessa terpsichore Philippi, 1859 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
American lady Vanessa virginiensis (Drury) Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Foliage Feeding Insects
honey bee varroa mite Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman, 2000 Acari Varroidae *Mites and Ticks
varroa mite Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans Acari Varroidae *Mites and Ticks
maple spindlegall mite Vasates aceriscrummena (Riley) Acari Eriophyidae Gallmaker Insects
maple bladdergall mite Vasates quadripedes Shimer Acari Eriophyidae *Mites and Ticks
armored scales Velataspis spp. Ferris, 1937 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
orbweaver Verrucosa arenata (Walckenaer, 1842) Araneae Araneidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
European hornet Vespa crabro Linnaeus Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
forest yellowjacket Vespula acadica (Sladen, 1918) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
prairie yellowjacket Vespula atropilosa (Sladen) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
German yellowjacket Vespula germanica (Fabricius) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
eastern yellowjacket Vespula maculifrons (Buysson) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
western yellowjacket Vespula pensylvanica (Saussure) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
yellowjacket Vespula spp. (Thomson, 1869) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
southern yellowjacket Vespula squamosa (Drury) Hymenoptera Vespidae Invertebrate Predators
bee fly Villa alternata Say, 1823 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
bee fly Villa lateralis Say, 1823 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
bee flies Villa spp. Lioy, 1864 Diptera Bombyliidae Invertebrate Predators
stellate scale Vinsonia stellifera (Westwood) Hemiptera Coccidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
grape root borer Vitacea polistiformis (Harris) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Root Feeding Insects
lesser grape root borer Vitacea scepsiformis (Henry Edwards) Lepidoptera Sesiidae Root Feeding Insects
mealybug on Caralluma Vryburgia trionymoides De Loto Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
grape sawfly Waldheimia vitis (Harris) Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Foliage Feeding Insects
northern broken-dash Wallengrenia egeremet (Scudder) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
southern broken-dash Wallengrenia otho (Smith) Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Foliage Feeding Insects
horse fly Whitneyomyia beatificus (Whitney, 1914) Diptera Tabanidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
Braconid wasp Wroughtonia occidentalis (Cresson, 1865) Hymenoptera Braconidae Invertebrate Parasites and Parasitoids
red shanks grasshopper Xanthippus corallipes (Haldeman, 1852) Orthoptera Acrididae Foliage Feeding Insects
seed bug Xanthochilus saturnius (Rossi, 1790) Hemiptera Lygaeidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
handsome fungus beetle Xenomycetes laversi Hatch Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
handsome fungus beetle Xenomycetes morrisoni Horn Coleoptera Endomychidae Fungus Feeding Insects - Mycophagous
oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) Siphonaptera Pulicidae Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous
bee fly Xenox tigrinus (De Geer, 1776) Diptera Bombyliidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
woodwasp Xeris spectrum (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Siricidae Boring Insects
mesquite scale Xerophilaspis prosopidis Cockerell, 1895 Hemiptera Diaspididae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Xestia badicollis Xestia badicollis (Grote) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Xestia elimata Xestia elimata (Guenée) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
woodwasp Xiphydria longicollis (Geoffroy) Hymenoptera Xiphydriidae Boring Insects
woodwasps Xiphydria spp. Latreille, 1802 Hymenoptera Xiphydriidae Boring Insects
waterhyacinth stalk borer Xubida infusella (Walker) Lepidoptera Crambidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine shoot gall sawfly Xyela gallicaulis Smith Hymenoptera Xyelidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pine catkin sawflies Xyela spp. Dalman, 1819 Hymenoptera Xyelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bark beetle Xyleborinus alni Niijima, 1909 Coleoptera Curculionidae Chewing Insects
bark beetle Xyleborinus andrewesi (Blandford) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborinus exiguus (Walker, 1859) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Asian ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
thickset scolytid borer Xyleborinus solidus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Xyleborinus spp. Reitter, 1913 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus atratus Eichhoff Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus biuncus Browne Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus californicus Wood Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus celsus Eichhoff Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus cryptographus (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
European shot-hole borer Xyleborus dispar (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus dryographus (Ratzeburg) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus duodecimspinatus Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
black twig borer Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
redbay ambrosia beetle Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus granulipes Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus haberkorni Eggers Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus horridus Eichhoff, 1869 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus monographus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus nitens Browne Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus pelliculosus Eichhoff Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus perforans (Wollaston) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus perplexus Schedl Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus pubescens Zimmermann, 1868 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus pumilus Eggers Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyleborus sayi Hopkins Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
bark beetles Xyleborus spp. Eichhoff, 1864 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus volvulus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xyleborus xylographus (Say) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Xylechinus spp. Chapuis, 1869 Coleoptera Curculionidae Bark Beetles and Phloem Feeding Insects
Virginia creeper deathwatch beetle Xyletinus peltatus (Harris) Coleoptera Anobiidae Wood Product Pests
redshouldered bostrichid beetle Xylobiops basilaris (Say) Coleoptera Bostrichidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xylocleptes bispinus (Duftschmid, 1825) Coleoptera Curculionidae Root Feeding Insects
giant coccid Xylococculus alni Florence, 1917 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant coccid Xylococculus betulae Pergande, 1898 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant coccid Xylococculus macrocarpae Coleman, 1908 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
giant coccids Xylococculus quercus Ehrhorn, 1900 Hemiptera Margarodidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
carpenter bee Xylocopa micans Lepeletier, 1841 Hymenoptera Apidae Chewing Insects
carpenter bees Xylocopa spp. (Latreille, 1802) Hymenoptera Apidae Nectar and Pollen Feeding Insects
carpenter bee Xylocopa virginica (Linnaeus) Hymenoptera Apidae Boring Insects
tersa sphinx Xylophanes tersa (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Sphingidae Foliage Feeding Insects
black twig borer Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
granulate ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
Brown coffee twig beetle Xylosandrus morigerus (Blandford) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
camphor shot borer Xylosandrus mutilatus (Blandford) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
ambrosia beetles Xylosandrus spp. Reitter, 1913 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetle Xyloterinus politus (Say, 1826) Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
bark beetles Xyloterinus spp. Swaine, 1918 Coleoptera Curculionidae Boring Insects
gallmaking maple borer Xylotrechus aceris Fisher Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
rustic borer Xylotrechus colonus (Fabricius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Xylotrechus pantherinus (Savenius) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetles Xylotrechus spp. Chevrolat, 1860 Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
long-horned beetle Xylotrechus undulatus (Say) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
red headed sharpshooter Xyphon fulgida (Nottingham) Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
leafhopper Xyphon sagittifera Uhler, 1895 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
crab spider Xysticus gulosus Keyserling, 1880 Araneae Thomisidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
ground crab spiders Xysticus spp. C.L. Koch, 1835 Araneae Thomisidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
thrice-banded crab spider Xysticus triguttatus Keyserling, 1880 Araneae Thomisidae *Spiders, Scorpions, and Centipedes
monkeypod roundheaded borer Xystrocera globosa (Olivier) Coleoptera Cerambycidae Boring Insects
ground mantid Yersiniops solitarium (Scudder) Mantodea Mantidae Invertebrate Predators
euonymus caterpillar Yponomeuta cagnagella (Hubner) Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Foliage Feeding Insects
apple ermine moth Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Chewing Insects
soldier fly Zabrachia polita Coquillet Diptera Stratiomyidae Invertebrate Predators
Mexican bean weevil Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
conifer sawfly Zadiprion townsendi (Cockerell) Hymenoptera Diprionidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Buchholz's Zale Moth Zale buchholzi McDunnough Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Zale moth Zale curema (J.B. Smith) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
pine false looper Zale moth Zale duplicata (Bethune) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
brown-spotted Zale Zale helata (J.B. Smith) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
washed-out Zale Zale metatoides McDunnough Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
oblique Zale Zale obliqua (Guenée) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
gray-banded Zale moth Zale squamularis (Drury) Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Zale submediana Zale submediana Strand Lepidoptera Noctuidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce bud moth Zeiraphera canadensis Muturra & Freeman Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
larch budmoth Zeiraphera diniana Guenee Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
larch bud moth Zeiraphera improbana (Walker) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
spruce bud moth Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Saxesen) Lepidoptera Tortricidae Seed, Cone, Flower, Bud and Fruit Damaging Insects
bud moths Zeiraphera spp. Treitschke Lepidoptera Tortricidae Foliage Feeding Insects
purplestriped shootworm Zeiraphera unfortunana Powell Lepidoptera Tortricidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
pine needle sheathminer Zelleria haimbachi Busck Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Leafmining Insects - Needlemining insects
assassin bug Zelus exsanguis Stal Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
assassin bug Zelus longipes (Linnaeus) Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
assassin bug Zelus luridus Stal, 1862 Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
assassin bugs Zelus spp. Fabricus, 1803 Hemiptera Reduviidae Invertebrate Predators
Southern dogface Zerene cesonia (Stoll) Lepidoptera Pieridae Foliage Feeding Insects
Chrysomelid beetle Zeugophora flavicollis (Marsham) Coleoptera Megalopodidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
poplar blackmine beetle Zeugophora scutellaris Suffrian Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Terminal, Tip, Stem and Shoot Insects
St. John's wart midge Zeuxidiplosis giardi (Kieffer) Diptera Cecidomyiidae Gallmaker Insects
leopard moth Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera Cossidae Boring Insects
blue stink bug Zicrona caeruleus (Linnaeus, 1758) Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piercing and Sucking Insects
Zonitis atripennis Zonitis atripennis Say Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
Zonitis sayi Zonitis sayi Wickham Coleoptera Meloidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Zygogramma conjuncta (Rogers, 1856) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Zygogramma continua LeConte, 1868 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Zygogramma disrupta (Rogers, 1856) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
sunflower beetle Zygogramma exclamationis (Fabricius) Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects
leaf beetle Zygogramma heterothecae Linell, 1896 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Foliage Feeding Insects

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