W3C Web Accessibility Initiative > WAI IG Home Page

WAI Interest Group Meeting
Saturday 20 March 2004, Los Angeles, California, USA

Participation - Registration - Location - Hotels - Transportation - Agenda - Readings - Minutes


Participation is open to participants in the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) WAI Interest Group (WAI IG), and those interested in learning more about WAI.

This WAI IG meeting is held from 3:00pm to 6:30pm on the Saturday immediately following the "Technology and Persons with Disabilities" conference (otherwise known as "CSUN 2004").

Please note that there is also a meeting of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) on Saturday 20 March 2004 and Sunday 21 March 2004 for which pre-registration is required.

If you have not previously attended WAI events, we recommend that you explore the WAI Web site and/or attend any of the several WAI sessions during the CSUN 2004 conference.


Pre-registration by Friday 19 March 2004 is required for everyone attending the WAI IG meeting.


Atlanta-Boston Room
L.A. Airport Marriott
5855 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90045, USA


L.A. Airport Marriott
5855 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90045, USA
Phone : +1 310 641 5700
TTY: +1 800 228 7014
Fax: +1 310 337 5358


Hilton Los Angeles Airport
5711 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
310/410-4000 (V)
310/410-6250 (Fax)

Additional hotels are available in the Los Angeles airport area.



Saturday, March 20, 2002



Last updated 15 March 2004 by Judy Brewer <jbrewer @w3.org>