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Machine tags


straup  專業使用者  說︰

[Note : I work here and this message was also sent to the API mailing list]

We are rolling out a new feature called "machine tags" that allows users to be more precise in how they tag, and how they search, their photos.

Many of you may already be familiar with machine tags by another name (triple tags) or because you are already using them, informally, in your code (for example, "geo:long=123.456").

"Machine tags" is the technical term for the extra hamsters we've added to the Flickr servers to formalize how these sorts of tags are treated. I've included a "Ceci n'est pas un FAQ" below with all the details.

For the moment, machine tags are principally an API "thing". The photo pages have been updated to display tags a little differently but otherwise all the magic you can perform with machine tags happens here at the API layer. (This includes the special wildcard syntax for searching photos with machine tags.)



# What are machine tags?

Machine tags are tags that use a special syntax to define extra information
about a tag.

Machine tags have a namespace, a predicate and a value. The namespace defines a class or a facet that a tag belongs to ('geo', 'flickr', etc.) The predicate is name of the property for a namespace ('latitude', 'user', etc.) The value is, well, the value.

Like tags, there are no rules for machine tags beyond the syntax to specify the parts of a machine tag. For example, you could tag a photo with :

* flickr:user=straup

* flora:tree=coniferous

* medium:paint=oil

* geo:quartier="plateau mont royal"

* geo:neighbourhood=geo:quartier

Flickr has already used machine tags, informally, on a couple of occasions :

- When we launched Maps, we provided a way for people who had
"geotagged" their photos to import their location data. This was
done using the "geo:lat=..." and "geo:lon=..." tags.

- When a user tags an event with an upcoming ID (for example :
"upcoming:event=81334") we display a link back to the upcoming.org
site. A similar example is the excellent "Flickr Upcoming Event"
greasemonkey script :


Dan Catt wrote a very good piece about machine tags - he called them "triple tags" - last year :


Update : Dan's gone and written another excellent piece about all of this stuff now that we've launched machine tags:



# What is the spec for machine tags?

Machine tags are divided in to three parts :

1) A "namespace" :

Namespaces MUST begin with any character between a - z; remaining
characters MAY be a - z, 0 - 9 and underbars. Namespaces are

2) A "predicate" :

Predicates MUST begin with any character between a - z; remaining
characters MAY be a - z, 0 - 9 and underbars. Namespaces are

3) A "value" :

Values MAY contain any characters that a "plain vanilla" tags
use. Values may also contain spaces but, like regular tags, they
need to wrapped in quotes.

Namespace and predicates are separated by a colon : ":"

Predicates and values are separated by an equals symbol : "="

For example :

* flickr:user=straup

* geo:locality="san francisco"


# Why can't I use non-ASCII characters for namespaces and predicates ?

Simple steps, first.


# Can I define another machine tag as the value of a machine tag?

Sure, but it will not be processed as a machine tag itself.


# How do I add machine tags?

By adding tags! No, really.

Machine tags are added *exactly* the same as any other tag whether it is done through the website or the API.

When the Flickr supercomputer processes your tags, we take a moment to check
whether it is a machine tag. If it is we leverage the powerful Do What I Mean engine to, well, do what you mean.


# How do I query machine tags?

Via the API!

Specifically, using the "machinetags" parameter in the 'flickr.photos.search' method. Like tags, you can specify multiple machine tags as a comma separated list.


# Can I query the various part of a machine tag?

Yes. Aside from passing in a fully formed machine tag, there is a special syntax for searching on specific properties :

* Find photos using the 'dc' namespace :

{"machine_tags" => "dc:"}

* Find photos with a title in the 'dc' namespace :

{"machine_tags" => "dc:title="}

* Find photos titled "mr. camera" in the 'dc' namespace :

{"machine_tags" => "dc:title=\"mr. camera\"}

* Find photos whose value is "mr. camera" :

{"machine_tags" => "*:*=\"mr. camera\""}

* Find photos that have a title, in any namespace :

{"machine_tags" => "*:title="}

* Find photos that have a title, in any namespace, whose value is "mr. camera" :

{"machine_tags" => "*:title=\"mr. camera\""}

* Find photos, in the 'dc' namespace whose value is "mr. camera" :

{"machine_tags" => "dc:*=\"mr. camera\""}


# Is there a limit to the number of machine tags I can query?

Yes. The limit depends on the tag mode (ALL or ANY) that you are querying
with. "ALL" (AND) queries are limited to (16) machine tags. "ANY" (OR) queries are limited to (8).


# Can I do range queries on machine tags?

No. Not yet, anyway.

It is a hard problem for reasons far too dull to get in to here. It's on the list.


# Are machine tag namespaces reserved?

No. Anyone can use a namespace for anything they want.

If you are concerned about colliding namespaces you should consider adding an additional machine tag to define your namespace. For example :


Like tags, in general, we expect (hope?) that the community will develop its own standards by consensus over time.


# What about all the machine tags that are already in the Flickr database?

At the moment, they are still treated as plain old tags.

We have plans to go back and re-import them as machine tags but for now, only new tags will be processed as machine tags.

In the meantime, if you re-save a machine from the 'edit this tag' page it will be re-imported as a machine tag.


# Is the predicate *really* a predicate?

You are in a dark cave. In the corner is a fire and a man making bunny shadows on the wall with his hands. Whether or not it's really a 'predicate' depends on how much time you spend on the semantic-web mailing list. ;-)

It's close enough to being a predicate that it makes for a good short-hand.


# Wait, aren't machine tags just RDF?

No, machine tags are not RDF; they could play RDF on television, though.

See also :



# Huh, what is RDF ?

RDF Describes Flickr. That's really all you need to know about RDF.
最初發表於 2007年1月24日 上午10時11分 PST ( 永久連結 )
straup 編輯此主題 24個月前。


Jef Poskanzer  專業使用者  說︰


For your convenience, here's a pointer to the rest of my suggestions about machine tags: www.flickr.com/groups/api/discuss/72157594355854310/
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


dopiaza 是群組主持人 dopiaza  專業使用者  說︰

This is great news - thanks very much!
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


aefitzhugh  專業使用者  說︰

Really nice to see this go live! Only wish I had time to play with it right now....
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Dan Coulter  專業使用者  說︰

If anyone is interested in joining a group to discuss a standardized system for assigning these machine tags, check out this group that I setup: flickr.com/groups/mtags/

Anyone and everyone is welcome.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


dajobe  專業使用者  說︰

I've just noticed that API calls returning a tag element now have a new XML attribute machine_tag="0" or "1".
最初發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
dajobe 編輯此主題 24個月前。


factoryjoe  專業使用者  說︰

Rock on. I think this is cool. (If it's not, someone tell me, m'kay?)
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


stuartwhite  專業使用者  說︰

Fantastic Stuff... I wondered what this was all about last night when I added a new feature to my website (pinkspots.net). the feature allows users to tag flickr photos of bars/clubs with special tags in order to display those particular photos of on the related venue page of my site.

I was adding the tags in the format pinkspots:venue=venueid and when testing the feature by tagging a few of my own photos they were appearing in flickr as Machine Tags - this confused me, but now it all makes sence! - thank you straup for clearing this up for me, and thanks flickr for doing such a grand job!
最初發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
stuartwhite 編輯此主題 24個月前。


staffies2002 說︰

This is one of the great improvement!!! I'm so excited :-) Wonderful idea
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


rhodes  專業使用者  說︰

This all sounds very appealing to me. Especially the API integration. I'm curious to see new community built extensions coming out of this.
Glad to see the range querying is on the list.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


cdevroe  專業使用者  說︰

I like the idea for sure, I just wonder if this feature would ever get any real traction with the end user? Will there be an interface built by Flickr to add machine tags to our photos?
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


danbri  專業使用者  說︰

This is great stuff :) Still digesting what exactly it means in practice. Eg. whether I could set up default tag prefix URIs for my stream somehow so I don't need to declare xmlns:dc once for each photos. And wondering how, if at all, the Perl CPAN Flickr archiver will turn these tags into RDF...
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Tom (hmm a rosa tint)  專業使用者  說︰

cdevero: Look at the upcoming.org example, with the right interfaces I'm betting this will get a lots of traction.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


cdevroe  專業使用者  說︰

Tom: Oh, I have no doubt that this will be picked up by the "Web 2.0" community at large. In fact, it already has it seems.

I'm talking about the Moms and Pops out there that, even though Flickr makes tagging dead simple, still have problems using tags at all.

I suppose my question was: Will the interface for ADDING tags be updated to accommodate machine tags and make them more mainstream?
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Wooble 說︰

I'm not sure it makes much sense for the Flickr site to do anything more wrt adding machine tags than it does already; surely to do more than letting users enter them manually the site would need to know the details of every single namespace being used by anyone anywhere and then put some incredibly complex UI in to handle entering them?
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


stillthedudeabides  專業使用者  說︰

Awesome! I've been wanting something like this forever... Specifically, I want to add a machine tag which identifies the original photo on my computer without polluting my "tag namespace"

Thanks guys!
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


evilnick  專業使用者  說︰

I agree with wooble - tag adding can probably left for upload clients for now - let them bash out a way of doing it accessibly.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


lumis  專業使用者  說︰

very nice just what i was waiting for
i just added a PhotoBlog to my www.lumis.com/lumisGallery/ lumisGallery script which will use the machine tags to define blog categories right now the categories are not done but the blog is there if anyone wants to download it and give it a try and is pulling from the defined namespace.

lots of potential here for the machine tags
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Kai Hendry  專業使用者  說︰

Any updates on getting some thing like a md5sum 'machine' tag?

I would like to know what pictures I have uploaded, to I can keep them in sync with my local collection.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


destinyuk*  專業使用者  說︰

That is a great idea. Imagine being able to 'sync' all your computers in the real world with flickr, now that the upload limit has gone.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Mr. Tang  專業使用者  說︰

@drag: I thought the "secret" could be useful for that a while ago, but there was no conclusion in the end:

Here is the thread:

Lets just hope the photoid will always stay like this...
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Wooble 說︰

It shouldn't be too difficult to build an application that tags all of your photos with something like checksum:md5=[whatever], but the bandwidth it would use could get unwieldy, as I assume you'd need to app to download all of your original photos to calculated the checksums on them.
最初發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
Wooble 編輯此主題 24個月前。


Mr. Tang  專業使用者  說︰

@wooble: Downloading all and compared Is what I did ;-)
I then noticed I didn't find some of the originals on Flickr back when cross referencing the checksum. It turned out some Flickr "Original" photos got 0x0A (newline) at the end (making them one byte longer).
Something like 100 in 9000 photos were like this. Probably a bug in one of the "uploadr's" I used but I'm uncertain which one (I use email, sync API and the web thing)...
I don't tag my photos (I still consider it ugly) but I keep a local db with the Flickr ID and a reference to the local unique filename. Technically I can extend my local db and add more fields (title for example or tags).
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


WeatherQuality 說︰

I noticed that when you specify 'extra=tags' in the search api, then machine tags are returned with all the ":" and "=" still present (unlike the old days when those characters were stripped out). This change broke my scripts, but it is a change for the better.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


striatic  專業使用者  說︰

now that there is a limit of 75 tags per photo, will machine tags be counted in the 75?
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


straup  專業使用者  說︰

For the moment, yes. Machine tags will be counted toward the limit of 75 tags per photo.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Tom (hmm a rosa tint)  專業使用者  說︰

@draq: What about designing a tool that will download the small preview image, work out the md5 and add it back as a machine tag.

Could this work for spotting duplicate uploads?
最初發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
Tom (hmm a rosa tint) 編輯此主題 24個月前。


Wooble 說︰

@Tom: I don't believe this would work for identifying which of your original images you've uploaded, as the preview image is generated at Flickr. You'd need to also have a way in your local image collection of associating the preview image with your original. It'd probably be far less work to assign a unique ID to each of your images before you upload them anywhere and have your Flickr upload software add a machine tag with that unique ID.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Evan Prodromou  專業使用者  說︰

@straup: in your example about the Plateau (yay, Plateau Mont-Royal, BTW), you misspelled "quartier". "cartier" is a synonym and a proper name, like "Jacques Cartier".

Other notes: machine:tags=awesome . Good work.
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Evan Prodromou  專業使用者  說︰

Argh. IMTS "homonym".
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


straup  專業使用者  說︰

Evan Prodromou - Thanks! That's what I get for being away from home for so long...
發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


dajobe  專業使用者  說︰

Announcing: Flickcurl - C API to Flickr

I wanted to play with machine tags and RDF, and I work in C so I've made a C library to call Flickr's web services to read photo metadata, with demonstration of generating RDF triples from it. These two parts are separable, so if you just want a C library to Flickr, you get that too.

發表於 24個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Jef Poskanzer  專業使用者  說︰

I noticed a photo with geotags where flickr.photos.getInfo returns machine_tag="0" and yet when I go to the flickr page and view the photo, those tags are hidden as they should be.

Here's the photo: www.flickr.com/photos/jef/33437567/
I imagine it's not hard to find other examples.

Is flickr's own UI not using the machine_tag attribute? Because old machine tags haven't been re-classified yet?
發表於 23個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


PhotoGraham  專業使用者  說︰

I saw a comment somewhere that only new tags are treated as machine tags. I don't have a reference though.
發表於 23個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


straup  專業使用者  說︰

Jef -

Yes, it is because that particular tag has not been re-indexed yet.

A "re-index all your machine tags" page is in the works, but it needs to be an explicit action on the part of individual users because machine tags are "cleaned" differently, thus changing URLs for the tag pages themselves.
發表於 23個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Jef Poskanzer  專業使用者  說︰

So the UI is ignoring the machine_tag attribute and instead deciding on its own whether a tag is machine or not? Maybe I should do the same.
發表於 23個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


SeLuSaVa  專業使用者  說︰

The correct is geo:long,
not geo:lon. I see maprr

最初發表於 22個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
SeLuSaVa 編輯此主題 22個月前。


PetroleumJelliffe  專業使用者  說︰

anyone know of a machine tag usage for airport codes? Can't seem to find any mention of it.
發表於 22個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


davipt  專業使用者  說︰

I was once been tagged with a set of aero:* tags like the following:

Dunno if there is some standard definition for those though...
最初發表於 22個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
davipt 編輯此主題 22個月前。


Merkur*  專業使用者  說︰

oK, Can someone explain to me as if I was 8 yrs old, what do I gain by using
aero:airport=dlh vs adding three simple tags to my photo i.e. aero airport and dlh ???

I'm curious to start using the mtags, but yeah, what exactly do I gain?
發表於 17個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Mark Eichin  專業使用者  說︰

(stale, but since it's still open) The key is disambiguation - humans are good at it, machines aren't. In your example, "dlh" by itself, is pretty likely to be an airport, but the one near me is BED - if I'm looking for pictures of hanscom field (BEDford, MA) I will *never* find them with a search for bed. aero:airport=bed, though, is pretty clear.

Not everything is susceptible to that kind of clarification - but baby steps, going after the things that *are*, is still worthwhile :-)
發表於 15個月前。 ( 永久連結 )

doctor house flckr [已刪除] 說:


yes Dunno if there is some standard definition for those though...

最初發表於 12個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
doctor house flckr 編輯此主題 12個月前。


WeatherQuality 說︰

When I retrieve machine tags (or any tags) using the Flickr API, then I seem to pull back a 'normalized' version of the tag. In particular, all letters seem to be converted to lower case, and punctuation and spaces are removed. This is a real pain. I'm using the photos.search api if it makes any difference.

Does anybody have a workaround for this, or is this a known bug?

發表於 11個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


matt  專業使用者  說︰

Does anybody have a workaround for this, or is this a known bug?

It's a frustrating limitation, that's for sure: you can find 'raw' versions of the tags, but search works on the normalised versions, which means that a:b=-1 and a:b=1 aren't distinguishable on a large scale – you have to check each individual result.
發表於 11個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


leenbesselink 說︰

Triplets ? That sounds a lot like symantic web.
發表於 11個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


hardbutnot  專業使用者  說︰

I've been attempting to use sort with machine tags in the same photos.search api. Seems the sort is working to date level ONLY, even though the original photos are timestamped. I suppose I could attempt to sort inside my application, but ... is this a known bug / is there a workaround?

to reproduce, go to www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/
user id = 85097477@N00
tags = walkhome
sort = date-taken-asc
machine tags = geo:lat=, geo:lon=, geo:dir=
machine tag mode = any
extras = date_taken

first three results:
<photo id="978048548" owner="85097477@N00" secret="ad5dcdb8d5" server="1259" farm="2" title="DSC00289" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" datetaken="2007-08-01 17:59:32" datetakengranularity="0"/>
<photo id="977179253" owner="85097477@N00" secret="011da408b7" server="1416" farm="2" title="DSC00285" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" datetaken="2007-08-01 17:57:06" datetakengranularity="0"/>
<photo id="978039486" owner="85097477@N00" secret="df95c760e9" server="1270" farm="2" title="DSC00286" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" datetaken="2007-08-01 17:58:02" datetakengranularity="0"/>

remove the machine tag bits and the first three results are correctly...
<photo id="978031002" owner="85097477@N00" secret="4a3bd3f881" server="1253" farm="2" title="DSC00283" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" datetaken="2007-08-01 17:55:29" datetakengranularity="0"/>
<photo id="977176661" owner="85097477@N00" secret="3c646cda47" server="1346" farm="2" title="DSC00284" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" datetaken="2007-08-01 17:56:24" datetakengranularity="0"/>
<photo id="977179253" owner="85097477@N00" secret="011da408b7" server="1416" farm="2" title="DSC00285" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" datetaken="2007-08-01 17:57:06" datetakengranularity="0"/>
發表於 11個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Wooble 說︰

The "better" one is whatever works for you.

Of course, not posting spam to groups and getting your account and all of your photos deleted would make all of your tags work better.
發表於 11個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


sopues  專業使用者  說︰

Think foaf+Machine tags+notes. Anyone? :)
發表於 7個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


rachana1101 說︰

Hey I am new to Flickr API, is it possible to add machine tag to the other users photos through API or its only possible after they give permission for auth_token??
發表於 7個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


Silly Luis  專業使用者  說︰

rachana1101: Machine tags are treated like normal tags in this regard, so all the limitations to adding tags apply to them too.
發表於 7個月前。 ( 永久連結 )


robert.jurjevic 說︰

May I ask if people are using machine-tagging on Flickr, and if there is an official or unofficial body which regulates the usage.

Is it possible to use machine-tags for technical info about the photo equipment, i.e. camera body, lens, etc., or this is supposed to be in EXIF or the like? Say..

gear:body="Olympus E-1"
gear:lens="Sigma 30mm f1.4 EX DC HSM"

gear:camera="Canon PowerShot G5"

最初發表於 2個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
robert.jurjevic 編輯此主題 2個月前。


 blech  專業使用者  說︰

Funnily enough, I've just written up the script I use to set machine tags for EXIF data. I use three namespaces: exif for purely EXIF information (eg focal_length, aperture), camera: for make and model, and file: if there's filename data in the EXIF (the Canon 450D adds it).

As the linked post explains, all this is in the EXIF, but by copying it to machine tags, it's easier to search for using Flickr's search (both programatically and via the web interface).

Back when machinetags.org had a wiki, I did add documentation for the predicates I was using within the exif: namespace, but nobody else seems to use them anyway. I moved to camera:make= and camera:model= because there are other people using those. I also use the lens: namespace, but those are done by hand. (As to whether there's a regulatory body, no; if you're lucky a standard will emerge, but like ordinary tagging, it's very much bottom-up rather than top-down.)

Hope that helps.
最初發表於 2個月前。 ( 永久連結 )
 blech 編輯此主題 2個月前。


robert.jurjevic 說︰

Hello Paul,

Good stuff.

Sure, it looks like having EXIF info (either in their entirety or a chosen subset) as (standardized) machine tags should be useful, say I am not sure if I can get let say a list of top 50 photos sorted by some criteria (say interestingness) taken with certain camera make and lens, evan I might get EXIF info for each photo I guess I would have to get all of the photos from Flickr ;) as I would need to sort them according to some criteria (though I cannot sort them by interestingness as there isn't a function which can tell which of the two photos is more interesting), etc.

I think that Flickr could do it on the server side, rather than having a third party client software which requires authentication of each user whose photos are to be EXIF machine tagged.

May I ask how many percent of the Flickr images are already EXIF machine tagged using your script?



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