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NIH Record

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Dear Editor,

I read with interest your "New Express Routes Let NIH'ers 'Save the Drive for the Office'" article in the Nov. 4 issue of the Record. However, there is a large part of the NIH community whose reaction has to be, "So what?"

My wife and I live in Frederick. We have tried on several occasions in the last 5 years to use the MTA bus that connects Francis Scott Key Mall with Shady Grove Metro. To my knowledge, so far no one has persuaded them to stop at one of the new locations for the convenience of NIH people. Of course, then there is this vast and growing number of NIH employees located off campus in Rockville, for whom no express services of any kind exist. For us, it is as it's always been: "Make do." What about us, transportation people?

I recently was approached about expanding the car pool that consists of my wife and myself. To give appropriate consideration, I called my insurance agent and discussed my liability in case of a chargeable accident. I discovered that I have no protection from legal complications because the NIH, city of Bethesda, or the multitude of environmental groups want, or demand that I carpool. Changes have to be made. A liability waiver for carpoolers is needed. Express services for those of us living farther than Gaithersburg would be encouraging. And consideration for those working at places like Executive Plaza and Rockledge is long overdue.

Al Plyler, CC/OD

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