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NIH Record


NIDCD's New Advisory Council Members

Dr. James Battey, Jr., (second from l), acting NIDCD director, recently welcomed new members to the institute's advisory council. They include (from l) David P. Corey, professor of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator; Rebecca Dresser, professor, School of Law, Case Western Reserve University; Orlando Taylor, dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Howard University; and Gregory T. Wolf, chair, department of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, University of Michigan Medical Center. Not shown is Virginia Stern, director, Project on Science, Technology and Disability at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Dr. Annette B. Wysocki

Dr. Annette B. Wysocki is the new scientific director of NINR. Before coming to NINR, she was director of nursing research at New York University Medical Center, where she was on the faculty of the department of dermatology. For the past 13 years, she has investigated the pathophysiology of chronic wounds to improve clinical management and care of chronic and acute surgical wounds. She has received grants to support investigations of the chronic wound environment in spinal cord injury and the effect of chronic wound fluids on matrix and cells. She is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and is listed in American Men and Women of Science. Her research has been presented and published internationally.

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