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NIH Record


Dr. Johnnye May Jones

Dr. Johnnye May Jones, dean of science at Hampton University and a 1995 graduate of NIH's Extramural Associates Program, recently received the 1997 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. Administered and funded by the National Science Foundation, the award recognizes outstanding achievements in and contributions to mentoring in scientific fields by individuals and groups.

AAAS Selects Five NIH'ers as Fellows

Five NIH'ers were among the 270 persons recently elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). They are: Dr. Wendy Baldwin, NIH deputy director for extramural research; Dr. Susan Gottesman, chief of the biochemical genetics section of NCI's Laboratory of Molecular Biology; Dr. Richard Hodes, NIA director; Dr. Stephen Koslow, director of NIMH's Division of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Research; and Dr. Sharon Wahl, chief of NIDR's Oral Infection and Immunity Branch.

Founded in 1848, AAAS represents the world's largest federation of scientists and has more than 144,000 members. The tradition of AAAS fellows distinction began in 1874. Fellows are elected because of their efforts toward advancing science or fostering applications that are deemed scientifically or socially distinguished. The new fellows will be presented with a certificate and pin during the 1998 AAAS annual meeting in Philadelphia.

Danielle Warfield

Danielle Warfield of NIGMS's public information office recently won the fire prevention slogan contest with her entry, "Fire Prevention -- It's Hot." Congratulated here by O.W. "Jim" Sweat, director of NIH's Division of Public Safety, which sponsored the contest, and Sparky the Fire Dog, Warfield received tickets to a local sports event, a home smoke detector and a portable fire extinguisher. In addition, her slogan will appear on 1998's NIH Fire Prevention Week posters and campaign materials.

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