Revised June 2007

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Weed identification

Summer annual broadleaf

Biennial broadleaf

Perennial broadleaf

Summer annual grass

Winter annual grass

Perennial grass

Plants resembling grasses


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Practical Weed Science for the Field Scout: Corn and Soybean

Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)

Summer annual broadleaf


Jimsonweed An erect summer annual with large white to purple flowers and a distinctive odor. Seedlings have cotyledons that are thick, hairless, long and linear in outline, and with a clearly evident midvein. The stem below the cotyledon (hypocotyl) is initially maroon in color toward the base, eventually becoming maroon throughout. Mature plants have leaves that occur on long stout petioles and are large (3 to 8 inches long, 6 inches wide), ovate, without hairs, and with a few large triangular teeth along the margin. The fruit is a large egg-shaped capsule covered with spines; it splits into four segments when mature.


IPM1007, revised June 2007

Wild thing