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Corner of tabWater Quality Standards and Special Projects Program

EvergladesEverglades Technical Support
Role and Responsibilities


The Water Quality Standards and Special Projects Program is responsible for implementing the Department’s technical responsibilities for Everglades Restoration activities required by the Everglades Forever Act (EFA; Section 373.4592, Florida Statutes). These responsibilities include:

  • Providing technical support to the Department's Office of General Counsel for litigation related to Everglades restoration
  • Providing technical support for legislative activities related to Everglades restoration, including drafting legislation and coordinating with the Joint Legislative Committee on Everglades Oversight.
  • Coordinating with other Department staff, state and federal agencies, industry representatives, and other groups in development and implementation of water-quality, biological, and other research and monitoring programs in the Everglades Protection Area (Water Conservation Areas 1, 2A, 2B, 3A,and 3B, the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, and the Everglades National Park as established in the Everglades Forever Act); evaluations of the water quality, biological, and other data from these programs; review and preparation of technical reports on topics related to Everglades restoration; implementation of  grants in support of Everglades research and monitoring activities; and rulemaking activities required under the EFA.
  • Directing the activities of the Everglades Technical Advisory Committee, a multi-agency technical committee formed to assist the Department in technical activities required by the EFA.
  • Coordinating with other Department staff, state and federal agencies, industry representatives, and other groups on permitting activities required under the EFA.

Everglades Phosphorus Criterion Screening Protocol: Total phosphorus data screening protocol referenced in subparagraph 62-302.540(f)2., F.A.C., of the “Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus Within the Everglades Protection Area”

Everglades Phosphorus Criterion Technical Support Document: Link to the technical support document used as part of developing the numeric phosphorus criterion for the Everglades Protection Area.

Meeting summaries of the Everglades Technical Advisory Committee: The Everglades Technical Advisory Committee was created by the Department to review and comment on the Everglades research and monitoring in support of the phosphorus criterion development, and to identify and resolve issues related to the process.

Everglades Protection Area Dissolved Oxygen Site Specific Alternative Criteria: (SSAC) Link to public workshop presentations and technical support documentation used to develop a Site Specific Alternative Criterion (SSAC) for Dissolved Oxygen in the Everglades Protection Area in order to formally recognize the natural variability that exists in Everglades marshes.

Related Everglades Links: Links to various sites containing information on the Everglades restoration. The links include sites such as The Everglades Information Network homepage, The South Florida Water Management District's homepage,  and other interesting sites regarding Everglades restoration.

Reports and Brochures on the Everglades Restoration: Links to reports such as the “Everglades Consolidated Report”, "A Protocol for Collecting Surface Water Samples in Marshes of the Florida Everglades", and other interesting reports containing information on Everglades.

Links to Related Topics:

For more information contact Frank Nearhoof  at 850/245-8420


Water Quality Standards and Special Projects Program
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
2600 Blair Stone Road - M.S. 3560
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Contact Us

Last updated: December 10, 2008

  2600 Blair Stone Road M.S. 3500   Tallahassee, Florida 32399   850-245-8336 (phone) / 850-245-8356 (fax) 
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