Developing A School Food Safety Program

Developing A School Food Safety ProgramDeveloping a food safety program for your district may sound challenging, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. The term ‘HACCP’ can be intimidating to some. However, the modified Process Approach used in this training resource incorporates all of the principles of HACCP. You don’t need to be concerned with the term or with the application of the individual HACCP principles, or the measures to control or prevent food safety hazards, because they are woven into the Process Approach.

The modified Process Approach is a streamlined, practical system that you can apply to your food service operation. Basing your program on this approach will provide a food safety program that is consistent with the USDA Guidance for School Food Authorities: Developing a School Food Safety Program Based on the Process Approach to HACCP Principles.

To help you develop your food safety program, Developing a Food Safety Program provides various training tools, worksheets, and templates for implementing a food safety program. The National Food Service Management Institute (NFSMI) developed these materials in cooperation with the USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s Child Nutrition Division and the Food Safety Unit. For information specific to the implementation of the guidance in your state, contact your State Agency.

Word® files require Microsoft® Word® software. PDF files require Adobe® Acrobat® software. PowerPoint® presentation files require Microsoft® PowerPoint® software.

Developing A School Food Safety Program Participant Workbook
PDF file

Template for Developing a School Food Safety Program
Word® file | PDF file

PowerPoint® Presentation

Food Safety Standard Operating Procedures

Developing A School Food Safety Program Streaming Video

Part I: Quick References Broadband | Dial-up

Part II: We Can Do This Broadband | Dial-up

Part III: Frequently Asked Questions Broadband | Dial-up

Complete Video: Broadband | Dial-up

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