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Data Validation and Restrictions in the GBIF network
- Electronic Conference (9 - 24 March 2004) -
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The European Network for Biodiversity Information (ENBI), invites you to take part in the second electronic conference: Data Validation and Restrictions in the GBIF network which will run from 9th - 24th March 2004.


The development of GBIF needs to take part of the great amount of information and collections stored and developed during centuries of taxonomic, distributional and ecological work, developed both by scientists and amateurs. However, two main issues must be taken into account, by ENBI and other networks and data providers, in relation with this matter.

One the one hand, to be useful, biodiversity data needs a quality control process to assess the correctness of taxonomic identification and the accuracy of the spatial reference. How to assess and communicate "quality indicators" on data is still an open question.

On the other hand, restrictions may be applied to the information provided in order to i) protect both endangered species or habitats, ii) Prevent doubtful data from being accessed and then misused, or iii) protect IP rights.

This e-conference is scheduled around 2 topics. The moderator will introduce the topic and will invite contributions from subscribers to the e-conference. The topics will have seven days each to run intensively. The two last days, before the closure date of the conference, will be dedicated to discuss about the most relevant topics arisen in the previous sessions.

Opening statement and moderation by Dr Nicolas Bailly

Topic 1: Data validation (9 - 15 March 2004).

a.How to validate taxonomic identification and spatial accuracy of GBIF specimen data?
b.Is it important to add fields accounting for the last taxonomic review of the specimen and/or collection, and the checklist or monograph used for it?
c.How to validate observational data?
d.Does ENBI and/or GBIF need a higher investment in taxonomy? Must we claim for it clearly in the EU?

Topic 2: Restrictions to data access (16 - 22 March 2004)

a.How to distinguish and filter data inside of GBIF? (e.g. observational vs. collection, protected species, etc.).
b.Should we restrict certain information (e.g. protected species distributions) to the general public, and how?
c.Regarding to the conservation of biodiversity, is it possible to make compatible both free information and access restrictions?
d.How could GBIF decide which data is reliable enough to be publicly accessible?
e.Is it possible to include also a field accounting for the accuracy of the taxonomic identification? Should it be based in the determination responsible and the monograph or checklist used?
f.How to protect IP rights? Should we include a moratorium for the use of data provided by a given scientist, in order to allow he/she to analyze and publish it? If this is so, how much time?
g.Different access for different users? Do we need a user registry system?

General discussion about the most relevant topics arisen in the previous sessions (23 - 24 March 2004)

The results of the second ENBI electronic conference will be presented at the first ENBI workshop in Pruhonice (Prague, Czech Republic) (25th-28th May, 2004), together with those of the first ENBI e-conference.

E-conference organization:

Real Jardín Botánico and Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain.

The contents of the first ENBI electronic conference can be accessed here: First ENBI e-conference: Open Access to Biodiversity Information (10th-28th September, 2003).

This ENBI web site is developed and maintained by the Real Jardín Botánico and the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain).