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Green Stimulus

Economic Recovery through Investments in our Environment, Energy System and Heritage

Audubon and sixteen other national environmental groups have created a list of more than 80 projects and proposals designed to help create good jobs, grow the American economy, and safeguard public health, safety and the environment at the same time. The report, "Economic Recovery through Investments in our Environment, Energy System and Heritage," was sent to the transition team for President-elect Barack Obama.

According to the report, as many as 3.6 million jobs could be created by investing in ecosystem restoration projects, water resources and infrastructure, national wildlife refuges and parks and other public lands, green transportation and energy grid, renewable technologies, energy efficiency, and national and community service. See the full report and read related material by clicking here.

Audubon is particularly emphasizing ecosystem restoration in places like coastal Louisiana, Long Island Sound, the Mississippi River, and the Great Lakes as well as environmental education. Read our fact sheet here.