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Great Lakes Protection and Restoration

Agency: Environmental Quality


Michigan Great Lakes Protection and Restoration Initiative

The Great Lakes are integral to the past, present, and future economic vitality of Michigan and the region.  The health of the people of Michigan, our economy, and our quality of life depends on clean water and productive land that is sustainable far into the future.

Michigan 's water resources have been the catalyst for the economic development that moved us to international prominence.  But those events have also left some areas with a legacy of pollution from contaminated sediments, invasive species, inadequate sewer systems, and uncontrolled development. These pressures put the lakes at risk - threatening our health and economic viability. 


Michigan's citizens want solutions to these challenges; solutions that protect our water and capitalize on unique opportunities for economic transformation.

In response to the economic and environmental imperative for protecting the Great Lakes, the Michigan Office of the Great Lakes is leading an effort to prepare and implement a Michigan Great Lakes Plan (MI-Great Lakes Plan) to protect, restore, and sustain the Great Lakes for current and future generations.  More than 2000 citizens were involved in our review and comment process during development of the MI-Great Lakes Plan.


For more information about this effort or to obtain copies of the MI-Great Lakes Plan brochure, contact the Office of the Great Lakes at:

Office of the Great Lakes
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 30473-7973
Michigan 48909
FAX: 517-335-4053

What's New!

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - MI-Great Lakes Plan Workshop - Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI  48864. - Under Construction - Please visit site again soon. 

Additional Information

State of the Great Lakes, Restoring the Lakes Report, 2007   

Photo credit: Robert De Jonge

Great Lakes Regional Collaboration 
The Great Lakes Regional Collaboration was initiated in 2004 through the issuance of a Presidential Executive Order calling for improved federal coordination and efficiency of Great Lakes programs through the initiation of a regional collaboration of "national significance" to create a national action agenda for the Great Lakes.   

With the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as the lead, the Regional Collaboration: Interagency Task Force brings together 10 agency and cabinet officers tasked to provide strategic direction on federal Great Lakes policy.  Michigan and others joined the Collaboration in the belief that an additional long term, large scale deferral funding commitment is necessary to address restoration goals.  The Regional Collaboration  culminated with the release of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy in December, 2005.  The report provides specific restoration strategies and recommendations for the eight key Great Lakes restoration priorities of the Great Lakes Governors:

  • Aquatic Invasive Species 
  • Habitat/Species
  • Coastal Health
  • Areas of Concern/Sediments
  • Nonpoint Source
  • Toxic Pollutants
  • Indicators and Information
  • Sustainable Development

A Strategy to Restore and Protect the Great Lakes, 2005 - This strategic plan was intended to build upon the extensive regional efforts to date, working together towards a common goal of restoring and protecting the Great Lakes ecosystem.  

Great Lakes Governors Restoration Priorities 
In 2003, the Council of Great Lakes Governors identified nine priorities to guide Great Lakes restoration and protection.  The Council works with members of Congress, the Administration, mayors, Tribal leaders, and non-governmental participants to pursue these efforts.

Great Lakes Commission Legislative Priorities

On behalf of its eight member state delegations, the Great Lakes Commission annually presents legislative priorities to protect and enhance the quality of the Great Lakes region's environment and economy.

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