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2008 Florida’s Rivers Month Photo Contest Winner - Jim ShieldsSpotlight on Water


Learning from the Drought and Meeting 2025 Water Supply Needs (4.5 MB)

By 2025, Floridians are forecast to use about 2 billion gallons more fresh water each day.  The 2006 – 2008 drought presented many challenges.  Fortunately, Florida had response mechanisms in place to implement the long-term strategies detailed in their regional water supply plans. This was instrumental in mitigating the worst effects of the drought.  The Department’s annual report on regional water supply planning, "Learning from the Drought", describes the progress toward meeting the 2025 Water Supply Needs and offers suggestions on improving the state’s drought resistance.

Financial assistance for water projects in Florida

Are you a local government or utility looking for financial assistance for a wastewater, stormwater, drinking water, or surface water improvement project? "Water Resource Funding in Florida" is a handy brochure with lots of information on available money, basic program requirements, and people to talk to at various state and federal funding programs. We also have links to more detailed information on DEP's programs on our Water Projects Funding page.

New Information, November 18--Florida Legislature Says No CBIR Process This Session

In a memo to all Florida legislators dated November 18, Senate President Jeff Atwater and House Speaker Ray Sansom state the following: "In light of the fiscal challenges our state is facing and our need to focus efforts on solutions to balance the state's budget, we will not be opening the Community Budget Issue Request System (CBIRS) this year. We also hope to avoid creating unrealistic funding expectations in our communities given the further declining state revenues."

The Department does not expect this situation to change. However, guidance on the normal CBIR process for water projects remains available for your review and future planning efforts.

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Cypress Trees - Clicking this image will open the WRM navigation menus in a new browser window.
"The wrong of unshapely things is a wrong too great to be told; I hunger to build them anew and sit on a green knoll apart, With the earth and the sky and the water, re-made, like a casket of gold..." -- William Butler Yeats

The Department's Water Programs are responsible for protecting the quality of Florida’s drinking water as well as its rivers, lakes and wetlands, and for reclaiming lands after they’ve been mined for phosphate and other minerals. The Programs establish the technical basis for setting the state’s surface water and ground water quality standards, and also implement a variety of programs to monitor the quality of those water resources.

The Programs conduct permitting, compliance and enforcement programs for Florida’s more than 3,000 domestic and 1,000 industrial wastewater facilities, its 6,300 drinking water systems, and a myriad of activities in wetlands and other surface waters. The programs also develop the rules and guidance for implementing these programs consistently throughout Florida.

In addition, the Water Programs also provide $100-200 million yearly to build or improve domestic wastewater and drinking water facilities, to reclaim mined lands, and to implement stormwater and other nonpoint source management projects.

Explore this website for more information on Water Programs, or call our office at (850) 245-8335.

Last updated: January 08, 2009

  2600 Blair Stone Road M.S. 3500   Tallahassee, Florida 32399   850-245-8336 (phone) / 850-245-8356 (fax) 
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