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Archaeology Month in Indiana

Calendar of Events
Posters & T-Shirts
Event Hosting
Links & Resources

September is Archaeology Month in Indiana. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA) is extremely pleased to coordinate this event.

Archaeology Month provides an opportunity to celebrate and learn about Indiana archaeology. A variety of events are held each year during Archaeology Month by universities, museums, organizations and individuals throughout Indiana. These events may include archaeological laboratory open houses, artifact identifications, lectures on archaeological topics, archaeological excavations, and stewardship and avocational certification sessions.

Archaeology Month allows Hoosiers to learn more about the discipline of archaeology, the archaeological sites in our state, and the laws which protect these sites. A goal of this month is to increase public awareness and to minimize the myths and misconceptions commonly associated with the discipline. Join the fun! Celebrate archaeology and learn about Indiana's cultural heritage!

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