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NIH Record

The Gut: The First 100 Years

The first 100 years of achievements in gastrointestinal (GI) motility are chronicled in "The History of GI: Focus on Motility" exhibit currently on display at the Visitor Information Center, Bldg. 10.

The exhibit consists of three multimedia panels, "Over a Century of Research," "Current Practices," and "Future Applications." The first provides an historical view of early observations on film of the alimentary tract and patterns of movement in the gut. Mechanisms that control gut motility and images of how the gut works after a meal are also highlighted in the first panel.

"The History of GI: Focus on Motility" exhibit

The second panel focuses on diagnosis and treatment of abnormal esophageal and colonic movement such as acid reflux and constipation. Panel three highlights areas for future research in gastroenterology and related fields, including the development of pharmacologic agents to treat motility disorders, the genetic influences of motility disorders, and brain/gut interactions.

The exhibit, developed by the American Motility Society under a grant from Janssen Pharmaceutica Inc., will be at the VIC through the summer. Prior to coming to NIH, the exhibit was displayed in the Main Hall of Union Station during the annual meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association, which was held this spring at the Washington, D.C. Convention Center. Dr. Joseph Szurszewski, professor and chairman of the department of physiology and biophysics at the Mayo Clinic and a member of the NIDDK National Advisory Council, brought the exhibit here.

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