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News Briefs

BIG Ice Cream Day, July 31

The NIH chapter of Blacks In Government will bring Baskin Robbins Catering to NIH for a BIG Ice Cream Day on Thursday, July 31, at Bldg. 31, Bldg. 10, Executive Plaza, and Rockledge II. Tickets at $1.50 each will be sold at those locations July 29 and 30. Baskin Robbins carts will carry 6 of their 31 flavors, in cup or cone.

Bone Workshop Moves to Masur, Aug. 5-6

Due to tremendous response, NIAMS's 2-day scientific workshop on Bone and the Hematopoietic and Immune Systems will be held Aug. 5-6 in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10. To register and for special accommodation needs, e-mail, fax: 0-6069, or call Sharon Nouzari-Louis, 6-0801. Preregistration is required.

Garden Club Meets, Aug. 6

The NIH Garden Club will meet Wednesday, Aug. 6, at noon in Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. 7. The agenda is crowded with garden subjects and new members are always welcome to drop in and join the fun. The main topic will be propagating new plants with soft and hardwood cuttings. Bring your own tips and success stories to share. There will also be a "plant swap" -- bring a plant and then take one home. Be sure to tag plants with name and basic cultural requirements. The club will also plan visits to nurseries and one another's gardens. For details, contact Karen Helfert,

Blood Safety Committee To Meet, Aug. 11-12

The DHHS advisory committee on blood safety and availability will hold its second meeting Aug. 11-12, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in Lister Hill Auditorium, National Library of Medicine. The meeting is being sponsored by OAS, NIH, CDC and FDA.

The committee will continue its discussion of hepatitis C and blood transfusion and is expected to issue recommendations on whether and how the secretary should require a hepatitis C "lookback" in which people who previously received blood from donors who now test positive for hepatitis C antibodies would be identified.

The meeting will be open to the public, and time has been set aside for public comment. Presentations are limited to 5 minutes. Those interested in speaking should contact Dr. Paul McCurdy, 5-0065.

Seminar on Bid Protests, Aug. 20

The Bethesda/Medical chapter of the National Contract Management Association is hosting a brown bag lunch seminar entitled, "Reinventing Bid Protests," on Wednesday, Aug. 20 from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. in EPN, Conf. Rm. H. Speaking will be Barbara Robbins, HHS Office of General Counsel. For more information call Sharon Miller, 5-3783.

Sailing Lessons Offered, Aug. 20

Space is still available in the fall session of the NIH Sailing Association's popular basic sailing class, which starts Wednesday evening, Aug. 20. Cost is $110 plus $35 membership dues. Course includes 6 evening classroom sessions, a Saturday morning orientation at the marina and 3 or 4 weekday afternoons on South River near Annapolis, with two students and one instructor in the club's boats.

Students completing basic training qualify to sail these boats for low charter fees. Application forms (class and club membership) and more information on the sailing club are available at the R&W activities desk in Bldg. 31, Rm. B1W30.

Gene Therapy Conference, Sept. 11

A gene therapy policy conference entitled "Human Gene Transfer: Beyond Life-threatening Disease," will be the first in a series of conferences hosted by NIH. Each will be devoted to a single issue relevant to scientific merit and/or safety as it relates to human gene therapy clinical trials. The inaugural conference will be held Thursday, Sept. 11, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Bethesda Holiday Inn, located at 8120 Wisconsin Ave. in Bethesda. For more information or to register for the conference (no cost), visit the web site

Update on Bldg. 10 Garage Repairs

Repairs are due to begin on the P1 ramp mid-August and continue through October. The deterioration of the structure has accelerated and will involve repairing more concrete than previously estimated. Also, workers will replace the electrical snow-melt system with a new "environmentally friendly" glycol system.

During the P1 ramp closure, P1 level permit holders will be redirected to the P2 level entrance and up the interior ramp to P1. Colonial Parking, which manages attendant-assisted parking on P3, will provide support on the P2 level, directing and assisting P1 permit holders.

More traffic control measures are being considered to handle anticipated congestion. Flyers will be distributed, signs will be posted and email will be sent at least 3 weeks before closure. The P1 ramp guard will move to the P2 level adjacent to the interior ramp leading to P1.

The roof over the south side of the Clinical Center's B-wing recently became host of the essential maintenance and safety project, which, among other goals, is installing upgraded airhandling equipment atop the hospital's many wings.

Mid-Pike Parking Lot Repaired

The Montgomery County government's division of traffic and parking services is currently repairing the Mid-Pike Plaza parking lot. The first phase includes constructing four kiosks, two for NIH employees. The next phase is to repair potholes, smooth, seal and stripe the lot. New signage will be erected during September. Construction barrels and flagging will direct commuters to available parking areas on the lot. This project should be completed by mid-September.

The Office of Logistics Management appreciates NIH'ers' patience and cooperation and assures customers that shuttle service will continue, uninterrupted. If you have any questions or concerns, call their hotline, 6-5326.

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