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NIH Record

Study Subjects Sought

Shy Volunteers Needed

Adults ages 18-65 with significant anxiety in social and performance situations (e.g., parties, dates, work, public speaking) are needed for psychology research at American University. Eligible participants will receive $40 for 4-5 hours of interviews and testing. For more information call Giao Tran at American University, Agoraphobia and Anxiety Program, (202) 885-1743.

Injured on the Job?

Do you have a work-related upper extremity problem or injury, i.e., carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or repetitive strain injury of the fingers, wrist, elbow or shoulder? USUHS is conducting a study that includes a $40 payment and opportunity to win $500 in a study lottery. Volunteers must be ages 20-60, seen by a physician within the past month and currently working. Call (301) 295-9659.

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