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Dr. Anthony Fauci

NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci was recently named a master of the American College of Physicians (ACP) for his contributions to the understanding of immunology and infectious diseases. Mastership is ACP's highest level of membership; Fauci is now one of 324 ACP masters. Elected an ACP fellow in 1977, he was also presented the ACP John Philips Memorial Award for his distinguished contributions to clinical medicine.

Dr. Ruth L. Kirschstein

NIH deputy director Dr. Ruth L. Kirschstein (r) receives the first Association for Women in Science Mentorship Award -- established to honor those who serve as role models for women in science and help female researchers succeed in their careers -- from association president Dr. Janet Joy. "Women often make good mentors," Kirschstein noted during her acceptance speech. "As the number of women in senior scientific positions increases, there will be increased opportunities for informal mentoring."

Drs. William Eaton and James Hofrichter

Drs. William Eaton (l) and James Hofrichter of NIDDK received the 1996 Hillebrand Prize from the Chemical Society of Washington. They were cited for outstanding and original contributions to basic research on the dynamics and self-assembly of proteins. Eaton and Hofrichter are best known for their studies of hemoglobin S polymerization, the abnormal process causing sickle cell disease, and for formulating the "kinetic hypothesis" that provided the first coherent picture of its pathophysiology. Their idea was confirmed in a recent multicenter clinical trial of hydroxyurea, the first successful specific treatment for sickle cell disease. Hydroxyurea produces a small dilution of the hemoglobin S by increasing fetal hemoglobin synthesis. Twenty-six NIH scientists have won the Hillebrand Prize since its inception in 1924; 19 of these were affiliated with NIDDK.

Dr. David S. Hogness

Dr. David S. Hogness, an NIGMS grantee for the past 24 years, has been named a recipient of the 1997 March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology. The award recognizes investigators who have made seminal discoveries in developmental biology that reveal new principles of relevance to birth defects. Hogness was honored for his role in discovering homeobox genes, which control body plan development in animals ranging from fruit flies to humans. A biology professor at Stanford, he also received past funding from NIAMS, NCI and NEI. He will receive his award at a ceremony on May 5 in Washington, D.C. He shares the award and its $100,000 cash prize with Dr. Walter J. Gehring of the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Thomas Boyce and Carolyn McHale

Thomas Boyce of NIGMS and Carolyn McHale of NIAMS were among 10 DHHS employees who recently received the Government Computer News Award, which recognizes individuals for their accomplishments and contributions to excellence in information technology. Boyce, a supervisory computer specialist with the NIGMS Information Resources Management Branch, was honored for his "critical role in the planning, development, and implementation of several major information technology activities for...NIH. He was instrumental in making a number of important recommendations in the planning of the computer, telecommunications, and utility infrastructure for the William Natcher Building." McHale, chief of the NIAMS Scientific Information and Data Systems Branch, was noted for her overall leadership at NIH in the field of computer technology, playing a "key role on cross-NIH committeesÉwhich are dedicated to resolving major issues related to data systems." Largely due to McHale's "skill and commitment, the NIH Electronic Council Book was developed and is now used by virtually every institute at NIH."

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