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visualizza profilo cyanocorax (amministratore di un gruppo) dice:
23 dic 08 - Don't forget to check your licenses and add machine tags so EOL's computer program will be able to find and use your images!

Scroll down on this page to get more information or try the new EOL Flickr Tutorial.

Discussione ( 41 posts  |  Solo i membri possono pubblicare post. Vuoi iscriverti? )

Titolo Autore Risposte Post più recente
Licensing blakematheson129 3 4 minuti fa
Can anyone explain this WLA 0 9 minuti fa
Quality control for tags Paul J. Morris 15 6 ore fa
Linkage to EOL account/contributor curation cotinis 0 7 ore fa
Where are the pictures? Barbyr 27 24 ore fa
Machine tags djpmapleferryman 57 2 giorni fa

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Su Encyclopedia of Life Images

We know a lot of people have been looking forward to contributing images to the Encyclopedia of Life. We're grateful for all the offers and are excited to open up this avenue for participation.

NEW! Eol Flickr Tutorial

Images posted in this group will eventually be featured on the EOL web site, as long as the entries adhere to the following criteria:

The image is set as public

The image is licensed with one of the following licenses:
- Public Domain
- Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY)
- Creative Commons Non-Commercial (CC-BY-NC)
- Creative Commons Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)
- Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike (CC-BY-NC-SA)

The image is tagged using machine tags with the scientific name of the organism(s) featured
- The machine tag for binomial scientific name (taxonomy:binomial=*) is preferred
- The machine tag for genus name (taxonomy:genus=*) is strongly recommended
- The machine tag for common name (taxonomy:common=*) is also recommended

*replace with the name

The Encyclopedia of Life will periodically check this Flickr group for any new or modified images. A computer program will find the images which meet the above criteria and add them to the appropriate EOL species page. The image will be attributed to the uploading Flickr user, and EOL will display a link back to the Flickr user's homepage. Licensing information will be maintained and will be displayed next to the image within the EOL species page. The image will appear as 'unvetted' as we need to validate that the tag correctly identifies the organism in the photo.

More about machine tags. A list of possible tags is attached below. Use quotes if there is a space in the name. They should look look something like this -- "taxonomy:binomial=Gadus morhua". You need to complete the last part that identifies the organism or specifies location. You can check the classification in EOL for taxonomic names. If you are not sure of the name of the organism, add what you do know. If all you know is that it is a bird, then add the machine tag: "taxonomy:common=bird".

Include at least one of these taxonomy tags for your image to be included in EOL:

taxonomy:class= *
taxonomy:binomial=* [e.g. genus and species with a space between them, enclose in quotes]]
taxonomy:trinomial=* [e.g. genus, species, and supspecies with spaces between them, enclose in quotes]
taxonomy:common=* [the common, or vernacular, name, probably need quotes]

*replace with the name

You can geotag your images using Flickr's Organize mapping tool. Or if you know the location you can add it manually:

geo:lat=* [replace the star with the latitude]
geo:lon=* [replace the star with the longitude]
geo:long=* [replace the star with the longitude - equivalent to geo:lon]
geo:alt=* [replace the star with the altitude]

If you are new to Flickr, welcome! To share your images with EOL this way, you'll need to sign up for Flickr and join this group. We recommend you install the Flickr uploader tool. You can use it to browse to pictures on your own computer, add tags, and upload them to Flickr. You will then be able to add images from your own photostream into the group by clicking on the "Send to group" icon above your picture.

At the moment there will be no limit on the number of images you post to this pool. However, we hope you'll share your best.

Flickr Group Trackr graph

Ulteriori informazioni

Questo gruppo è pubblico Questo è un gruppo pubblico.

  • Visualizza le regole del gruppo.
  • Tipologia di formati accettati:
    • Foto
    • Video
  • Tipologia di contenuti accettati:
    • Foto e video di
    • Schermate/Screencast
    • Illistrazioni/elementi grafici, animazione, CGI
  • Livelli di sicurezza accettati:
    • Sicura
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