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Raspberry Varieties

Raspberries grow well in most areas of Minnesota, although they prefer sites protected from both wind and late spring frosts. Of the three main types of raspberries for Minnesota home gardens - red, black, and purple - red raspberries are the most popular and successful in our climate.

If you live in the southern third of Minnesota you are in USDA zone 4. If you live north of the Twin cities Metropolitan area, you live in USDA zone 3. The zone in which you live can affect your variety choices. Be sure the variety you choose is suited for your specific climate.

Red raspberries can be divided into two types: the summer-bearing types, which produce fruit in midsummer on second-year canes, and the fall-bearing types, those that produce a crop on first year canes in early fall, then again on the same canes in the following summer. Summer-bearing red raspberries suitable for all of Minnesota include 'Latham,' Boyne,' and 'Nordic.' Hardy and productive fall-bearing varieties include 'Autumn Bliss' and the yellow-fruited 'Fallgold.' Both 'Autumn Bliss' and 'Fallgold' should produce their fall crop before freezing weather returns most years.

Black and purple raspberries can be a good choice for gardeners in the southern part of the state, who desire raspberry plants that spread less aggressively than their red-fruit relatives. The black raspberry varieties 'Bristol' and 'Blackhawk' are suitable in USDA zone 4, while the purple raspberry 'Brandywine' should perform well into the southern portions of zone 3.

For more variety choices as well as information on growing raspberries, consult University publication 1108, Raspberries for the Home Garden.

Title: Raspberry Varieties Number: 505
Script writer: Doug Foulk Source: U of MN Publication - Raspberries for the Home Garden
Date: 2001 Reviewer: Jill MacKenzie

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