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Past Issue

Vol. 12, No. 1
January 2006

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Cell-mediated Protection in Influenza Infection

Paul G. Thomas,* Rachael Keating,* Diane J. Hulse-Post,* and Peter C. Doherty*Comments
*St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

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Appendix Bibliography

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Suggested citation for this article:
Thomas PG, Keating R, Hulse-Post DJ, Doherty PC. Cell-mediated protection in influenza infection. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2006 Jan [date cited]. Available from

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This page posted December 21, 2005
This page last reviewed December 21, 2005

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention