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Progress in New Crops

Proceedings of the Third National Symposium

New Crops

New Opportunities, New Technologies


  1. New Crops, New Opportunities
  2. Policy
  3. Marketing and Commercialization
  4. Information Explosion
  5. Cereals and Pseudocereals
  6. Grain Legumes
  7. Forages
  8. Oilseeds
  9. Industrial Crops
  10. Fiber Crops
  11. Fruits and Nuts
  12. Vegetables
  13. Floral and Landscape Crops
  14. Medicinal, Aromatic, Spice, and Bioactive Crops
  15. Crops in Space


Part I: New Crops, New Opportunities

Part II: Policy & Programs

Marketing and Commercialization

Information Explosion

Part III: New Crops, New Technologies

Cereals and Pseudocereals

Grain Legumes



Industrial Crops

Fiber Crops

Fruits and Nuts


Floral and Landscape Crops

Medicinal, Aromatic, Spice, and Bioactive Crops

Crops in Space

Afterword—Jules Janick
Last update March 25, 1998 by aw