Forage Information System, Oregon State University
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The Forage Information System is a comprehensive resource for forage-related topics, including Extension, research, and teaching information.
Inside the Forage Information section find subsections for News, Publications, Projects, Topics, Visual Media and Web Links to other information systems. Topics includes information on species, varieties, grazing, hay, and silage systems, management, quality and testing, and livestock utilization.
Inside Educational Opportunities find Conferences/Workshops/Seminars, a National Forages Curriculum, and links to On-line and Classroom-based courses.
Inside Professional Resources find forage Experts, Grant information, forage, livestock, range, and seed Organizations, and Vendors for forage-related products.
The Search Tools includes entire system and subsection Searching Capacity and an Index, Glossary, Site Map, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers.