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Office of Director
Office of Director

When Congress wrote the law establishing the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1862, it said the Department's "...general designs and duties shall be to acquire and to diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of the word." OC coordinates the implementation of that original mandate.

OC coordinates communications with the public about USDA's programs, functions, and initiatives, providing vital information to the customers and constituency groups who depend on the Department's services for their well-being. For example, OC is coordinating the Department's communications efforts relating to the National Response Frame Work and National Preparedness Guidelines, including the threat of avian influenza and is prepared to activate if necessary a Joint Information Center (JIC), which would support the Department in meeting its obligations in the event of an incident such as an avian influenza detection and/or outbreak. This effort is a follow-on to efforts OC has undertaken in the past to inform the public of the Department's actions taken to protect animal and human health. In addition, OC also coordinates the communications activities of USDA's seven major mission areas and provides leadership for communications within the Department to USDA employees.

OC is adopting new technologies to meet the increased demands for the dissemination of accurate information in a timely manner. By using the Internet, radio, television and teleconference facilities, we are able to ensure that the millions of Americans whose lives are affected by USDA's programs receive the latest and most complete information. The continuing concern over avian influenza, BSE incidents and our general preparedness to respond to emergencies demonstrates that these technologies are a critical resource used by the Secretary and the agencies to provide timely information, which helps to maintain consumer confidence and stabilize agricultural markets.

OC's five-year strategic goal is to provide maximum support to all mission areas of the Department in the development of programs and in creating awareness among the American public about USDA's initiatives and services. This is essential to providing effective customer services and efficient program delivery. As a result, we expect more citizens, especially those in underserved communities and geographic areas, to access helpful USDA services and information. A central element of this support is OC's active participation in the Department's eGovernment initiative as part of the President's Management Agenda. OC plays a key role in ensuring that the Department's eGovernment implementation results in the public's improved access to more current, accurate, relevant, and organized USDA products, services, and information. The portal, managed by OC, is customer- or citizen-centric, allowing OC to target information by audience preference, subject and personalization. On average, 1.5 million citizens access the site weekly. The demand by citizens and other constituencies for information, via, webcasting, electronic mail distribution, teleconferences, and publications, is expected to continue to increase.

OC will continue to take an active role in policy and program management discussions by coordinating the public communication of USDA initiatives. We will continue to provide centralized operations for the production, review, and distribution of USDA information to its customers and the general public. Also, we will monitor and evaluate the results of these communications. Our staff is instructed to use the most effective and efficient communications technology, methods, and standards in carrying out communications plans.

In addition, we are focusing on improved communications with USDA employees, especially those away from headquarters, which will enhance their understanding of USDA's general goals and policy priorities, programs and services, and cross-cutting initiatives.

Our office will continue to work hard to meet our performance goals and objectives. We will work to communicate updated USDA regulations and guidelines, conduct regular training sessions for USDA communications staff to maximize the potential for using communication technologies, while fostering accountability for communications management performance throughout USDA and continuing to work to build a more efficient, effective and centralized OC.

Increasing availability of USDA information and products to underserved communities and geographic areas through USDA's outreach efforts is integral to our performance efforts. OC will continue to provide equal opportunity for employment and promote an atmosphere that values individuals.