United States Department of Agriculture
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Boy Scouts Bestow Dual Honors on NRCS

page from the Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge pamphlet, Soil and Water Conservation dedicated to Tom Levermann

page from the Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge pamphlet, Soil and Water Conservation dedicated to Tom Levermann

The Boy Scouts of America recently recognized two NRCS employees for their contributions to the Merit Badge Series pamphlet, Soil and Water Conservation.  Jerry Bernard, NRCS National Geologist and the late Thomas Levermann (May 27, 1943-April 18, 2002), formerly with the NRCS Conservation Communications Staff were recognized for their contribution to the pamphlet.

certificate of appreciation presented to Jerry Bernard for his personal interest and involvement with the Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge pamphlet, Soil and Water Conservation

certificate of appreciation presented to Jerry Bernard for his personal interest and involvement with the Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge pamphlet, Soil and Water Conservation

Jerry was presented with a letter and certificate of appreciation for his personal interest and involvement with the pamphlet which was dedicated to the memory of Tom Levermann with a page describing Tom’s many contributions to the Boy Scouts and his conservation pledge.
Your contact is Jerry Bernard, NRCS National Geologist, at 202-720-5356, or jerry.bernard@usda.gov.