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NIH Record

Study Subjects Sought

Down Syndrome Study Recruits

Adults ages 18 and older with Down syndrome are sought for memory and aging studies conducted by NIA's Laboratory of Neurosciences. For more information call 6-4754, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After hours call 6-4273.

Injured on the Job?

Do you have a work-related upper extremity problem or injury, i.e., carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or repetitive strain injury of the fingers, wrist, elbow or shoulder? USUHS is conducting a study that includes a $40 payment. Volunteers must be ages 20-60, seen by a physician within the past month and currently working. Call (301) 295-9659.

Female Volunteers Needed

The Behavioral Endocrinology Branch, NIMH, seeks healthy female volunteers ages 40-50. They must have regular menstrual cycles and be medication free. Participation includes periodic hormonal evaluations, completion of symptom ratings and occasional interviews during a longitudinal study of the perimenopause. Subjects will be paid. Call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, 6-9576.

Healthy Volunteers Wanted

The NIA Laboratory of Neurosciences is seeking healthy volunteers ages 18 and older to participate in research studies. Participation involves full medical evaluation, psychological testing, and brain scans (MRI, PET). Procedures require approximately 13 hours and participants will be paid $300 to $500 depending on time involved. For more information, call 6-4754, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday; or 6-4273, after hours.

Treatment for Panic Attacks

People currently experiencing spontaneous panic attacks and/or significant social anxiety may be eligible for a collaborative NIMH/USUHS treatment outcome study evaluating nondrug treatments for panic and anxiety. For more information call Audrey Kowmas at USUHS, (301) 295-3651.

Male Volunteers Needed

The Behavioral Endocrinology Branch, NIMH, is seeking male volunteers ages 18-45 to participate in a 5-month study of the effects of reproductive hormones on brain and behavior. Volunteers must be free of medical illnesses and not taking any medication on a regular basis. They will complete daily rating forms and be asked to participate in one of several protocols. Payment will be in accordance with the duration of each visit and the type of protocol. For more information, call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, 6-9576.

Anyone You Know Have Eczema?

Do you or a family member or friend have atopic dermatitis (often called "eczema")? NIAMS is looking for volunteers to review a booklet it is developing about atopic dermatitis for people with this skin disease and for their family members. If you are interested in volunteering, contact NIAMS' information clearinghouse at (301) 495-4484 or send email to

Normal Children Sought

NIMH is recruiting healthy, normal behavior girls and boys ages 5-18 for a safe, noninvasive brain imaging study; Asian and Hispanic Americans are especially needed. They should not wear braces or have learning disabilities, and will be paid. Leave a message with day/evening phone numbers at 6-3175, ext. 2.

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