USDA Rural Development Logos  Committed to the future of rural communities.  







Chimney Rock Photo provided by the Western Nebraska Tourism Coalition

 Chimney Rock Photo provided by the

 Western Nebraska Tourism Coalition



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USDA Rural Development Technical Assistance Overview


Technical Assistance is a key element to the USDA Rural Development mission area.

In addition to the financial assistance through Rural Development programs, Rural Development staff are located in rural areas across all of Nebraska providing direction and technical assistance to communities. This technical assistance is targeted to help communities build capacity from within thereby empowering them to develop and sustain their own communities. Building a team of leaders and volunteers within a community as well as a community of residents excited and determined to improve their community are the keys to a strong and sustaining rural area.

Technical assistance might include strategic planning or leadership development. Technical assistance often includes developing and strengthening partnerships and finding the right match of appropriate resources to meet the needs of a community. Technical assistance can be bringing Rural Development financial resources to the table, but most importantly requires combining an array of resources to meet the community’s needs as opposed to expecting the community to "fit" into a "government program". Technical assistance involves helping a community bring all of their community development components (i.e. business, housing, medical, education, infrastructure, recreation, etc.) together as a team to build the community successfully.

Technical assistance involves working with the many Rural Development partners such as the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Health and Human Services, Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, Small Business Administration, Nebraska Business Development Center, Nebraska Rural Water Association, Resource Conservation & Development Councils, League of Municipalities, Development Districts, Community Housing Development Organizations, Community Action programs, Utility groups and many more. Coordination of these partners' resources to meet community needs is available from the Rural Development technical assistance staff.

Rural Development staff are also available to assist local economic development groups such as local economic development corporations, local non-profits, housing authorities, foundations, community development corporations, Indian tribes, and others.

Numerous federal or state entities are also good resources for rural communities. These include the Partnership for Rural Nebraska, Rural Development Commission, Nebraska Development Network, Nebraska Cooperative Development Center, State Department of Agriculture, the University including Center for Applied Rural Innovation, & Extension, Federal, State, & Local representatives, and many others. The Rural Development technical assistance staff work as partners with these entities to help them understand, respond, and serve the needs of rural Nebraska. Our staff also has a special emphasis to work with our Indian tribes and Nebraska’s Champion Communities.

USDA Rural Development program staff work every day on many housing, infrastructure, and business projects within rural towns and villages. Our technical assistance staffs are working to meet the broad challenges of rural Nebraska including population out-migration, wealth retention, business transfer, value-added agriculture, new job & technology opportunities, quality of life issues, and long term sustainability.


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Last Updated:  01/03/08

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