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New Mexico State University

Videos en Español

The Media Productions Video Marketplace features videos produced by the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at New Mexico State University. The popular titles are featured here, but there are many more titles of specialized interest available.

Please click on the title of the video for more information:

For information on producing videos, contact:
URL: Electronic Media Unit
Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 285
Phone: (505) 646-5368
Fax: (505) 646-2702

Green Gold: From the Maya to the Moon (en Español)

From locations across the globe, this award-winning video traces three treasures of the New World -- corn, potatoes and chile peppers -- and their phenomenal influence on human history. A story of exploration, discovery, life, and death, it poses the perplexing question: can we survive if we lose forever the genetically diverse, wild and weedy ancestors of our valuable food crops?

Cost: $19.95 plus shipping & handling (U.S., Canada & Mexico: $4.00 -- Overseas: $6.95)
Approximate Running Time: 30 minutes

Baby Talk: Listening to Your Baby at Mealtime (en Español)

Even before they can say words clearly, babies communicate with "baby talk." Parents need to listen to their babies to find out when mealtime is over, when a second helping is in order, or when it's time to try new foods. Learn how to understand your baby's talk and help take the anxiety out of feeding time.

Cost: $19.95 plus shipping and handling (U.S., Canada & Mexico: $4.00 -- Overseas: $6.95)
Approximate Running Time:15 minutes

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Baby (en Español)

Before and during pregnancy, moms can give their babies a healthy start by eating right. Learn to use the Food Guide Pyramid to make healthy choices before and after giving birth. Find out the benefits of drinking plenty of water and eating lots of grains, fruits, and vegetables. Young moms will learn that gaining weight during pregnancy is essential for their babies. Eating right can help ensure proper delivery, optimal weight gain, and healthy, happy babies.

Cost: $19.95 plus shipping and handling (U.S., Canada & Mexico: $4.00 -- Overseas: $6.95)
Approximate Running Time:17 minutes

The Food Guide Pyramid (en Español)

The food groups you learned in grade school have been updated and replaced with the modern food guide pyramid. This video teaches you how to use the pyramid effectively in preparing meals and allowing you to develop a leaner, healthier body.

Cost: $19.95 plus shipping and handling (U.S., Canada & Mexico: $4.00 -- Overseas: $6.95)
Approximate Running Time:15 minutes

Low Fat New Mexican Chile Dishes (en Español)

Tacos, enchiladas, and burritos are all part of Southwestern culture, however they can all be extraordinarily fattening foods to eat. Low Fat New Mexican Chile Dishesworked with nutrition experts to show you methods by which you can cut the fat out of many of your favorite dishes all while keeping the flavor you've come to love.

Cost: $19.95 plus shipping and handling (U.S., Canada & Mexico: $4.00 -- Overseas: $6.95)
Approximate Running Time:15 minutes

Preventing Hantavirus Disease (en Español)

Although the chances of contracting the Hantavirus disease are small, the consequences can be deadly. About half of those infected with the disease will die from complications within weeks. This video, designed for middle school students to adults, teaches viewers how Hantavirus is transmitted, its symptoms, and how people can protect themselves.

Cost: $19.95 plus shipping and handling (U.S., Canada & Mexico: $4.00 -- Overseas: $6.95)
Approximate Running Time:11 minutes

To order your video, contact:
Media Productions
Box 30003, MSC 3AI, NMSU
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003
Toll free: (888)750-4156 e-mail:

Many more educational videos are available through Library Video Company.