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Aquatic invasive species
Zebra MusselsGreat Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species
Nonindigenous species, also commonly referred to as nuisance, non-native, exotic, invasive and alien species, are species that did not originate in the Great Lakes ecosystem and have been introduced either intentionally or accidentally. Over 160 species have been introduced into the Great Lakes basin since the 1800s.

Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness Week: June 1-8, 2008


• Aquatic Invasive Species Stakeholder Meeting Summary PDF icon

• Control and Management of Invasive Phragmites

• Clean Boats, Clean Waters Manual PDF icon

• Angler's Monitoring Network

• Michigan's Aquatic Nuisance Species Council

• Aquatic Nuisance Species Control for Inland Lakes

• Michigan's Aquatic Nuisance Species State Management Plan Update-Prevention and Control in Michigan Waters (2002)(pdf file) PDF icon

• Ballast Water Reporting Program

• Nonindigenous Species Educational Programs and Resource Materials

• Aquatic Nuisance Species Handbook for Government Officials PDF icon

• Integrated Pest Management for Nuisance Exotics in Michigan Inland Lakes PDF icon

• Analysis of Laws & Policies Concerning Exotic Invasions of the Great Lakes PDF icon

• Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) State Management Plan (1996)

Related Links

• New! Anglers and Boaters: You are an important partner in preventing the spread of fish diseases and other aquatic nuisance species

• Aquatic Invasive Species Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Training Curriculum PDF icon

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 •  U.S. Coast Guard's ANS Program
 •  Biological Pollution - Reducing Aquatic Invasive Introductions
 •  Federal Task Force on Aquatic Nuisance Species
 •  Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species
 •  Michigan Sea Grant
 •  NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
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