Congressman Barney Frank
Representing Massachusetts' 4th District

News release from Barney Frank


Congressman, 4th District, Massachusetts

2252 Rayburn Building · Washington, D.C. 20515 · (202) 225-5931


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE            CONTACT:     Peter Kovar 202-225-9400                                                                      Garth Patterson 508-822-4796


New England Fishing Leaders to Discuss Groundfish Rules with Federal Officials

            Congressman Barney Frank announced today that senior federal government officials responsible for overseeing U.S. fishing policy have agreed, at his request, to meet in Washington with representatives of the New England commercial fishing industry to discuss how to improve the management of the region’s groundfish.  The meeting, which will take place in Frank’s office on December 5, is an outgrowth of the New Bedford Fisheries Summit gathering that took place earlier this year. 

The issues on the agenda for Friday’s meeting – all of which were highlighted as key issues by the Summit -- include maximizing harvests of healthy species; reducing bycatch; and improving management of areas that are closed to fishing.  In addition, the meeting participants will discuss interim measures that may be necessary until the pending Amendment 16 New England groundfish management plan goes into effect, and issues relating to the implementation of the Magnuson Stevens Reauthorization Act (MSRA), key elements of which are slated to go into effect beginning in 2010.

            “This meeting is part of our ongoing work to press for fishing regulations that take into account local economies in the context of conserving fish resources,” Frank said.  “While we are in a transition period between two Presidential Administrations, I believe it is very important to stress that we can promote healthy fish populations and healthy fishing communities at the same time.  The meeting will help ensure that this principle is a central part of New England fishery management efforts, as well as the Bush Administration’s Magnuson Act regulatory proposals.  In addition, the meeting will help us lay the ground work for making that case with the Obama Administration.”

The New Bedford Fisheries Summit released a series of recommendations for improved management of groundfish in June.  Frank and other New England Congressmen then urged the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to bring a renewed focus to the key issues identified by the Summit.  The Members of Congress also called for a one-year delay in implementation of Amendment 16.  The delay would allow more time to gather relevant data, and would also synchronize the Amendment with the MSRA’s 2010 timetable. 

While NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) ultimately agreed to the one-year delay, the agency did not commit to specific action on the key groundfish issues.  As a result, Frank requested a meeting for the purpose of initiating discussions on these and related issues.  Participants in the meeting will include Acting NMFS Administrator James Balsiger, Deputy NMFS Administrator Sam Rauch, New England NMFS Director Pat Kurkul, University of Massachusetts Marine Science Professor Brian Rothschild who heads New Bedford Mayor Scott Lang’s Ocean and Fishery Council, representatives from New England based fishing organizations, and staff from several coastal New England Congressional offices.
