IX.    Bureau of Land Management. 

· Range Management System--Interior, BLM--2.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals owning grazing leases and permits issued by BLM.
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· Mineral Lease Management--Interior, BLM--3.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals owning mineral leases issued by BLM.
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· Coal Lease Data System--Interior, BLM--4.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals owing federal coal leases issued by BLM.
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· Mineral Surveyor Appointment File--Interior, BLM--6.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:Applicants for a Mineral Surveyor appointment and holders of an appointment.
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· Aircraft Passenger Manifest Records--Fire Control--Interior, BLM--8.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:Individuals moved on government or chartered aircraft to or from a fire area.
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· Property and Supplies Accountability--Interior, BLM--9.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:Individuals who are accountable for property and supplies.
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· Vehicle Use Authorization--Interior, BLM--10.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:Individuals who have been authorized to use government vehicles for official businessand for use between residence and place of employment.
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· Manpower Management--Interior, BLM--12.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: BLM employees.
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· Safety Management Information--Interior, BLM--13.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: BLM employees involved in a work related accident, private individuals involved in a BLM employee related accident, and private individuals involved in an accident on national resource lands or facilities
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· Security Clearance Files--Interior, BLM--14.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:BLM employees.
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· Correspondence --Interior, BLM--15.Categories of individuals covered by the system:Individuals and Congressmen who have corresponded with BLM and whose correspondence has been placed under control.
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· Mineral and Vegetal Material Sales--Interior, BLM--16.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Purchasers of mineral and vegetal materials.
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· Criminal Case Investigation--Interior, BLM--18.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals suspected of violation of Federal Law concerning National Resource lands, resources or facilities.
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· Civil Trespass Case Investigations--Interior, BLM--19.Categories of individuals covered by the system:Individuals suspected of and confirmed trespass on National Resource lands.
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· Employee Conduct Investigations--Interior, BLM--20.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:BLM employees.
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· Travel--Interior, BLM--21.Interior Notices\Bureau of Land Management\BLM_21.htm

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals authorized to travel at Government expense.
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· Financial Management--Interior, BLM--22.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals authorized to travel at Government expense.
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Categories of individuals covered by the system: Vendors and their designated payee who have sold items to BLM. (The records contained in this system which pertain to individuals contain principally proprietary information concerning soleproprietorships. Some of the records in the system which pertain to individuals may reflect personal information, however. Only therecords reflecting personal information are subject to the PrivacyAct. The system also contains records concerning corporations and other business entities. These records are not subject to the Privacy Act).

· Contract Files--Interior, BLM--23.Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals who have contracted with BLM to supply goods orservices and prospective suppliers and bidders. (The records contained in this system which pertain to individuals contain principally proprietary information concerning sole proprietorships.Some of the records in the system which pertain to individuals may reflect personal information, however. Only the records reflectingpersonal information are subject to the Privacy Act. The system alsocontains records concerning corporations and other business entities. These records are not subject to the Privacy Act.)
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· Copy Fee Deposit--Interior, BLM--24.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals who have deposited money with Bureau of Land Management to be used to pay for copies of records, lists, maps or other documents.
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· Incentive and Honor Awards--Interior, BLM--26.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:BLM employees who have submitted a beneficial suggestion and individuals recommended or nominated for a performance or honor award.
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· Real Estate Appraiser Roster--Interior, BLM--27.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:Individuals, not regular federal employees, who have requested that they be listed by geographic areas on rosters of appraisers available to do contract appraisals for BLM.
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· Adopt a Wild Horse--Interior, BLM--28.Categories of individuals covered by the system: Applicable to obtain custody of a wild horse or burro.
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· Uniform Accountability System--Interior, BLM--30.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: BLM employees or volunteers authorized to wear the uniform.
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·  Name File System--Interior, LLM-31.Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals, companies, partnerships, and governmental agencies    transacting business with the Bureau of Land Management relating tolands and minerals programs. Some of the records in the system which pertain to individuals may reflect personal information, however, only the records reflecting personal information are subject to thePrivacy Act. The system also contains records concerning corporations and other business entities. These records are not subject to the Privacy Act.
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· Land & Minerals Authorization Tracking System--Interior, LLM-32.Categories of individuals covered by the system:Individuals, companies, partnerships, and governmental agencies transacting business with th Bureau of Land Management relating to lands and minerals programs. Some of the records in the system which pertain to individuals may reflect personal information, however, only the records reflecting personal information are subject to thePrivacy Act. The system also contains records concerning corporationsand other business entities. These records are not subject to the Privacy Act.
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·Collections and Billings System (CBS)--Interior, BLM --35.Categories of individuals covered by the system: Any business or individuals transacting financial actions with the Bureau of Land Management. Only records reflecting personal information are subject to the Privacy Act. This system also contains records concerning corporations and other business entities, but these records are not subject to the Privacy Act.
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· Wild Horse & Burro Program System - (WHBPS)--LLM-37
Categories of individuals covered by the system:
(1) Applicants to adopt wild horse(s) and burro(s), persons who have adopted one or more wild horse(s)
or burro(s) and buyers of wild horses and burros that meet sale criteria as outlined under law.
(2) Contractors and contract operators of facilities; veterinarians who are serving the program; volunteers; service providers, and BLM, Forest Service (FS) and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) employees with WHB Program responsibilities. This system may also contain records on corporation and other business entities but those records are not subject to the Privacy Act.
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· Incident Qualification and Certification System - (IQCS) - - Interior, BLM-40. Categories of individuals covered by the system: All federal, state, local, special interest group members, and contractor employees with wild land fire qualifications who voluntarily provide information to qualify for fire assignments.