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County Aid

County Aid funds are appropriated by the Legislature annually for the improvement of public roads and bridges under county jurisdiction. Public transportation and other transportation projects are also included. Counties are allotted funds not less than their combined total of 1984 apportioned Federal Aid Urban System funds and State match including their portion of any non-attributable funds made available to Small Urban Areas. The minimum allotment is $300,000.

Each county must develop an Annual Transportation Program (ATP). In accordance with the adoption of revisions to the County Aid regulations N.J.A.C. 16:20A, the ATP shall list a pool of eligible projects by name and location with a brief description of each project and an estimate of the construction cost. The total cost of the pool of projects may exceed the amount of county local aid funds available The ATP shall be approved by the Board of Chosen Freeholders and submitted to the Local Aid District Office for approval.

Also, Department of Local Aid and Economic Development is now requiring a report of the County's performance in expending County Aid funds previously allotted. Counties shall provide this report to the Local Aid Office by December 31, 2007 with the understanding that the payment method for County Aid funds will be based on the expenditure performance of each county. Failure to provide this report by December 31, 2007 will be considered non-compliance in expending the funds. Based on performance, counties will receive their payment as specified in the County Aid Regulation 16:20A. Payment will not be made until approval of the ATP and execution of an agreement that will be produced from the online application submission.

Starting Fiscal Year 2008 all counties will be required to submit their applications online using SAGE (System for Administering Grants Electronically). Counties will be required to submit their applications online by February 1, 2008.

SAGE graphic

Additional detailed information can be found in the State Aid Handbook (pdf 296k).

  • Office of Management and Budget(OMB) Circular 07-05 (pdf 158k)

    "This is a courtesy copy of this rule. The official version is available from LexisNexis, the publisher of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.). Should there be any discrepancies between this courtesy copy and the official versions, the official version shall govern."

To view the PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available for free at our State Adobe Access Page.

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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
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  Last Updated:  November 20, 2008