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Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center

Welcome to the ABRFC Archives

The ABRFC archive is where data generally older than a couple of weeks may be found. The archive content is similar to the current data available on other links on the ABRFC web. Forecasts, hydrometeorological discussions, precipitation products and other data are available. The archive starts in 1994 and runs through the present. In the early years, some data may be missing as a result of system changes, disk failures, or the fact that some product types are newer and weren't created then. If the data cannot be found on the archive pages, the ABRFC probably doesn't have it.

Use the ABRFC Archive Browser to find products. You need to specify the month, year and the product type (or "all products" to see what's available). You can also narrow your search with a range of dates (e.g. from the 3rd of the month to the 5th), or with a simple, single keyword search (e.g. "DDC" or "FFGSGF"). All ABRFC archive data is stored with a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date/time stamp in the filename.

On April 15, 2002, ABRFC changed the location of its current and archive data:
  • Current data is still available via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Please email us for the new login information.
  • Archive data is no longer available via FTP, but can still be obtained. To simulate an FTP capability, ABRFC has developed a sample script using PERL for downloading multiple files from ABRFC's HTTP server. If you cannot run this script, or need only a few files, you can save files individually by browsing the archive.
  • If you have a strong need/desire to access our archive data via FTP, please email us so we can document the need for this service.

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National Weather Service
Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center
Page last modified: April 11, 2002
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