University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension Publications

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2009 Beef Cattle Report, MP92
2009 compilation of articles on University of Nebraska-Lincoln beef cattle research on cow/calf production, feeding, beef feedlot, and beef products, including a number of articles related to feeding distillers grains.

Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows: A Tool for Managing the Nutrition Program for Beef Herds, EC281
Body condition scores describe the relative fatness of a cow based on a nine-point scale and can be used to evaluate the nutritional status of a herd.

Hoop Barns for Beef Cattle, AED50
One of six booklets in a series from the Midwest Plan Service, Hoop Barns for Beef Cattle, discusses hoop barns as a low-cost, efficient solution and addresses topics including when to consider hoop barns, hoop barn management, using hoop barns for beef operations, designing and erecting hoop barns, environment and ventilation, bedding and manure handling, and example layouts.

Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship (LPES) Curriculum, LPES
The nationally developed and piloted LPES (Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship) Curriculum from the Midwest Plan Service comprises 26 lessons on environmentally sound manure management, which includes a complete learning system featuring the latest science-based, peer-reviewed information with lessons that are easily adapted to state and regional need for use in classrooms, workshops, and self-study.

Managing Feedlot Heat Stress, G1409
This NebGuide discusses recommendations designed to help feedlots manage cattle during times of heat stress.

Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports 1996-2009, MP100
Table of contents that links to annual Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports from 1996 to 2009 and annual report summaries for 2001 to 2009.


Beef Cattle Share Lease Agreements, EC841
Cattle share leases are often used to share the revenue and expenses associated with a cow-calf enterprise among multiple parties. Find out how to determine the proportion of expenses incurred by the lessor and lessee, as well as key guidelines to consider when establishing a cattle share lease arrangements.

Nebraska Cattle Budgets, EC857
This resource includes an Excel® spreadsheet and instructions for using it to develop cattle budgets for cow-calf, cattle backgrounding and cattle feeding operations.


Feeding High Moisture Corn, G100
Feeding high moisture corn can be advantageous but must be harvested and stored correctly, as indicated in this publication.

Grazing Crop Residues with Beef Cattle, EC278
Extending the grazing season by using crop residues, of which Nebraska has an abundance available, is one option in feeding beef cattle.

Nebraska Beef Report Summaries 2009, G425
Brief synopses of UNL beef research

Nitrates in Livestock Feeding, G1779
This publication describes symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment of nitrate poisoning in livestock.

Understanding and Using a Feed Analysis Report, G1892
This NebGuide provides tips on how to interpret and use a feed analysis report.


Beef Export Verification Programs: What Should Cattle Producers Do?, G1637
Beef eligible for export will need to meet the requirements of USDA's Beef Export Verification Program.

Hedging and Basis Considerations For Fed Cattle Livestock Risk Protection Insurance, EC834
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Insurance for fed cattle is a price-risk management tool. Producers can use LRP to protect against declines in their own cash sales price while still benefiting from price increases.

Hedging and Basis Considerations For Feeder Cattle Livestock Rick Protection Insurance, EC835
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Insurance is a price-risk management tool. Learn how feeder cattle producers can use it to protect against declines in their cash sales price while while still benefiting from price increases.

Interpretation of the USDA Cattle on Feed Report, EC850
This extension circular discusses the U.S. Cattle on Feed Report, a monthly publication that reports data on the number of cattle in U.S. feedlots.

Livestock Gross Margin Insurance for Cattle, G1641
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)insurance provides protection against a decline in the cattle feeding margin by simultaneously hedging the input costs of corn and feeder cattle and the fed cattle selling price as a bundled option. This insurance policy is available for both calf finishing and yearling finishing operations.

Livestock Gross Margin Insurance: A Self-Study Guide, EC848
This self-study guide is designed to provide cattle and swine producers, insurance agents, and educators with information regarding USDA's Risk Management Agency's Livestock Gross Margin program.

Livestock Risk Protection Insurance, G1723
This NebFact discusses Livestock Risk Protection insurance available to feeder and fed cattle producers and swine producers.

Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: A Self-Study Guide, EC839
This self-study guide provides livestock producers, insurance agents, and educators with information about USDA Risk Management Agency’s Livestock Risk Protection program.

Nebraska's Cattle Feeding Industry: Size, Structure and Related Industries, EC847
This publication provides information on the size, scope and structure of Nebraska's cattle feeding industry.


Feedlot Abandonment, G1293
An abandoned animal feeding facility is a significant threat to the environment. Procedures to minimize the risk are discussed.

Understanding Beef Carcass Contest Information, G1431
This NebGuide explains how to interpret data from beef carcass evaluations.