University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension Publications

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Pesticides, General


Pesticide Laws and Regulations, G479
General information on federal and state laws and regulations regarding pesticide use in Nebraska.

Pesticides and the Endangered Species Protection Program, G1893
This NebGuide discusses the Endangered Species Protection Program and its role in the use of pesticides.


Cleaning Pesticide Application Equipment, G1770
How to safely clean sprayers, nozzles and other equipment thoroughly after spraying pesticides is covered in this NebGuide.

Fumigating Farm-stored Grain with Aluminum Phosphide, EC2508
This publication provides direction to farmers who have a private pesticide applicator license and want to control pests through fumigation.

Managing the Risk of Pesticide Poisoning and Understanding the Signs and Symptoms, EC2505
Accidental exposure or overexposure to pesticides can have serious health implications. Being able to recognize common pesticide poisonings and knowing what to do when pesticide poisoning occurs can prevent serious consequenses.

Protective Clothing and Equipment for Pesticide Applicators, G758
Wearing protective clothing and equipment (PPE) when handling pesticides reduces the risk of exposure and pesticide poisoning.

Rinsing Pesticide Containers, G1736
Proper rinsing of pesticide containers is important in protecting the environment, saving money and meeting federal and state regulations.

Safe Transport, Storage and Disposal of Pesticides, EC2507
Most accidental pesticide poisonings occur when pesticides are mishandled. Find out how to safely store and handle pesticides, and learn the best ways to dispose of both product and containers.

Spray Drift of Pesticides, G1773
Conditions that cause particle drift, and best practices of spraying are discussed in this NebGuide.

Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides, G1219
The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) protects agricultural employees from exposure to agricultural pesticides. Find out whether as an employer you are covered or exempt from the WPS and learn how to comply with it.