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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

How Scientists Study Volcanoes

Volcano Observatories

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Volcano Hazards Program Website
To study active volcanism, the U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program depends principally on the research and monitoring conducted at five permanent installations: the Hawaiian, Cascades, Alaska, Long Valley, and Yellowstone Volcano Observatories. Each observatory provides continuous and periodic monitoring of the seismicity, other geophysical changes, ground movements, gas chemistry, and hydrologic conditions and activity between and during eruptions. They also provide a detailed record of eruptions in progress. These observations serve to characterize eruptive behavior, identify the nature of precursory activity leading to eruption, define the processes by which different types of deposits are emplaced, and specify the hazards that could be unleashed by each kind of eruption. From direct observation of precursory signs, it is possible to anticipate eruptions. Underlying all observatory operations is an ongoing program of fundamental research in volcanic processes, supplemented by collaborative studies conducted at other USGS centers. Such research typically includes direct interpretation of the monitoring and eruption data, and it leads to formulation of conceptual models that can be tested by theoretical or laboratory simulations of volcanic systems.
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Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Website
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO)
HVO is the U.S. Geological Survey's oldest such facility, founded in 1912 by Thomas A. Jaggar and run continuously by the USGS since 1948 (Heliker and others, 1986). It is located on the summit of Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, on the Island of Hawaii. With the frequent eruptions at Kilauea and nearby Mauna Loa, HVO is a training ground for most of the volcanologists at the USGS. Many volcano-monitoring techniques used worldwide were originally developed at HVO, which is a testing ground for new techniques and instruments. The existence of HVO gave the USGS the unique capability of responding to activity at other U.S. volcanoes. When Mount St. Helens reawakened in March 1980, the USGS was well prepared to respond to the crisis. Scientists who had previously deciphered the volcanic history of Mount St. Helens, together with HVO alumni, quickly assembled to monitor the seismic activity and steam explosions. All worked together with the many agencies and public officials who were anxious to know when and if a large eruption was going to occur and what hazards it might create. Guided by USGS information, public officials designated zones of restricted access, and the loss of life from the May 18th eruption was thereby minimized, even though the timing of this event could not be precisely predicted.
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Cascades Volcano Observatory HomePage
Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO)
After the devastating explosive eruption in 1980, the Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO), in Vancouver, Washington, was founded and staffed with hydrologists, geologists, geochemists, and geophysicists (Brantley and Topinka, 1984). The observatory quickly broke new ground in its study of the ongoing eruption cycle at Mount St. Helens. In mapping and interpreting the origin of the deposits of the May 18 eruption, scientists had the unique advantage of direct observation of the landslides, eruption, and volcanic debris flows. Monitoring the growth of the lava dome in the crater of Mount St. Helens resulted in accurate predictions, 1 to 3 days in advance, of 16 out of 17 dome-building eruptions-an unprecedented feat in the young science of volcanology.
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Alaska Volcano Observatory Website
Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO)
In 1988, the USGS added a third volcano observatory, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska, to expand and coordinate existing monitoring of the many active volcanoes along the Alaska Peninsula and in the Aleutian Islands. Many international flightpaths lie directly over Alaska, and the frequent eruptions of these volcanoes pose a serious hazard to aircraft far downwind. Study of Alaskan eruptions also provides more frequent opportunities to study volcanic activity similar to that of the less frequently active Cascade Range volcanoes.
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Long Valley Volcano Observatory Website
Long Valley Observatory (LVO)
In May 1980, just 1 week after the eruption at Mount St. Helens, a strong earthquake swarm occurred at Long Valley, California, site of a huge eruption of silicic magma about 700,000 years ago. The most recent volcanic activity in the area resulted in the formation of lava domes 550 years ago, accompanied by phreatic explosions that blanketed much of eastern California and western Nevada with volcanic ash (Bailey and others, 1976; Miller, 1985). Following the 1980 earthquakes, the USGS began monitoring Long Valley by setting up an observatory-like project operated from the USGS center in Menlo Park, California. Studies conducted since 1980 have documented almost 2 feet of uplift of the ground within the Long Valley Caldera and have accurately located earthquakes occurring as swarms in and around the caldera, the most recent of which took place in 1990 and 1991. The work at Long Valley is designed to monitor and interpret the current unrest and to make forecasts of any activity that might occur. Thus, the Long Valley project effectively constitutes a fourth volcano observatory in function and responsibilities, if not in name. The largest possible volcanic event at Long Valley, a catastrophic explosive eruption associated with renewed caldera collapse, is also the most difficult to forecast because of the long time interval between such eruptions and the absence of historically documented large caldera-forming eruptions anywhere in the world (see Newhall and Dzurisin, 1988).
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Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Website
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO)
The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) was created as a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Yellowstone National Park, and University of Utah to strengthen the long-term monitoring of volcanic and earthquake unrest in the Yellowstone National Park region. Yellowstone is the site of the largest and most diverse collection of natural thermal features in the world and the first National Park. YVO is one of the five USGS Volcano Observatories that monitor volcanoes within the United States for science and public safety.

Taking A Volcano's Pulse

The USGS volcano observatories have the following goals in common:

  • Research directed toward understanding volcanic processes and products.
  • Evaluation of the ongoing hazards posed by the active volcanoes.
  • Delivery of warnings to public officials regarding these hazards.

To realize these goals, it is necessary to conduct visual and instrumental monitoring of volcanic activity. Monitored changes common to each volcano include the following:

Seismicity -- Earthquakes commonly provide the earliest warning of volcanic unrest, and earthquake swarms immediately precede most volcanic eruptions.

Ground Movements -- Geodetic networks are set up to measure the changing shape of the volcano surface caused by the pressure of magma moving underground. Techniques commonly used include electronic distance measurement using a laser light source (EDM); measurement of tilt, both electronically and by repeated leveling of triangular arrays; and standard leveling surveys to obtain elevation changes. Additionally, very simple and inexpensive techniques, such as measuring crack openings using a steep tape, or noting changes in water level around a crater lake, have proven useful in certain situations. Upward and outward movement of the ground above a magma storage area commonly occurs before eruption. Localized ground displacement on steep volcanoes may indicate slope instability precursory to mass failure.

Geophysical Properties -- Changes in electrical conductivity, magnetic field strength, and the force of gravity also trace magma movement. These measurements may respond to magma movement even when no earthquakes or measurable ground deformation occurs.

Gas Geochemistry -- Changes in fumarole gas composition, or in the emission rate of SO2 and other gases, may be related to variation in magma supply rate, change in magma type, or modifications in the pathways of gas escape induced by magma movement.

Hydrologic Regime -- Changes in ground water temperature or level, rates of streamflow and transport of stream sediment, lake levels, and snow and ice accumulation are recorded to evaluate (1) the role of ground water in generating eruptions, (2) the potential hazards when hot, energetic volcanic products interact with snow, ice, and surface streams, and (3) the long-term hazard of infilling of river channels leading to increased flood potential.

Reconstructing a Volcano's History

Direct observations of volcanoes before, during, and after eruptions are essential to understanding a volcano's current behavior. The following studies complement information gained from monitoring and allow specification of the entire history of activity at a given volcano or volcanic field.

Geologic Mapping -- Geologic mapping places layered and more irregular deposits in the proper stratigraphic order and establishes their thickness and areal extent (and thus volume). Field descriptions of stratigraphic units are used to classify deposits and interpret the type of eruption that produced them. Mapping of ash deposits is used to correlate widely separated stratigraphic sections associated with a given volcano. Dating of ash layers is especially valuable to bracket ages of other, less extensive, deposits in individual stratigraphic sections.

Dating -- Dating of deposits establishes the time intervals in which eruptions or hydrologic events occurred. Techniques commonly used for young deposits are:

Carbon-14 -- This technique is used where eruptions overlie or incorporate vegetation or organic-rich soil and the carbon-bearing material is preserved.

Tree Rings -- Traumatic injuries to trees are represented by interruption or distortion of growth rings. In some cases, the season in which the event occurred can be specified based on knowledge of the yearly cycles of tree-ring growth.

Paleomagnetism -- In some areas, it has been possible to calibrate yearly changes in the position of the Earth's magnetic pole over the past several hundreds or thousands of years. In such cases the magnetic directions preserved in a series of eruptive deposits may be used to specify their approximate age.

Understanding Volcanic and Hydrologic Processes

Direct observation of volcanic and hydrologic events gives important but incomplete insights into the nature of volcano hazards. The following topics represent some of the avenues pursued to gain a fuller understanding of volcanic processes that control hazardous events.

Numerical Modeling -- Numerical modeling is used to test our understanding of physical processes, and hazard predictions can eventually be made on the basis of modeled events. Volcano-related processes amenable to modeling include (1) the gravity-driven flow of lava, hot pyroclastic debris, landslide debris, water-saturated mixtures of mud and rock, and water floods; (2) the dispersal of volcanic ash plumes and thickness of ash accumulation on the ground; (3) the development of eruption- or landslide-induced waves; (4) the time of occurrence and magnitude of outbreak floods from lakes dammed by volcanic debris; and (5) the flow of groundwater and the dynamics of hydrothermal systems.

Experimental Research -- Experimental research is necessary to model volcanic processes that can not be studied directly or safely in the field or are too complicated to model numerically. Experiments can be designed to simulate volcanic conditions and infer possible consequences of volcanic activity. For example, a gelatin mold injected with a colored fluid mimics patterns of subsurface magma movement. Specially designed flumes simulate the properties of dense slurries and help scientists to better understand the development and movement of debris flows. Other topics, such as the origin of magmas by melting in the Earth's mantle, and their subsequent crystallization, can be studied by a combination of laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, and interpretation of chemical variation in erupted lavas.

Excerpts taken from Wright and Pierson, 1992, Living with Volcanoes, The U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1073, and the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Website, 2006, with some wording updated.

Learn More

  • Information for Future Volcanologists
    Information and suggestions for becoming a volcanologist, Volcanology is a very young and exciting career, Most volcanologists have strong backgrounds

  • Questions and Answers on Career Planning
    FAQ's on types of careers and courses of study, including types of careers available, type of educational background needed, what types of classes to take, undergraduate and graduate work ... includes answers taken from four major universities in Washington and Oregon

  • Where Could I Go to Graduate School To Study Volcanology?
    List of various Universities and Colleges with programs in (or related to) volcanology, with links to their websites. This list is not inclusive. Information was provided by the individual Schools or Departments in response to a query on the "Volcano ListServe". The USGS and CVO make no endorsement of any of these programs or courses. If you wish your College or University program listed please contact the CVO webmaster.

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04/24/08, Lyn Topinka