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The Orchid Collection

orchid imageThe Smithsonian Horticulture Services Division strives to cultivate an extremely diverse array of orchids from all over the world. With close to 10,000 plants in our collection, new acquisitions are selected carefully each year based on their display quality, educational value, beauty, rarity and how they complement our present collection.

The collection is especially well represented in New World Genera such as Cattleya, Encyclia, Laelia, Brassavola, Epidendrum, Isochilus and Sobralia as well as Maxillaria, Lycaste, Oncidium, Brassia, Miltoniopsis and a wide array of Pleurothallids.

Australian and Asian species of Dendrobium and Bulbophyllum / Cirrhopetalum are another area of specialty. A fine collection of specimen-size Phalaenopsis species and hybrids are maintained in uniquely designed baskets which allow the plants to grow in a more naturalistic fashion. Other Sarcanthine orchids include a large and varied group of Vanda and Ascocenda hybrids and a significant selection of African Angraecoids many of which are quite rare in cultivation.

Arguably, the best plants are the collection of Paphiopedilum species and selected hybrids. Many fine examples of Slipper orchid species have been grown into larger specimens since the plants are not divided unless it becomes necessary. Therefore there are many large specimens of a wide range of genera that are spectacular when they are in bloom.

All images on this page are part of the Horticulture Services Division Collection from the Archives of American Gardens
Educational Materials

orchid in a pot Click here to learn more about orchids, their habitats, and flowers through the educational materials provided.

Orchids Highlights

There is always something interesting in bloom in the Smithsonian Orchid Collection.... and we love to display these plants for everyone to enjoy. We hope you'll have a chance to see our exhibits in person, but for many that is an impossibility. Therefore we are using this space to showcase our most beautiful and fascinating orchids to all who might be interested in them. This will also be a venue in which to show off plants that might not be suitable for exhibition (too miniature, too delicate or finicky, or extremely rare) but are still of interest to both the amateur and connoisseur. We hope you enjoy looking through our selection of 'Greenhouse Stars' as much as we enjoy sharing them with you.
Vanda and Ascocentrum Hybrids

Vanda and Ascocentrum Hybrids Among the most successful of Orchid hybrids are the Ascocendas, a man-made genus combining the large, flat and well presented flowers of Vanda species
with the smaller but intensely colored Ascocentrums.
Miss Joaquim
Vanda (Papilionanthe) teres x hookeri

Vanda Miss JoaquimAs new orchids bloom, there are invariably a few that take our breath away. This section will feature our pick of the most special orchids. It may be a huge, well bloomed specimen of something well known, an especially nice form of species or hybrid, or something so bizarre or so rare that only we would grow it (well, maybe YOU would grow it too!)


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