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Submit Your Success Story

Are you using the Family Bookbag? We’d like to share your story!

Please fill out the following information and tell us in 300 words or less, how you are using the Family Bookbag, who you are using it with, what your favorite lesson, book, and/or activity are, and what you consider to be your greatest success. Filling our this form gives us your permission to use your story on the Family Bookbag Web site.


Job title:*

E-mail Address:*

Mailing Address:*

Telephone #:

Fax #:

Tell us your success story (in 300 words or less)*

*Denotes required field.

©2005 the Eat Healthy. Play Hard. Read More. Family Bookbag Program is
an MSU Extension, Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Program
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