
What Every DOI Employee Needs to Know: Guidance for Departing Federal Executives

Records Management is the planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting and other managerial activities involving the life cycle of information, including creation, maintenance (use, storage, retrieval) and disposal, regardless of media.

As a Federal employee, you will be creating and using Federal government records. They may be in many formats: paper, electronic, audio-visual, maps, etc. Records document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations and other activities of the Agency.

There are rules governing the use and destruction of all Federal records. It is your responsibility to protect Federal records in your custody, and there are legal implications for destroying records without the proper authority. Following good records management practices can benefit the Agency in many ways such as: improving access to information, saving time, space and money.

Keys to good filing practices are filing only what you need to file, filing it in a way that facilitates access and disposition, and doing it consistently. The answers to the following questions will help you gain a better understanding of your responsibilities.

Helpful hints and tips for managing the records that you are responsible for:

DOI Records Management Program

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Last Updated on 06/20/07