Environment News

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15/1 - As Politicians Stall, Grassroots Fills Void, Inter Press Service  
15/1 - Norway: Obituary: Arne Næss, Guardian  
15/1 - Larger oil-shale leases offered, Denver Post  
15/1 - Burning Desire, Pittsburgh City Paper  
15/1 - E.P.A. Pick Vows to Put Science First, New York Times  
15/1 - One Billion Cars And Counting, National Public Radio  
15/1 - US business giants demand emissions cap | Report, Business Green  
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Earth Blog

Highlighting Severity of Ecological Crises & Rigorous Biocentric Responses
Heathrow Airport Climate Protests Creative, Effective
Aviation causes climate changeCoinciding with expected government approval of a third runway at Heathrow airport [ark | more\ark] near London, in recent days protesters dressed as Edwardian era protesters and ate cake and drank champagne [ark] in the airline terminals to emulate the civilized Suffragette movement protests. And they have just made the surprise announcement that they have bought land where the new runway would run...  
Earth’s Leading Climate Change Portal Turns 10 Years Old
Climate Ark turns 10 years old(Seattle, WA) -- The Climate Ark Climate Change Portal at http://www.climateark.org/ turned ten years old this New Year. Tens of millions of users have and continue to enjoy the Internet's best climate search, news feeds, blogging and action alerts. Ecological Internet has been campaigning for sufficient climate policies and been a critic of global environmental policy since Al Gore...  
Geoengineering a Biosphere: Stupid, Dangerous and Doomed to Failure
Geoengineering is stupid, dangerous and doomed to failureSerious consideration is being given to the mad proposition of engineering the biosphere as a solution to climate change [ark]. Technological pseudo-scientific proposals for humans to engineer atmospheric processes are dubbed "geoengineering" [search] and generally seek to either reflect solar radiation or absorb greenhouse gases. They include such shortsighted, ill-conceived and risky ideas as mass release of aerosols into the atmosphere...  
Bush's Last Climate Obstruction Hurrah Must Not Stop Obama
Endangered polar bears need protection from climate changeIt is reported President Bush is closing off some of President-Elect Obama's immediate climate policy alternatives [ark] with last minute "midnight" environmental regulations. These include barring the Environmental Protection Agency from considering the effects of climate change on protected species [search], and forbidding the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act [search]. These are avenues Obama could have...  
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